MA State Police visit after online ammo purchase

Sounds great, what a plan, that's why I asked everyone to please post what and where you're getting everything from. LOL.

You didn't have to ask, most people cannot help themselves and offer it up anyways. I have found in life that many people that get in trouble would not have gotten in trouble if they had just kept their mouth shut.
CMP order once went right to the local Shaws. “1000 rds CCI 9mm” right in plain view behind the customer service desk. Sat there for days. Frail old Karen had to lift it up to carry it to the desk for me to grab. It was awesome.
You didn't have to ask, most people cannot help themselves and offer it up anyways. I have found in life that many people that get in trouble would not have gotten in trouble if they had just kept their mouth shut.
My dad used to say,
”keep your mouth shut & nobody will know how stupid you are”

also used to tell my sister, “ you must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle”
Haha if my Sheriff or even the Highway Patrol (that’s what they are in NC)… they would probably show up with the package then ask WTF you ordering .38 special for what are you a cowboy! What a waste of police resources… if only they hit the hood hard and patrolled and the courts locked up the “LTC” holders of the inner city.
My UPS driver asks me to come to the back of her truck to "help her" with my "big heavy package", but I always tell her no, sorry, I'm a married man.

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Dude - she doesn't want you meat-rocket. She's got them thin spindly arms. She can't lift shit. Sheesh. She can squat a lot but can't get the package onto her back to perform them.

Also - do you really want to be with a chick with fingers that long. Think how small Mr. Willy will look while she's holding him.

And she's currently about 52 years old. Damn. I think that's one of the first internet images. LOL
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