Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

it would make it very simple to deny law enforcement legally acquiring weapons in this state, wouldn't it?

could you envision manufacturers not selling to a state-run ffl if such a thing existed?
If memory serves me right, and it usually doesn't these days, a ammo manufacturer did that to NYPD's a few years back. One of these guys will know.
We’re an ultra-minority in this state and should accept allies wherever we can, especially the people on the ground who will be tasked with enforcing this BS

But if they carve out an exemption I hope everyone fights it with the same vigor as the actual legislation, by any means necessary.
I wonder if there be any FFLs or ranges (commercial) left in MA if this passes in its entirety.
Yes there will be exactly the range the Fudds want without having to cater to any other type of guns or shooting. Only Skeet, Trap and the other shot gun type sport shooting. Only over under or semiautomatic shot guns that can only hold 3 rounds and 3 round pump guns. They could take most of the other ranges and turn them into Trap and Skeet fields and have a rifle range for bolt action and single shot rifles. This new club would be a Fudds dream.
It really depends on how dumb they want to play this..... 🤣 if the temper tantrum crew is ultimately in charge of advancing this legislation I can see it remaining huge and extra dumb, on the other hand if there are a few adults in the room I can see this turd being cut up into smaller turds, possibly even ones coated with frosting.
Since it will most likely pass in some form, it is best for us if it is in its current 100% feces form in order to expedite and simplify the inevitable injunctions.
Here’s the summary Rep. Day is providing to all the Representatives at his “ briefings” today and yesterday. Take note that his bill that is 140 pages long was condensed in an incomplete summary of 2.5 pages and given to all of the Representatives that are non the wiser. He left out vital parts to his bill. Please let your legislators know immediately. If they are using this summary to base their decisions on, they are making uninformed decisions and our civil rights hinge on it.


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Here’s the summary Rep. Day is providing to all the Representatives at his “ briefings” today and yesterday. Take note that his bill that is 140 pages long was condensed in an incomplete summary of 2.5 pages and given to all of the Representatives that are non the wiser. He left out vital parts to his bill. Please let your legislators know immediately. If they are using this summary to base their decisions on, they are making uninformed decisions and our civil rights hinge on it.
Good opportunity to inform our elected officials that they have been misled.
NPR just reported that there is an issue between house and senate on what committee should manage this but that both were “in agreement” with intent of the bill. 2 weeks left in session so the concern is they rush this thru.
Here’s the summary Rep. Day is providing to all the Representatives at his “ briefings” today and yesterday. Take note that his bill that is 140 pages long was condensed in an incomplete summary of 2.5 pages and given to all of the Representatives that are non the wiser. He left out vital parts to his bill. Please let your legislators know immediately. If they are using this summary to base their decisions on, they are making uninformed decisions and our civil rights hinge on it.
So we should email every member of the house and Senate the GOAL summary with the title MICHAEL DAY LIED TO YOU AND THINKS YOU ARE A FOOL
Yeah, if I'm a Dem state representative and one of my colleagues gives me an OfFiCiAL sUmMaRy of his new bill, but some rando from my district tells me that summary is wrong based on a leaked copy he saw on a gun forum? I'm paying no attention to that email.

I mean, go ahead and email your reps, but they're not listening. We're better off leaning on the cops to put pressure on the legislators based on how unenforceable all this is. Or? Let it go and wait for the courts to do their thing. That'd be my preference: end this, once and for all, despite the short-term pain.
Thanks @ruger71 I think this is the tool we use, both for those who've told us they'll vote for it and those who have told us they're against it to say:
1) Rep Day isn't accurately describing the implications or even the content.
2) Rep. Day is completely ignoring where these are already violations of Federal law (NFA etc.) with dire consequences for those guilty of it.
3) This will cost a# $%^8ing fortune that could be better spent in countless other ways to improve public safety and quality of life.
4) Other provisions of the proposal punish only people who already have passed background checks, pass new ones every time they buy a firearm at an FFL who had to provide their damned finger prints and photo to exercise their rights under the Federal and local regime.

And we do this to not just our reps but also with our local Chiefs and the press where we can so we can apply actual pressure.

I'm going to see my local PD on Friday.
Yeah, if I'm a Dem state representative and one of my colleagues gives me an OfFiCiAL sUmMaRy of his new bill, but some rando from my district tells me that summary is wrong based on a leaked copy he saw on a gun forum? I'm paying no attention to that email.

I mean, go ahead and email your reps, but they're not listening. We're better off leaning on the cops to put pressure on the legislators based on how unenforceable all this is. Or? Let it go and wait for the courts to do their thing. That'd be my preference: end this, once and for all, despite the short-term pain.
Solution is to not frame it as a rando emailing your rep about a leaked document. Reiterate the official text of the bill and send GOALs summary along with it. The official statement from the MACOPA will help as well.
And, I think some slightly more 'politic' communication of @Horatio_Alger_Jr 's point that Day is not accurately selling this and the people who buy what he's selling are being set up is also useful. The, charitably, inaccuracies in the summary vs the actual bill contents are an attack surface when talking about Day's advocacy.
What about FFL’s?

I presume they would be exempt?

The government can’t expect everyone to just turn everything in right?

Surely that’s not Constitutional.

This is madness.

The courts need to step in.
I expect that any entity authorized to conduct the serialization of feeding devices will refuse to do so for ANY high capacity feeding devices, regardless of claimed legality. This would result in Reptile being forced to destroy his stockpile of overpriced pre-ban mags and forego the small fortune he expects them to make for him.

So I expect to see some true outrage from Reptile.
Reply from my senator.

Dear James,
Thank you for reaching out to my office with your concerns related to HD.4420, “An Act modernizing gun laws in the Commonwealth”.
This bill has been filed in the House of Representatives by Representative Michael Day and has been assigned to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. There is no Senate version of the bill at this time. Each bill must receive a public hearing before it can be released from Committee or be subject to debate in the House of Representatives or the State Senate.
As the bill makes its way through this public process, it can be amended or changed, which could result in an entirely different bill being debated than what is currently before the Committee. As this legislative process unfolds, my staff and I are reviewing the current version of this legislation to gather a full understanding of the bill and are actively engaged in discussions with Senate colleagues. I welcome you to continue to make your voice heard as this bill makes its way through the legislative process, including by submitting written testimony to the Committee Chairs who are reviewing the bill.
As I review the bill, it would be helpful for me to hear your specific concerns around the language in the bill. Which specific section or sections of the proposed legislation may impact you directly? I always appreciate hearing from constituents on matters that they are passionate about and I rely heavily on the thoughts, opinions, ideas, lived experiences, and stories of those that live in our district to inform my actions in the Senate. I will be sure to consider the second amendment rights and the thoughts of lawful gun owners as I review this legislation, and I expect the Committee Chairs to do the same as they review the bill and before further action is taken.
Thank you again for reaching out, and please feel welcome to reach out to me going forward if I can be of assistance to you.
Yours in service,
Senator Paul R. Feeney
Massachusetts - Bristol & Norfolk District

Chair - Joint Committee on Financial Services
Vice Chair - Senate Committee on Post Audit and Oversight
Office: (617)722-1222
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PaulFeeneyMA

I'd email him the Chief of Police pdf, that summarizes it quite nicely and also has the added weight of law enforcement stating that the bill does nothing to prevent gun violence.
Here’s the summary Rep. Day is providing to all the Representatives at his “ briefings” today and yesterday. Take note that his bill that is 140 pages long was condensed in an incomplete summary of 2.5 pages and given to all of the Representatives that are non the wiser. He left out vital parts to his bill. Please let your legislators know immediately. If they are using this summary to base their decisions on, they are making uninformed decisions and our civil rights hinge on it.
Better copies


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Did you read the entire letter this chief wrote? He really hits on many of the major flaws associated with this bill which is nothing more than a temper-tantrum reaction to the Bruen decision by a bunch of power hungry communists that are in-charge right now.

“As I enter my third year as your police chief, responsible for overseeing the 123 sworn men and women who serve the more than 60,000 of you day in and day out, my duty compels me to speak up.

“I have read the relevant portions of H.D. 4420, a bill proposing a substantial rewrite of Massachusetts’ existing gun laws. Despite claims this bill attempts to stem the flow of illegal firearms into the state while increasing protection from gun violence, I see no language that would lead one to believe this rationale to be true. Instead, it appears the only thing this bill will accomplish is turning thousands of our law-abiding residents into criminals overnight.

“This bill seems more designed to invade the privacy and vandalize and confiscate the property of law-abiding citizens than it does protecting them.

“As we saw all too clearly this week in the State Forest, our issue is with criminals who have guns NOW, not those we stand to make into criminals LATER. Instead of punishing criminals
or those prohibited from possessing firearms, this bill targets lawful gun owners who are some of the most well vetted in both the Commonwealth and the entire nation.
There is nothing in this bill that mandates the judicial system enforce the laws currently in full force and effect.

“When was the last time anyone served time under Bartley-Fox? For instance, we now know attempting to shoot and murder seven people, including five police officers, will result in just five to seven years in prison.

“We recently had an incident in our community where a lawfully licensed firearm holder stopped the attempted kidnapping, and potentially worse, of a woman in a domestic violence incident.
This gentleman was a contractor working at a residence across the street. Under this bill, if this Samaritan did not have expressed written consent of the victim/homeowner to have his firearm on her premises, he would be subject to a criminal charge. The same goes for an off-duty Plymouth County Sheriff’s deputy who saved countless lives a few years back when he ended a stabbing rampage in a Taunton restaurant.

“Instead of being recognized as the heroes they are, they would be charged with a crime, and recognized at their arraignment.
In nothing else, this bill will make both enforcement and compliance with our laws even more complicated and confusing. As anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of trying to navigate our already-strict gun laws knows, it’s already confusing enough. The firearms law guide used by our officers already clocks in at well over 400 pages. This bill will jostle definitions and provisions all around the books with various changes, placing our laws into an even greater state of misunderstanding and chaos.

“As a licensing authority which consistently ranks within the top ten municipalities in the entire Commonwealth for the number of firearms licenses, this is of grave concern to me.

“As a law enforcement officer first and foremost, I take the duty of protecting persons from any type of violence as my ultimate mission. However, this bill targets the wrong individuals and needs to be reconsidered.

“In closing, I urge our State House delegation to withhold their support from this bill as written.”

Chief Dana. A. Flynn

that was so f**king good I printed it out. Great talking points there for letters and emails.
Solution is to not frame it as a rando emailing your rep about a leaked document. Reiterate the official text of the bill and send GOALs summary along with it. The official statement from the MACOPA will help as well.

It comes pre-framed, however.

"My coworker, Day, is telling me about his bill. I believe my coworker. Especially because I need him to believe me when I lie about tell him about my legislative priorities. Now, there's a guy from my district (a gun enthusiast, no less) telling me he's wrong... well, of course he'd say that. And look! He's sending me pro-gun propaganda, too!"

That approach is, to say the least, highly unlikely to produce a positive result. The MACOPA statement is far more powerful, I think, than any indictment of Day's summary.
NPR just reported that there is an issue between house and senate on what committee should manage this but that both were “in agreement” with intent of the bill. 2 weeks left in session so the concern is they rush this thru.

That’s not a bug it’s a feature. They did this on purpose just like last time. That’s how they get gun bills done in this state now.
Yeah, if I'm a Dem state representative and one of my colleagues gives me an OfFiCiAL sUmMaRy of his new bill, but some rando from my district tells me that summary is wrong based on a leaked copy he saw on a gun forum? I'm paying no attention to that email.

I mean, go ahead and email your reps, but they're not listening. We're better off leaning on the cops to put pressure on the legislators based on how unenforceable all this is. Or? Let it go and wait for the courts to do their thing. That'd be my preference: end this, once and for all, despite the short-term pain.

it's all in the phraseology: "It is my understanding, Mr Lewis (my guy) that the summary you received from Mr. Day was three pages long. A three page summary for potential bill that is 140 pages long. A 98% omission rate of highly detailed regulations and prohibitions. Do you find that the least bit suspect?"

Of course my man Lewis is all on board with this. He's a progressive originally from South Africa. I once proposed to his office that he sponsor a refugee program for South African farmers whose land was appropriated by SA's government of color.

Harassment and pressure are their own virtues.
Take note of the time and wait for the knock.....You'll know.
Shand signed on as a sponsor after my 4 unanswered emails.
So that makes you 4 times as likely to get the knock.

I like the way some encourage people to make their voices heard regarding this bill, and then when you do it was a waste of time or you did it the wrong way. :(
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