I'm not sure about the legality issue when it comes to C&R guns and new accessories. Someone in the gun laws forum will be able to chime in on that. I got this Chinese one pictured before my C&R and already had plans on the stock, plus nothing is permanent, it can all be switched back at any time.
People buy C&R eligible barreled actions all the time so I don't see what diference it makes on the rifle itself when it comes to what kind of stock it has.
The top handguard has to have the pin removed and a new one that came with the stock installed. But like I mentioned, you can get replacement handguards with gas tube assembly already done, just make sure they'll fit your particular rifle because some SKS models have diferent lengths when it comes to gas tubes. Best thing about that stock is the length of pull is customizable with rubber inserts, and a removable cheek piece increases, or decreases depending on if you use it, your cheek weld when you use the rifle.
Do a search on the net for Choate SKS stocks and a few dealers will come up. There are diferent colors and styles.
I think mine came from Combat Stocks.
Edit note: I shoud mention that the rifle I chose to add that stock to is a Chinese Norinco SKS that is not C&R eligible. I picked it up for $160 at a gun show a while back because the bayonet lug was ground off. This is a rifle i'm planning on mounting a side rail drill and tap scope mount on and chose it for its accuracy out of all my SKS rifles. I know there was some discussion here a while back about modifying C&R rifles/pistols and some concern over laws.
IMO, and this is just going by what should be common sense (but we all know about the ATF and common sense
![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
) any alterations done to a C&R firearm that you purchase, as long as they don't involve adding restricted items like bayonet lugs, supressors, threaded barrels, etc. should be ok as long as thy keep that firearm legal within Massachusetts laws.
I really wish I was studious enough to look up such laws and say if my ideology was correct because i've seen this topic of altering C&R guns come up a few times, but i'm not. I'm still like Luke Skywalker in the bogs with Yoda on my back teaching me the ways of the Jedi Knight (in this case Massachusetts gun owner) but i'm learning, and this is the best place to do so.
![Wink [wink] [wink]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/002.gif)