New folks check in and say HI #3

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Well if that is the case maybe Ill just stay in California on my 1/4 section and be happy I can shoot just about anything on my land and not get in any trouble with Johnny Law besides I would want all of MV as you guys call it to myself anyhow and would kick the damn kennedy's off to have it to myself.

I read a thread a min ago that you have to keep all firearms locked up and Correct me if I'm wrong you have to be licensed to own firearms ? GMAFB

You guys need our help I thought California was bad OMFG.

Welcome to our West Coast members! We hope you enjoy it here.

NFA is not my expertise, but I'll tell you what I do know:

- Silencers are banned here completely.

- Class 3 is allowed with a special mg permit. Very difficult to get, as many chiefs (totally discretionary on their part) refuse to issue them as a matter of policy. By law, one must either be a bona-fide collector (holder of C&R FFL meets this test) or a police firearms instructor to be eligible for the license.

- We don't have any public ranges in MA (at least none that I'm aware of), damn few sandpits to shoot in, 4 commercial ranges (gun shops with ranges) that I know of and I don't think there are any more than that, and probably ~150-200 private gun clubs. Most places ban or restrict the use of full auto (politically correct) and .50 rifles (some legitimate concern wrt backstops).
Yes, all guns locked up or under the direct control of a licensed person at all times.

You can't possess any guns, ammo, hi-cap mags, or any components without the proper permit.

MA is very gun-unfriendly and after the recent election and more recent shooting, it's likely to get a lot worse and most likely within a few months!

It's a lot smarter to move to NH than MA, if one has the choice!
Let's not get too quick on the trigger sam, we have some pretty bad laws here too.
What are your laws on storage? Most of our laws focus on securing firearms so the children can't get to them. We are required to either have a safe or buy a lock with each new weapon. A dumb law since you're not really required to use the lock.
gues i posted this in the wrong section. anyway i live in cali now and im another one from calguns and grew up in conn. hence the name cnyankee (conn yankee). its my nick for over 20 years. its the only nick i use
Hey guys, just stopped in to say Hi, I have a friend in Holliston. I will be telling him of this site as he is a shooter and is always looking for an opportunity to shoot with friends.

Hopefully we can share some ammo in our mutual fights for our second amendment rights.
Hey Ivan you made the trip.

Isn't this great (From Animal house) another gun board to share ideas and learn new things.

I'm wondering if they have to lock their mags here as well I did have a customer that bought a lock from here.

Hey guys, just stopped in to say Hi, I have a friend in Holliston. I will be telling him of this site as he is a shooter and is always looking for an opportunity to shoot with friends.

Hopefully we can share some ammo in our mutual fights for our second amendment rights.
Welcome to all of the Cali people. I am a transplant from the west coast also. WA though. [laugh] Glad to have you guys around.
Yes, all guns locked up or under the direct control of a licensed person at all times.

You can't possess any guns, ammo, hi-cap mags, or any components without the proper permit.

MA is very gun-unfriendly and after the recent election and more recent shooting, it's likely to get a lot worse and most likely within a few months!

It's a lot smarter to move to NH than MA, if one has the choice!
Or Maine. I have no idea why this is never mentioned, I've posted the link before to the Maine Constitution, they have the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed to them. There are sand pits all over where you can shoot, and more guns per capita up there than in Texas. Yes, the Ma**h***s are moving up there - but they're invading NH, too, which I think is in a more precarious position these days than Maine.
No, it hasn't been bad at all actually; However, the weather has been in the 40's most of the time, but it's not bad because we're used to it. That's probably FREEZING to them.
Oh, trust me I know.....I am an original west coaster.[laugh] The funniest is when we were out in Texas 2 years was 60 degrees and Glenn and I were out walking my brothers dog. We were wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and the ones from around there were bundled up in down jackets. They were looking at us like we had two heads or something.[laugh] Rather amusing. I grew up in WA state.
While a lot of the guys from are from the SF bay area and a little south of the SF bay area like San Jose I'm from about 300 miles northeast of their SF Bay area and at the moment here its like 30 degrees so I'm use to colder weather than they are.

I'm wondering if I could handle your kind of cold however Ive heard of the snowstorms you have.
Depends on if you like the 4 seasons.
if you like snow it's not bad. Some winters are cold as hell though.[laugh] I grew up in the Seattle/Tacoma area. I like it here better.[smile]
Welcome to all you Californians! I've visited your state a few times - didn't go shooting, but did get to play tourist a couple of times.

when we were out in Texas 2 years was 60 degrees and Glenn and I were out walking my brothers dog. We were wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and the ones from around there were bundled up in down jackets.
Sue, true story: I was out in Phoenix visiting my wife's family for Christmas one year. It was 69 degrees out and bright and sunny. So naturally, I'm in a pair of shorts sitting outside on their front gravel patch (they don't do lawns in Phoenix...) with my shirt off trying to get a little bit of a tan.

I hear my MIL from the other side of the front door telling my niece & nephew "Now zip up your coats and put your hoods up; it's cold outside!" My niece pops up with "But Bocci (Polish for Grandma), why is Uncle Ross outside without a shirt on?" MIL: "He's from New England; he's crazy!"

Strange part is that my MIL lived in Utica, NY... [smile]
Too funny Ross. We just found it amusing. My mother in law gets on me here, because 99% of the time it has to be pretty cold for me to wear a coat.[laugh]
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