My first MApistol purchase

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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I just wanted to pass along a very pleasant experience I had today.

I drove over to Springfield to the Smith & Wesson Academy this afternoon. For $25 you can shoot any gun they have at their indoor range. The $25 includes a box of 50 bullets. No LTC needed by the way for shooting.

I chose the little light weight snubby in .357. I shot .38 in it and it was quite a handful with those. I didn't have the guts to put a .357 in it. But it is SOO light. Anyway, I just wanted to try it.
Not for me, but a GREAT carry gun for those who do.

I was there for a couple of hours and wound up buying a very reasonably priced 9 mm semi-auto. The whole purchase process took maybe five or ten minutes tops. The guys in the store are not only really nice and helpful, they know what they are talking about. By the way, when you buy a gun you get 30 days free range shooting. Can't beat that.

Getting the LTC was a long and drawn out process (4+ months) but the purchase part was as easy as it gets. I've heard much worse horror stories from other states, even NC.

It ain't Texas, but all in all, I prefer MA to quite a few of the others that require waiting periods, one gun per month, multiple trips to the dealer, etc.

Just thought I would pass it along.

PS I forgot the best part. Because I bought a gun they deducted the $25 range fee from the price of the pistol :D
Nice to hear that! It must be nice being able to see ALL mass-compliants from a manufacturer, not just one or two here, a few there, bla bla bla
(Im sure they have a descent stock, never been though)

What's their range like?

And yes, there are a FEW things I like about Mass's gun rules (Or lack there of)
Such as
*No waiting period
*No gun-purchase quantity restriction
*No taxs on gun locks and safes
*The cool new fingerprint thing. Way too fast, way too cool....
I would never be able to get a LTC A license in CA,I lived there for 34 years.You have to be a politician or public figure to be able to carry.

The ONLY good thing about MA gun laws is that a law abiding citizen can generally get a LTC A.I say generally because there are quite a few law abiding citizens that are denied based on the sherrif's discretion and anti-gun stance.

Overall,MA still sucks regarding guns and gun laws.

I have an LTC A no restrictions,I can carry a concealed weapon, yet I can't be trusted with a collapsible stock and a bayo lug on my AR.Makes sense to me ?

The S&W scenario sounds cool though.Free range usage and try before you buy sounds great.
In California, as in Massachusetts, it all depends on where you live. In Culver City or in San Bernardino County, there's no problem getting a concealed carry permit. At least you don't need a license just to purchase or own a firearm there, but only for concealed carry.

Bought my first Handgun Yesterday.Not my first gun , I inherited all I really need . But not a .45 , so ...

Had the day off , drove over to Four Seasons , bought a stainless steel SigSaur P220 .45.

I will be going back there. All really need now is a new Socom M1 ... and an AK ....and a bigger revolver ... and maybe some carbines that shoot the same ammo as my handguns..
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