Military Discount / Verifying Active Status


NES Member
Nov 21, 2012
NoSho, MA
Feedback: 138 / 0 / 0
Hello there. Looking for some advice on how to best verify active duty status for current members of the military. I'm fortunate enough to be a longtime employee for a company that respects our military, believes in liberty and looooooves the second amendment (so much so, our employee manual specifically states all employees are welcome and encouraged to carry at work).

We offer a military discount via our online store and I would like suggestions on the best way we can verify their status. Since the discount is done with a simple coupon code it's easy to get circulated/abused and if there's one thing we hate it's some loser snagging a military discount when they have no business doing so.

Thanks in advance for any info.
Copy of their military Id.

Technically, it's a violation of Army Regulations to photocopy/transmit a copy of your DoD CAC. We tell our employees that if the hotel requires it for the Government rate, they are to wait till they check in and show it then.
Technically, it's a violation of Army Regulations to photocopy/transmit a copy of your DoD CAC. We tell our employees that if the hotel requires it for the Government rate, they are to wait till they check in and show it then.

This is true now that I think about it.
Technically, it's a violation of Army Regulations to photocopy/transmit a copy of your DoD CAC. We tell our employees that if the hotel requires it for the Government rate, they are to wait till they check in and show it then.
Ok, so that's a "no go" on having them confirm their status with a copy of their Military ID then, right?
.mil email address. To my knowledge, only currently serving members will have an email address in the proper format. Most members of the DoD have been converted to an email address that will identify them as a civilian member of the DoD, a contractor member or a member of the uniformed military.

However, you state that you are looking to verify the Active Duty status of a member, that is much harder. Active duty is usually associated with service members on Title 10 Active Duty Status and does not include most members of the National Guard and Reserve. Do you want to identify Active Duty or just that they are active (currently serving) members of the military?

As mentioned photocopying a DoD CAC card is against Federal Law unless you are processing military/Federal benefits.

Also, cool SGT Rock avatar.
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Hello there. Looking for some advice on how to best verify active duty status for current members of the military. I'm fortunate enough to be a longtime employee for a company that respects our military, believes in liberty and looooooves the second amendment (so much so, our employee manual specifically states all employees are welcome and encouraged to carry at work).

We offer a military discount via our online store and I would like suggestions on the best way we can verify their status. Since the discount is done with a simple coupon code it's easy to get circulated/abused and if there's one thing we hate it's some loser snagging a military discount when they have no business doing so.

Thanks in advance for any info.
I need a job where you work !! [laugh]
Look into They have direct access to the military database to confirm veteran status. Your company sets an account with them and you get to display a link to their site. Anyone wanting a military discount confirms through the site. They also advertise your company as offering a military discount. Not sure what the cost for the service is but I use it all the time.
I set up an account with GovX with a return phone call. They had access to DoD database and verified my dates of service and location of basic training.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Why is this his so hard for a company trying to do the right thing? It's 2017, for crying out loud.

I know, I know... it's a rhetorical question. Because .gov.

But when it's so easy to confirm Veterans status (214 or the annotation on a MA DL), why is it so difficult to confirm AD?

Anyway, kudos to the OP and his company.
I can't see myself sending a copy of my DD214 just to save a few dollars on something. I appreciate the idea of a military discount, but either take people for their word and unfortunately some of the s**tbags will get through, or don't offer it - no harm, no foul.
First, this is a great thing you are doing, and second, yes, there are scumbags out there who will and have taken advantage of the support you, and other companies offer us. So thank YOU for your support and for trying to keep everyone honest.

The easiest way to confirm that a service member is currently serving is to ask them to use their .mil address and send you an email with it. Second, confirm visually with their DoD issued CAC card, if seeing them in person is an option. It's that simple. If you want to only consider those on Active Duty, and yes, National Guard Soldiers can be and routinely are put on Title 10 as well as Title 32 orders (both are active duty and count towards retirement), simply have them provide a copy of their current orders, with their SSN redacted.

Hello there. Looking for some advice on how to best verify active duty status for current members of the military. I'm fortunate enough to be a longtime employee for a company that respects our military, believes in liberty and looooooves the second amendment (so much so, our employee manual specifically states all employees are welcome and encouraged to carry at work).

We offer a military discount via our online store and I would like suggestions on the best way we can verify their status. Since the discount is done with a simple coupon code it's easy to get circulated/abused and if there's one thing we hate it's some loser snagging a military discount when they have no business doing so.

Thanks in advance for any info.
DoD civilian employees have a CAC and a .mil address (but their CAC shows civilian in small type)

I could pass for a veteran under casual inspection as I have a DD-214, a valid CAC, and an active .mil account.
Most people don't know how to tell veteran status from a DD-214 or CAC.

Also, never send a scan of a CAC as the 3d barcode on the face is your unencrypted social security number.

Sent from my C6530 using Tapatalk
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