New Acquisitions for March 2007

Yes it was, BJ... owned by the same owner since it was new in the 60's. It does kind of give me a thrill to own a WMD... weapon of mathematical division. [wink]
OK, it's not a gun, but I couldn't resist.

While at my desk the other day, our facilities guy notices my slide rule. "Hey, I got one of those - could never figure out how to use it! You want it?"

"Uh... well, if you don't, sure, I'll take it." See results below, photographed with my Waterman fountain pen for perspective.

It's a Keuffel & Esser "Doric" model (polyphase) 5" slide rule. And in beautiful shape, too... absolutely no wear on it or the case.

These, along with your Abacus and Bomar Brain, will complete the 'old fuddy duddy' image you are seeking. [smile]

I gotta try and see if I can find what box my K&E slide rule and case are stored in. Haven't seen it for about 25 years but I know it's around somewhere.

They really are conversation pieces now. Nice snag, Ross.
For a while (pre-eBay) I was picking them up for $0.25 to $2.00 at garage sales. Can't do that any more.

I still need a 20" and a circular one for my collection. I used to have a circular one that my cousin gave me, but it seems to have vanished in a move somewhere in the last 20 years. [crying]

And Jim? I know how to use them, too - I still have the 10" plastic Pickett that my father got for me in 7th grade and taught me how to use. Got a few of the original K&E books, as well as a couple of aftermarket books on using a slide role. I understand that Isaac Asimov wrote one, too... I want to find a copy someday.
Hey Ross...

If you need a good solid pocket protector to go with that you let me know, I'm sure I can find one of the engineers upstairs to give me one! [devil]
I think that I have an old electric eraser and some drafting templates to add
to the mix as well. Perhaps a lead sharpener even! I can definitely get some
turkey feathers for quill pens for you as my place in Vt. is crawling with the pests.
The glass ink wells, well, you're own your own for those.
Hey Ross...

If you need a good solid pocket protector to go with that you let me know, I'm sure I can find one of the engineers upstairs to give me one! [devil]

Funny you mention that. I do. I wore out the last one I had and Levenger no longer sells them. Not the plastic ones, but a leather one. They last longer. If you have a source for leather pocket protectors, I'll take two! [wink]

Call me a geek if you want, but there is, in my shirt pocket right now, a fountain pen, a mechanical pencil, a Sharpie, a screwdriver, a phone line tester, and a wire spudger. And I use them all, every day. [smile]

(boy, what a thread hijack! Hey, Senor, take this thread to Cuba!)
Call me a geek if you want,

Well if the invitation is out there.

but there is, in my shirt pocket right now, a fountain pen, a mechanical pencil, a Sharpie, a screwdriver, a phone line tester, and a wire spudger. And I use them all, every day.

Um, this is way past the state of geek. I think you are leaning toward nerd territory.[smile]
Um, this is way past the state of geek. I think you are leaning toward nerd territory.[smile]
I prefer to think of it as "being an experienced technician".About the only thing that I haven't used in the last 36 hours is the Sharpie. I support 2 large phone systems, with about 4500 users on both systems. (that's not counting the 20 systems I support remotely!)

And remember... nerd used to be 4 letters; now it's more like 6 figures. [smile]
I got a 4 pack of Romak 3 mags for a great price from a certain midwest dealer. These used to go for $100+ and I got them for $75.

Has anyone reported him missing yet? [thinking]

Heh.. They tried to deliver it at about 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon. When I got home I called up UPS and set up a pick up at the Chelmsford center. I didn't feel like letting UPS have this for more time than they needed. So I got a call back from the UPS center stating that the driver said if I don't want to travel all the way to Chelmsford to pick it up, to meet him at the local McDonalds parking lot.
Heh.. They tried to deliver it at about 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon. When I got home I called up UPS and set up a pick up at the Chelmsford center. I didn't feel like letting UPS have this for more time than they needed. So I got a call back from the UPS center stating that the driver said if I don't want to travel all the way to Chelmsford to pick it up, to meet him at the local McDonalds parking lot.

Very cool. [grin]
I've heard some horror stories about UPS and have experienced a few myself. Not to drift off topic but had this one time when I ordered a high end fishing rod from Bass Pro Shops and had a kid delivering it via UPS walking up to my stairs with the cardboard tube torn open and flopping around. I told him to wait as I checked it and after finding it was ok he said "Hey man, if it can't handle the ride, it probably wouldn't handle a fish"
I won't even get into the time that I had Sportsman's Guide ship me a put together safe and found a woman's shoe with tag still on it and some library books in the torn open box with my bent sheet metal safe door taped up in the original packing. [angry] Thankfully I'm a body man and skilled with metal working.
These days I have a cool UPS guy that knows what I order and makes it a point to deliver on my lunch break when I'm home. [smile]

Let me know if you have any problems sighting in the scope. I have a link somewhere that explains alterations sometimes needed on 91/30 sniper types and can PM it to you if needed.
Here is what I pick up today.
Top one is a WASR-2 in 5.45x39. Man it is a fun gun to shoot. There is almsot no recoil at all. It's almost like shooting a big .22.
The bottom one is one that I bought for my girlfriend, so technicality I really only got one gun today. It is a .410 coach shotgun (she has a thing for .410). The thing is heavy and has almost no recoil.

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