Near-Fest Spring 2010

It only prevents you from hearing the other hams, which means you can double with them. It's good for setting an alarm (not hear anything until someone transmits the right pl). But if there are other hams on frequency you want to know about it before transmitting.
It only prevents you from hearing the other hams, which means you can double with them. It's good for setting an alarm (not hear anything until someone transmits the right pl). But if there are other hams on frequency you want to know about it before transmitting.

That's why you don't use PL decode on simplex.
It only prevents you from hearing the other hams, which means you can double with them. It's good for setting an alarm (not hear anything until someone transmits the right pl). But if there are other hams on frequency you want to know about it before transmitting.

So, same frequencies, no PL?
I haven't been there in years and years. We used to go there and camp. I was with the Pentucket Radio Association at the time. It was fun but things have changed lots since I was there last.

If you haven't been active with the Pentucket group in years then maybe you haven't heard that Arthur N1/ORC (from Lowell) is a silent key. [sad2]
I can have Timtron announce it over the PA at noon on Friday, we can meet at the front of the stage in the "Relaxing Area". Do you think most people would respond to an announcement that "The NES group is now meeting at the Stage"? I could also have Jeff ZZN announce it over the "Pirate Radio" station at the same time [smile]
[smile] The good news is it looks like we found a 3br, 2.5ba ham-shack...I mean house to buy. The bad news is between that, Boy Scouts, Little League and the usual family stuff, my boy and I will have to miss NEARFest this year [sad2]. At least we are that much closer to having a roof of our own to mount antennas on.
I think we agreed on a camping spot, so we could just meet at the campsite at a certain time.

I have an interesting question. Is open carry permitted at NEAR-Fest?

I wouldn't try it.
I'm not sure if having firearms is against the rules of the fairgrounds (like alcohol), but the organizers don't want to see them.

Check out the post I made for Near-Fest One and the replies:

I do know some who are licensed and carry concealed up there, but open carry may get you thrown out.
I wouldn't try it.
I'm not sure if having firearms is against the rules of the fairgrounds (like alcohol), but the organizers don't want to see them.

Check out the post I made for Near-Fest One and the replies:

I do know some who are licensed and carry concealed up there, but open carry may get you thrown out.

Wow, I would have thought that they would be a little more level headed than that. [thinking]

I'm still looking for a ride. Anyone heading up from or past the Gardner area?
As far as firearms go, I have had them out in the open without any problems. AND I took no concealment precautions when I was showing some friends my AR build (NES141) and a new AK47 that I had recently purchased. I was in the BARS camp where some of the event organizers (Like TWF) spend alot of time. I got no problems from anyone even though I KNOW for a FACT that MOST of the BARS guys are ANTI. I have also open carried my pistol there the last 2 or 3 times. I get plenty of complaints about my cigar from venders when I am in the buildings, but NO complaints about firearms.

OTOH, its not like my rifles where out for hours...maybe like 20 -30 minutes. And when I say I 'open' carried my pistol, I mean I used a IWB holster in my POCKET intead of in my waistband (so the black grip was the only thing visable). I am not big on open carry, but carrying in the pocket is more comfortable so thats why I was doing it.....thinking that there would be no problems in NH. But after seeing the replies to Zappas post on teh NEARfest forum I think that I will be more careful. Then again, I dont really care if they ask me to leave.

But I wont have to decide this week because I am out of the country and wont be there. It will be the first one I miss in years. Next season though.

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I passed on the info about this event to the Beef Jerky guy that sells at the gun shows. He seemed interested and it's a shorter drive for him than any of the Mass gun shows. Hopefully he'll be there, I need my jerky fix! [laugh]
I'll be honest, some of the comments about carrying on the NEAR-Fest forum are really making me sick.
I'll still go, but my opinion of these guys isn't very favorable. I wonder how many of the organizers are from MA?
I found an interesting comment on the NEAR-Fest forum.

It started out as a question about riding a bicycle, but check out the comment by N1IWV. [thinking]

Hmmm. That was kinda out of the blue eh!?

Well, anyway, +1 to tubocharged for speaking up....more importantly than speaking up, he did it in a respectable manner without being condescending and did not make the rest of us look bad. Way to go man!

Hmmm. That was kinda out of the blue eh!?

Well, anyway, +1 to tubocharged for speaking up....more importantly than speaking up, he did it in a respectable manner without being condescending and did not make the rest of us look bad. Way to go man!


Ditto. +1

Haha, thanks guys.

Anyone want to meet tomorrow? I wasn't able to get there today, but will be there tomorrow from about 8 till closing.
I'll monitor the 2m frequency we choose earlier (147.485MHz), all day. Just give me a call and we'll meet up.
See you all there. [smile]
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