Maryland AWB case Snope v Brown going to SCOTUS. (Formerly Bianchi v Brown & Bianchi v Frosh)

Not sure what the hold up is they could easily deny cert at least on the ocean state case but snope was already gvr'd already I believe either were getting one heck of a decent written from one not the justices or they will punt to 2026
Is this true did snope v brown get denied cert or is this just bullshit. I can't find anywhere other than this video that says Snope v Brown was denied cert.


It has not been denied at this point, at least not to anyone's knowledge outside of the members of the court.

I know the guy is a local 2A advocate, so I am otherwise going to reserve comment on the video and title.

Is this true did snope v brown get denied cert or is this just bullshit. I can't find anywhere other than this video that says Snope v Brown was denied cert.


I'm not even joking when I say this:

If I'm looking for the latest and greatest RKBA scoops, NES is the single most accurate source on the whole internet. Especially compared to guntubers. In the time it would have taken that guy to record his cute little video and add the splashy graphics, someone like @pastera or @Joeldiaz would have long since been here posting the real story, with cites.

Never assume the guntubers have anything right unless you've read it here first.
What's disappointing is for "constitutional justices", they should be far more concerned with the American individual's rights over State rights. To a constitutional judge the Bill of Rights should reign supreme over any State rights and when States violate the Bill of Rights these justices should strike immediately

They seem to pick and choose which part of the constitution they give states right to. Imagine if they allowed states to restrict what you could say or where you were when you said it? But its ok for a state to say which firearm you can have and what places you can have it.
You know, it dawned on me that when the whole Roe v. Wade thing came out, there were hints and rumors ahead of time, and then eventually "leaks". Where are these leakers now, when we need them?

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Consider this.

GOP is coincidently blabbing about 2A legislation. Serious or not. Being the infinite recursive wedge that DC loves ... not serious.
SCOTUS see congressional activity and says, we'll wait to see if congress is going to revise the legislation.
Delay and delay. Lots of 'see, we're doing things'.

Dirty pool.
You know, it dawned on me that when the whole Roe v. Wade thing came out, there were hints and rumors ahead of time, and then eventually "leaks". Where are these leaks now?

That leak of Dobbs was unprecedented for a draft to be leaked before the final ruling made and that was like a month before that ruling, not before it was granted cert. Also, that whole leak of Dobbs never got concluded as to who did it because the leaker was the Chief Justice himself, who was also the investigator.

Roberts has been a pro 2A SCOTUS justice, but when it comes to cases with major impact he is very flexible and as others here have said Snope is the next step to challenging the NFA, which would be on par with Obamacare if any of it was challenged and overturned. That may be too messy for Queen Roberts and anti-MAGA Republicans like Roberts don't like messy.

Of course Roberts is just one of the six non Democrats on the court, so what's the deal with the other five? I'm not all that certain what goes on in Kavanaugh or Gorsuch's head, I know before the Donks made a spectacle with Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings that it didn't seem like he was a particularly good choice and so far he's not a stand out member of the court. Gorsuch has been pretty strong 2A, but he draws a line on machine guns, however I don't think he looks further ahead than the case at hand, so unless he thinks all assault weapons are machine guns I think he is in favor of granting cert to Snope.

From all I've seen the weakest link is Barrett. Like Roberts, she's a post menopausal woman, but the decisions she's made since 2020 I have come to figure that she is being groomed to be the next Chief Justice and Roberts with his scheming to preserve his legacy is having a negative effect on Barrett.

All the hopes people have that the court will improve once Roberts is gone are going to be mighty disappointed in 8-12 years when he retires only for Barrett to take his place.
Colorado is on the verge of enacting a ban on almost all semi-automatic firearms. Pistols rifles and shotguns. This is where we are all headed eventually if SCOTUS doesn't step in and end it. I can't fathom they don't see what's happening in these states that are ignoring the Constitution and SCOTUS' previous rulings.
Colorado is on the verge of enacting a ban on almost all semi-automatic firearms. Pistols rifles and shotguns. This is where we are all headed eventually if SCOTUS doesn't step in and end it. I can't fathom they don't see what's happening in these states that are ignoring the Constitution and SCOTUS' previous rulings.
SCOTUS must believe that in the states the people have the right to elect their reps who make the laws, so why should they come in and say the people are wrong? Of course, it's not so much the People who voted for the government, it's the majority and the majority is saying that minority (who owns most of the guns) have to be disarmed.

I think it's becoming clear that John Roberts cares only about his legacy, nothing more and if guns have to be banned in all the Blue states, so be it.


Sadly, machine guns are uncommon because of the NFA.
There was a time when an M16 was $236. The tax stamp doubled that price making people opt for the non FA version.
Then the 1986 ban.
IMHO FA would be common if not for those barriers put up by the gov.
Certainly a catch 22

And to add fuel to the fire, there's this!
Colorado is on the verge of enacting a ban on almost all semi-automatic firearms. Pistols rifles and shotguns. This is where we are all headed eventually if SCOTUS doesn't step in and end it. I can't fathom they don't see what's happening in these states that are ignoring the Constitution and SCOTUS' previous rulings.

Newsflash: No new news. 🤣
“Everything old is new again”
SCOTUS must believe that in the states the people have the right to elect their reps who make the laws, so why should they come in and say the people are wrong? Of course, it's not so much the People who voted for the government, it's the majority and the majority is saying that minority (who owns most of the guns) have to be disarmed.

I think it's becoming clear that John Roberts cares only about his legacy, nothing more and if guns have to be banned in all the Blue states, so be it.
If this were true, why are the cases still alive? I feel as though nothing is normal about these cases or the court in recent times. In the grand scheme of how the legal process works, we should not have long to wait to find out.
The fact that the Blue States will continue to ignore aside.......a decision in this case favoring our side means the end of ALL semi-auto bans including the AW bans. So wondering if Roberts gets weak here is not an unreasonable thought. Barrett hasn't been fully reliable as well.
If Amy and John get weak knees and deny cert, can a 2A friendly majority in Congress pass a new law decreeing that ARs and standard capacity mags are AOK across the land? I know there aren't enough to get it passed but still ... is that one to override a bad SCOTUS opinion?
If this were true, why are the cases still alive? I feel as though nothing is normal about these cases or the court in recent times. In the grand scheme of how the legal process works, we should not have long to wait to find out.
They're waiting until the last minute or if some major breaking news event happens before the last minute that distracts everyone and people don't find out until like a week or two after.

I was convinced weeks ago we weren't getting any word on cert or denial until Friday night, like the usual Democrat document dumps because that's when everyone is out of town and nobody is focused on anything.
They're waiting until the last minute or if some major breaking news event happens before the last minute that distracts everyone and people don't find out until like a week or two after.

Exactly! this argument can be made for the case going either way. clearly it is game being played, and ask yourself what would create more outrage from the majority, Granting or denying??
Exactly! this argument can be made for the case going either way. clearly it is game being played, and ask yourself what would create more outrage from the majority, Granting or denying??
Granting can go either way tho because they could uphold the laws. I mean, I can see them upholding Snope to protect the NFA, but the magazine bans I don't think they would.

Denying would only anger the right because we know with Bruen and Heller there is no argument for an AWB of any firearm that is not a machine gun.
Granting can go either way tho because they could uphold the laws. I mean, I can see them upholding Snope to protect the NFA, but the magazine bans I don't think they would.

Denying would only anger the right because we know with Bruen and Heller there is no argument for an AWB of any firearm that is not a machine gun.
To protect the NFA all that is needed it to not take a NFA case and let current things stand or just kick the can down the road. They can still decide Snopes, a challenge to the NFA could take 10 years, just look at the gap between Heller and Bruen

Denying would surely anger the right in the blue states, and we all know that is no Majority, all the red states will sit back and say how they don't understand how we can live here and then go buy whether want. Granting will make liberal heads explode and that is sure to make the news, I doubt denying will make much news
If Amy and John get weak knees and deny cert, can a 2A friendly majority in Congress pass a new law decreeing that ARs and standard capacity mags are AOK across the land? I know there aren't enough to get it passed but still ... is that one to override a bad SCOTUS opinion?
It only takes 4 justices to grant cert, so it would take more than "Amy and John." But as a practical matter, unless either side is reasonably certain they can put together a majority, the Court won't take a case unless they are forced to by something like a conflict in the circuits.

If U.S. statute was passed forcing overriding state laws on magazine capacity and scary looking guns, it would raise a separation of powers issue under that pesky Tenth Amendment. The same analysis which struck down the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 would apply, meaning that the same circuits which are upholding "assault weapon" bans would strike down the new statute. Yet another petition for cert would follow, and based on my own "reading" of the court, it would be even less likely to be granted than for Snope.
I just don't get it. My understanding of a GVA is that SCOTUS is telling the Circuit to go back and change their decision after considering things.

In this case, SCOTUS GVA'ed Snopes and told them to reconsider taking the Bruen decision into account. Clearly, the Circuit didn't do that and they basically ruled the same, even going so far as to almost copying their previous decision word for word. The Circuit essentially told SCOTUS to f*** off and that their interpretation is better and much more correct than SCOTUS.

I can't imagine SCOTUS wanting to let stand a Circuit thumbing their nose at them and telling them that their decision is so much better and more correct than SCOTUS.
I just don't get it. My understanding of a GVA is that SCOTUS is telling the Circuit to go back and change their decision after considering things.
Not exactly. It states that the grounds the lower court used to make the decision were no longer valid and to take into account the Supreme Court's rulings in the interim.
In this case, SCOTUS GVA'ed Snopes and told them to reconsider taking the Bruen decision into account. Clearly, the Circuit didn't do that and they basically ruled the same, even going so far as to almost copying their previous decision word for word. The Circuit essentially told SCOTUS to f*** off and that their interpretation is better and much more correct than SCOTUS.
You are telling us you didn't read the 4th circuit opinion without telling us you didn't read it. It mentions Bruen over 200 times. Whether you agree or disagree with their reasoning, they did at least pay lip service to the case in reaching the same conclusion -- that "appellants have failed to demonstrate that the weapon is suitable for self-defense" and "such a showing would be difficult to make."

To put it bluntly I feel that's USDA Grade A #1 Pferdescheiße. But equally bluntly, my opinion of the 4th circuit decision means squat, as does your opinion and everyone else who posts on social media on the subject. The people whose decision do matter will tell us on Monday, and if it was as clear cut as you seem to think it was, we wouldn't be waiting this long.
I just don't get it. My understanding of a GVA is that SCOTUS is telling the Circuit to go back and change their decision after considering things.

In this case, SCOTUS GVA'ed Snopes and told them to reconsider taking the Bruen decision into account. Clearly, the Circuit didn't do that and they basically ruled the same, even going so far as to almost copying their previous decision word for word. The Circuit essentially told SCOTUS to f*** off and that their interpretation is better and much more correct than SCOTUS.

I can't imagine SCOTUS wanting to let stand a Circuit thumbing their nose at them and telling them that their decision is so much better and more correct than SCOTUS.
SCOTUS decisions have no teeth. They are always stepped on and nothing is ever done. NY makes a joke out of Bruen and nothing was done. Even mAss created more unconstitutional laws.

Permits need to fuk off, and people have a right to carry in ALL states/public places. AWB bans, mags etc GTFO... Thats what needs to come out of SCOTUS.

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