Need Help ASAP

Dec 30, 2005
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Im writing a paper about how our gun laws are crap and how they have only made the situation worse.

Can people give me cited facts about the failure of gun control in MA, and cited facts about the sucsess of lax gun in other states?

Taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens is akin to walking through Dorchester at 2AM with a sign saying"I am un-armed,mug me..Please".

I don't know where that study is though..LOL

Maybe research the gun laws in Washington DC,I think they have the strictest gun control laws in the nation.

Boston has really strict handgun laws,but the murder rate is pretty high.Of the gun crimes committed in Boston,how many were by people legally able to posess a firearm ?

When Florida enacted the more lax CCW laws a number of years ago,the number of carjackings against senior citizens went down an astronomical percentage,something like 90%.

These are just a few things,as far as links..Just quote me..LOL
History shows that gun control laws do not work.

: Senator Orrin Hatch stated back in 1982: “If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of criminal acts reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so after a century and a half of trying -- That they must sweep under the rug the southern attempts at gun control in the 1870-1910 period, the northeastern attempts in the 1920-1939 period, the attempts at both Federal and State levels in 1965-1976 -- establishes the repeated, complete and inevitable failure of gun laws to control serious crime. “

(Orrin Hatch in a report about gun control and the history of the second amendment from the SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION to the COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY in 1982. )

The argument isn't of success and failure of gun control on crime, but of why given almost 400 years of such nonsense over all parts of the world there are still people pushing for the same policies that we KNOW fail? The answer lies in the true motivation. Our founding fathers knew that an armed populace can never subjucated under a king. This is the "Well Regulated Militia" they speak of in the second amendment (don't take my word for it, read their own words in the Federalist papers) So, the real question should be what ulterior motives do our leaders have in ridding the law abiding of arms which is the ONLY effect gun laws have been shown to have?

Another good thing to watch as you do your research is to watch what various groups say, and where they cite their facts. on the pro-rights side, you almost always find clear references and on the Anti side, you rarely find a reference at all.

Why is it that in a time where the national trend for vilent crime is on the decline, Boston, the capital of the state with the "toughest gun laws" has a 10 year high in murders (a large percentage of which were not gun related)?

And ask the really simple question - Why all this focus on a tool and not the animal that used it?

What ever happened to personal responsibility? Lets take all the guns away from people who never abuse them, but turn the criminal over to the likes of Dr. Phil so that we can all feel sorry for him.

Murderers spend an AVERAGE of only 8 years in prison. Most of them have a history of violent crime before they commit murder. And yet, all this focus on guns?
Head out to Four Seasons or any local gun shop with tape recorder and notebook in hand on Saturday morning. You're bound to get some great and factual stories...just make sure to get the shop owner's permission before interviewing customers.

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