NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

no one will show up after jan 6. people are properly scared now, and no one will make a sound, as no one wants to get 17 years in prison for mere attendance of an event.
Please. No one is going to prison in Albuquerque for carrying a firearm, whether they are alone or with a few hundred others.
It is exactly this kind of pantshitting nonsense the liberals are counting on to keep the sheep afraid of their own shadow. No one is going to be prosecuted in NM for this just like no one is going to be prosecuted for buying an AR in Massachusetts.
Just because some liberal twat thinks something is a good idea, doesn't make it law
Please. No one is going to prison in Albuquerque for carrying a firearm, whether they are alone or with a few hundred others.
It is exactly this kind of pantshitting nonsense the liberals are counting on to keep the sheep afraid of their own shadow. No one is going to be prosecuted in NM for this just like no one is going to be prosecuted for buying an AR in Massachusetts.
Just because some liberal twat thinks something is a good idea, doesn't make it law


The problem is that "we" worry about obeying rules and laws. The left knows this, and makes rules that they know we'll feel bad breaking. How many posts show up on NES fretting about how to obey the commonwealth's senselessly contradictory statutes?

I mean, it's nice that we're "law-abiding" and all, but it hurts us sometimes. I used to be the same way, but Maura's edict was something of a turning point for me. Nowadays, I don't really care about the ins and outs of MA laws. If I found myself in possession of an AK (let's say) with an unpinned slant brake, I'd lose not a single moment's sleep over it. Because that's a stupid law.

They know, in NM and MA, that they'll never need to actually exert themselves to arrest and prosecute people over these unconstitutional, extrajudicial infringements. Why would they bother? Many of us, despite our rhetoric, bend over backwards to do their work for them by freaking out and trying to obey.

Screw that.
As far as I know, in the U.S. only Hawaii and Rhode Island recognize the position of High Sheriff. Most states, including New Mexico, follow the federal model where the top law enforcement official is the Attorney General. Raúl Torrez, the attorney general of New Mexico, does not appear to have commented publicly yet. Benjamin Baker, the Interim director of NM's Department of Public Safety, was alongside the governor when she issued her order.
Actually most states recognize the high sheriff. Massachusetts does, but the high sheriff of this commonwealth; choses to be more of a politician than a law enforcement official. I see you ;likely got that info from google. However while in the academy (long ago); we studied the actual law. Yes it is likely an old law; but it's still on the books. Unfortunately most politicians and top law enforcement officials no longer follow the laws as they were written.
The high Sheriff of each state is the only non federal employee who by law can arrest the Governor; of that state.

With the federal government as corrupt as it is, the High Sheriff is the only one other than the courts that can do anything.

However that would be career suicide; so now we must hope that the courts intervene. This is a very serious situation;

if this Governor is allowed to do this with our serious repercussions...

Liberal politicians will continue to declare state of emergencies, to violate our rights!

If the average Mr or Mrs nobody were caught jaywalking they would get arrested, have their arms and legs snapped like twigs, never to walk upright again and get 15 years in prison on 20-30 charges. Yet when someone violates the law this egregiously they are 'too big to fail'. Either that or they're too afraid to act. If she gave a command to open fire on people would that be enough? I'm sure there's a point where people say okay that's enough time for jail lady. I just don't think 'high sheriffs' have the spine to act.
Here’s her answer on possible penalties: she has no idea.

Lol. Yep. The Walkback begins.

What a spineless piece of shit this woman is. “I think it’s time we have a really strong debate about all the other constitutional rights,” Lujan Grisham said. LOL!

The problem is that "we" worry about obeying rules and laws. The left knows this, and makes rules that they know we'll feel bad breaking. How many posts show up on NES fretting about how to obey the commonwealth's senselessly contradictory statutes?

I mean, it's nice that we're "law-abiding" and all, but it hurts us sometimes. I used to be the same way, but Maura's edict was something of a turning point for me. Nowadays, I don't really care about the ins and outs of MA laws. If I found myself in possession of an AK (let's say) with an unpinned slant brake, I'd lose not a single moment's sleep over it. Because that's a stupid law.

They know, in NM and MA, that they'll never need to actually exert themselves to arrest and prosecute people over these unconstitutional, extrajudicial infringements. Why would they bother? Many of us, despite our rhetoric, bend over backwards to do their work for them by freaking out and trying to obey.

Screw that.
In light of the expanding political attacks on 2-A one begins to wonder if instead of trying to express our concerns to the powers that be in a measured tone of voice perhaps we would be better served by addressing the situation in the same manner as the politicians do when we question their intent on violating our Constitutional civil rights..........and say to them in no uncertain terms:

This is terrible, we must do something!
This is something.
Therefore we will do this, even though it’s obviously unconstitutional:

(Apologies if this is a dupe)
What else can one say other than, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Actually most states recognize the high sheriff. Massachusetts does, but the high sheriff of this commonwealth; choses to be more of a politician than a law enforcement official. I see you ;likely got that info from google. However while in the academy (long ago); we studied the actual law. Yes it is likely an old law; but it's still on the books. Unfortunately most politicians and top law enforcement officials no longer follow the laws as they were written.
Really? Care to tell me who the High Sheriff of Massachusetts is? Or some other states, perhaps? Perhaps a state charter or statute? Plymouth County has a High Sheriff, true, but I see no special powers which would allow him to arrest Healey.

School me.
The working concept now is that nothing gets violated as nothing is absolute and everything is open for re-interpretation.

These are interesting times we live in.
Interesting, Elon Musk and I are close in age and immigrated to America at about the same age.

I find his outlook and perspective (like assuming the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, like it says it is, as in, an actual law, that is enforced like other vetted, tested and respected laws) very similar to my own.

I share his disbelief and disappointment to find that born Americans generally have no problem with LE ignoring blatant government violations of the supposed supreme law of the land. No arrests, no handcuffs, no jail time, no criminal proceedings.

It’s no wonder American politicians think nothing of violating the constitution. You get more of what you tolerate.
The high Sheriff of each state is the only non federal employee who by law can arrest the Governor; of that state.

With the federal government as corrupt as it is, the High Sheriff is the only one other than the courts that can do anything.

However that would be career suicide; so now we must hope that the courts intervene. This is a very serious situation;

if this Governor is allowed to do this with our serious repercussions...

Liberal politicians will continue to declare state of emergencies, to violate our rights!

Didn't the MA guv declare a SOE for all the illegals last month?

99% of the time it's so they can get fed dollars.

It's like saying "Beatlejuice" 3 times.

If I were anywhere near Albuquerque, I’d be there. Good on those Americans.

I’ve never had to live in NM, but k ow many who have. My impreasuon from their experiences is not good. It’s reservations and rich commies, and a military base. My buddy, whose wife is AF lifer, had to move there for three years, he had his own trucking company here, but couldn’t find any work better than Lowe’s or Home Depot…..they worked their way the f*** outa there right quick!!
the legal team now concludes correctly what political affiliation local judges got, how long it will take until the issue gonna get upward higher circuits, if not the scotus itself, and while all this legal BS proceeds - they rely on the unlawful edict to be held in effect and enforced by gestapo they control. same exact way hochul does it in NY.

any decision of executive branch can now be unlawful, and still can be enforced while contested. after getting contested - they know it will bear no consequences.
what means in the practical reality - they can and do pretty much all they want.
The Executive can issue an edict, but if it is unconstitutional the authorities have no duty to enforce it, in fact they have a duty to NOT enforce it.

Police have proven time and again they only care about themselves and their pay, benefits, and retirement. As despotic and awful as the Executive making the order is, Gestapo pigs who willingly go along with it knowing it's not legal are even worse scum.
no one will show up after jan 6. people are properly scared now, and no one will make a sound, as no one wants to get 17 years in prison for mere attendance of an event.
You are correct, it would be an event that is infiltrated and used as a false flag.

There's only one good time now to be armed at a "protest" and it isn't to protest.
Here’s her answer on possible penalties: she has no idea.

“…She said she doesn’t think the Albuquerque Police Department could enforce the order, but the New Mexico State Police could do so because they’re required to carry out executive orders.

Gettin that Communist vibe right there….
You are correct, it would be an event that is infiltrated and used as a false flag.

There's only one good time now to be armed at a "protest" and it isn't to protest.

Well,.....that didn't happen. Any more predictions?
The Executive can issue an edict, but if it is unconstitutional the authorities have no duty to enforce it, in fact they have a duty to NOT enforce it.

Police have proven time and again they only care about themselves and their pay, benefits, and retirement. As despotic and awful as the Executive making the order is, Gestapo pigs who willingly go along with it knowing it's not legal are even worse scum.
Don't forget that back in '21 this same governor repealed Immunity:
APRIL 10, 2021 10:58:27 AM
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico signed a law on Wednesday which eliminates the defense of qualified immunity for public officials, including police officers. Qualified immunity protects government officials from being held personally liable for constitutional violations.

She signed the law.....and now it can be used against her.
HB4 defines "public body" as a state or local government, an advisory board, a commission, an agency or an entity created by the constitution of New Mexico or any branch of government that receives public funding, including political subdivisions, special tax districts, school districts and institutions of higher education. and adds a new claim of violation of state constitutional rights, specifically "a public body or person acting on behalf of, under color of or within the course and scope of the authority of a public body shall not subject or cause to be subjected any resident of New Mexico or person within the state to deprivation of any rights, privileges or immunities secured pursuant to the constitution of New Mexico" while removing QI "In any claim for damages or relief under the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, no public body or person acting on behalf of, under color of or within the course and scope of the authority of a public body shall enjoy the defense of qualified immunity for causing the deprivation of any rights, privileges or immunities secured by the constitution of New Mexico." as well as sovereign immunity "The state shall not have sovereign immunity for itself or any public body within the state for claims brought pursuant to the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, and the public body or person acting on behalf of, under color of or within the course and scope of the authority of the public body provided pursuant to that act shall not assert sovereign immunity as a defense or bar to an action."

OTOH, the NM state constitutional RKBA is weak sauce "No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms."

Put all the above together, and you have no immunity for any level of New Mexico government in forbidding open carry, with precedent in City of Las Vegas v. Moberg
Amazing. She is dumb as a box of rocks.

Even the many, many extreme lefties who want to repeal the 2A must be horrified by this unbelievably clumsy political stunt that is going to have repercussions for years to come.
Something about don’t interrupt your enemies…..
Check her out.

My state, my laws, my executive orders, what constitution

View: https://x.com/govmlg/status/1700985675552903328?s=46&t=bv1C9X-IfKErpXk7VC470g

Well........if nothing else........she has at least proven........beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever.......that it is definitively true that there is no viable life in the shallow end of the gene pool.

Boys and girls........repeat after me.......YOU JUST CAN'T FIX STUPID.......no matter how much you may want to and hard you try to do so.

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