N/D Of The Week

Wtf is wrong with people
To be fair...
My father was so country that growing up
he made spare change not just fur trapping,
but catching bullfrogs for some guy who'd swing through town
buying them for French restaurants in NYC.

And he said he'd never go turkey hunting,
because you flounce around the woods in actual camo,
hoping some other dude didn't shoot you.
At least when deer hunting you're wearing orange,
so you're only shot at by dudes hunting the fabled Orange Deer.

Not saying it's not the hunter's fault.
Just saying that not all game require the same level of safety skills.

(Nowadays, bullfrogs only really require a PFD,
and gloves and eye pro for the super-killy treble hook baited with red flannel).
If people could buy a decent holster half of this shit wouldn’t happen. Instead all the skinflints go for the cheap Blackhawk and uncle Mike’s junk.

I'm betting the broad in the article had no holster.... at all, never mind a cheap one.

ETA: When I was younger and dumber I carried a GLERK in a $7 uncle mikes sidekick, it worked, and I didnt shoot myself with it. But I also knew the limitations of that holster, as well. (you ain't live reholstering with that setup, if you have a brain).
They are not wrong.

Investigators say the 67-year-old hunter from Elizabeth, Pa., who killed Gabrisch should have identified his target before shooting. Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials recommend wearing fluorescent orange or florescent pink clothing in the field even when not hunting.
Morons like this is what is going to lead us to greater training mandated by the Gov. I fully believe in extensive training and practice and have no problem telling that to new gun owners. But I don't want to see the Gov. mandating it, or implementing a program which they will inevitably F up.

The pro Gun organizations need to publicly state that this is needed and promote training programs, and even subsidize them. The NRA used to emphasize this, maybe they still do in other parts of the country but not where it's needed. One thing is for sure, if we don't self regulate the Gov will step in and do it for (to?) us. We can start by bringing back Eddie Eagle in schools. At least publicly suggest it to school boards as a means to educate and improve safety. At least if they turn it down we can point out their hypocrisy in saying they want children safe but refusing a free safety program.
The Eddie Eaghe/school thing is not as simple or obvious as "against safety".

Suppose a racist org offered to give a class on "how not to get shot by the police" that did not mention the name of their org, and did not use any racist terminology in their presentation, but the school knew the name of the org.

The school would rightly (in the only viewpoint allowed within the Overton Window) reject such a contribution. Those who feel the NRA to be evil incarnate feel the same way about accepting Eddie Eagle or the like, and those who do not personally object could fear denouncement if they were on the school board and voted to allow it.

Plus, the use of a bird that is the national symbol of the US might be seen as a micro or macro aggression against those not born in the US, like wearing US Flag adorned clothing on Cinco de Mayo.

Put differently, would you want Everytown for Gun Safety presenting a viewpoint-free class on gun safety to public school students? Would you object to you schools allying with that organization on any project? Would the "sponsored by EGS" association with the school sponsored event seem like an endorsement of the org's views and values even if the class did not include the gun ban or "ordinaries should not have AR15s" logic?
cleaning is dangerous. it's why i never clean anything.
Gets worse with age. Wait til you're almost 60, taking a shower, haven't had coffee yet and try clean your sack.
I mean, Jeezuz....I've accidentally nut-punched myself at least six hundred times in just the past few months. (Maybe seven hundred).

Just sayin' 😩
Gets worse with age. Wait til you're almost 60, taking a shower, haven't had coffee yet and try clean your sack.
I mean, Jeezuz....I've accidentally nut-punched myself at least six hundred times in just the past few months. (Maybe seven hundred).

Just sayin' 😩

Maybe less lube, and a little more friction to control that thing? Sorry to learn of your troubles.

Plus, the use of a bird that is the national symbol of the US might be seen as a micro or macro aggression against those not born in the US, like wearing US Flag adorned clothing on Cinco de Mayo.
Holding out for Eduardo Aguila.

(I didn't realize 🌵🪱 had fangs [shocked] ).
Did this make the front page of the Boston Glob? They will print anything guns bad.

I'm sure all of you folks know that gun accidents have steadily declined over the last few decades, partly because there are fewer hunters, and largely due to hunter safety classes. Why aren't gun safety classes taught in every school (he asks rhetorically)? Accidental gun deaths aren't even on the top 10, and fall way behind falls, cars, poisoning, and others.
+1 I'd put money on no holster.
This most likely....I'm all for gun ownership without training....but its the dumbasses in society that ruin it for everyone eventually and make it so the government feels they have to step in and save us all from ourselves.

As usual MA takes it full retard.....takes her permit, and calls the kid hotline. Fxcking a**h***s.
This most likely....I'm all for gun ownership without training....but its the dumbasses in society that ruin it for everyone eventually and make it so the government feels they have to step in and save us all from ourselves.

As usual MA takes it full retard.....takes her permit, and calls the kid hotline. Fxcking a**h***s.
Lol you didn't think dcyflmnopq wasn't going to find out?

View: https://youtu.be/yKQ_sQKBASM

Dycflmnopq droid: "We're here because there is a report that you farted while the child was in the vehicle and refused to roll the windows down?"
The Eddie Eaghe/school thing is not as simple or obvious as "against safety".

Suppose a racist org offered to give a class on "how not to get shot by the police" that did not mention the name of their org, and did not use any racist terminology in their presentation, but the school knew the name of the org.

The school would rightly (in the only viewpoint allowed within the Overton Window) reject such a contribution. Those who feel the NRA to be evil incarnate feel the same way about accepting Eddie Eagle or the like, and those who do not personally object could fear denouncement if they were on the school board and voted to allow it.

Plus, the use of a bird that is the national symbol of the US might be seen as a micro or macro aggression against those not born in the US, like wearing US Flag adorned clothing on Cinco de Mayo.

Put differently, would you want Everytown for Gun Safety presenting a viewpoint-free class on gun safety to public school students? Would you object to you schools allying with that organization on any project? Would the "sponsored by EGS" association with the school sponsored event seem like an endorsement of the org's views and values even if the class did not include the gun ban or "ordinaries should not have AR15s" logic?
The "Brady" anti-gun commercials down here are pretty tame. Pretty good advice, I was kinda shocked when the filler kicked in and mentioned the Brady Campaign.

Standard, keep guns secured from children, keep guns unloaded when not being used, yada yada.
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