Marlboro, MA Gun & Knife Show Sept. 23/24, 2006

I've said before that if we could ever get that going...

I would sell it at the show...

Hell, we might even be able to get a booth. I bet it would sell pretty quick...

And if we brought a few laptops and they had wireless, we could have the board up at the show for people to check out. LOL!
A week to go and I can't wait. I'm starting to get the itch to fondle rifles that are way outa my price range and am yearning for the treasure rifle or pistol that I find that I didn't expect to. Plus ammo, accessories, and whatever else like jerky for example that take up my hard earned cash.
OK, so I have to work at WORK on Saturday.

So I'm not going to be working the show on Saturday, but if you're going to the show on Sunday, then I'll see you there. As I'll be working the table on Sunday.
I'll be working the table on Saturday. :-)
Well, now work has changed plans on me. We're working on Sunday. Stoney is working on Saturday.

So, I was under the impression that I wasn't working the Show now on Saturday.

Wife made plans now that I was supposed to be home...

So, I'm not even going to be able to go to this show at all. [sad2]

I'm pretty bummed out. This has not been my year for shooting sports or get togethers...
Well, now work has changed plans on me. We're working on Sunday. Stoney is working on Saturday.

So, I was under the impression that I wasn't working the Show now on Saturday.

Wife made plans now that I was supposed to be home...

So, I'm not even going to be able to go to this show at all. [sad2]

I'm pretty bummed out. This has not been my year for shooting sports or get togethers...

You and me both, brother... [sad]
Better than Spring?

For those of you who frequent gun shows in MA (I've only been to 2 so far), is this one of the better shows? Is it usually better (more guns and ammo than accessories?) than the spring version in Marlboro?
Thor... I hit em all because you never know what you'll find. The Wilmington show I think is tops for ammo, but this is the first official show of the season so there should be some goodies to be found. Ammo will be there in doors btw.
Thor... I hit em all because you never know what you'll find. The Wilmington show I think is tops for ammo, but this is the first official show of the season so there should be some goodies to be found. Ammo will be there in doors btw.

There will be no more Wilmington gun shows!

I posted the story here before, so a search should turn it up.
Anyone else here NOT get a flyer despite filling out the door prize
cards numerous times? I seem to never get any in the mail.

The only flyer I ever get is the one for the lunenburg gun show. So whoever
does that, must be on the ball.

Anyone else here NOT get a flyer despite filling out the door prize
cards numerous times? I seem to never get any in the mail.

The only flyer I ever get is the one for the lunenburg gun show. So whoever
does that, must be on the ball.


I fill one out everytime and never get a flyer [thinking]
RJ, Are you going to make this one?

Sorry, I missed this a while ago. [sad]

I was coming out, but I think some other plans were made recently that may have changed it. If I come out at all, it'd be after the show for the drink/chat portion of the program.

I assume its at the same bar at the hotel again?

Anyone here try and sell/trade a firearm to one of the dealers at this show?

Do you typically get decent pricing, or is it more or less a raping?
Thor, most dealer purchases at a gun show are close to "theft".

My Lt. went to the Winter Marlboro show, looking to get an idea of value for two old guns that his Father had owned.

One of the first dealers offered him an even swap for one of the old rifles for a single-shot shotgun for his Son (who was with him), value ~$80. the dealer told him that the rifle was old, not worth much, etc. and was doing him a favor taking it off his hands for an old single-shot shotgun.

He checked with Pete Harvey (auctioneer) at the show and before he left the show he had been offered >$1K for the same rifle!!

He didn't sell, but that gives you some idea. The Lt. is a pretty sharp cookie and decided to keep both guns (the other is a genuine 1894 and value was estimated >$2500).

Best idea is put it on consignment at a reputable dealer like Four Seasons!
Is there going to be an appraiser at this show? I have a WWII M1 Garand that I would love to know its value. What is the cost in getting it appraised?
Anyone here try and sell/trade a firearm to one of the dealers at this show?

Do you typically get decent pricing, or is it more or less a raping?

Any direct dealer trades are typically a raping, with a few exceptions here
and there.

The reason being is most dealers are only looking at their cost, and what
they can do to turn it around and make 20% on it. They're obviously not
going to give you close to what the going rate is, because then they have
this gun tied up in inventory for a long time and can't get a return on their

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