Milsurps 4 Me said:If it were me i'd start at 50 yards and see where and how I shoot, then move on to 100 yards and compare the two targets. I shoot 10 rounds, check them off with a magic marker, then shoot 10 more if i'm shooting diferent ammo so I know which one performed better. The sight adjuster tools are easy to use and pretty cheap. Order from a company that ships fast like Midway and try and get your hands on some Golden Tiger Russian ammo. Definitely tops in my SKS rifles.
As for the target... i'd say a sight adjustment is in order, but if you plan on shooting at shorter distances most of the time, wait and see how you do there first. The 3 shots could be from two diferent ammo types so its hard to tell if its a tight 3 round group.
I got my sight adjuster tool yesterday, so I went down to the range to give my first attempt at sighting in anything a try. I took your advice and went to the 50 yd line. Like the 100 yard target, everything was to the right and slightly high, so I knew it was the rifle and not me entirely. About 20 rounds to sight it in, and then I shot a target with 10 rounds. Here's the target, I think the results weren't too bad.