OK, this is just funny.

Hey I like to show support for what I believe in, but these people who have ribbons covering their whole car just to have a ribbon need to take a hike. I saw one that had more colors then Studio 54's dance floor.
When I first saw one of the yellow support the troops ribbons I liked it a lot and went out and got one, then a couple weeks later people had them on their car more for decoration. I think they missed the whole point of supporting the troops and turned it into a see who can fit more mangets are their car contest
Yea, it's the same with the LiveStrong bands.

I picked up like 30 before my kids first birthday and gave them to everyone as a thank you type thing.

People used to make fun of me, telling me that I was wearing a flee colar on my wrist.

Now, we're 18 months later and everyone is wearing them.

The only magnet that I have on my Jeep is the Service Flag for my Brother-in-law being at war.

I did have a yellow ribbon that read, "Keep My Brother Safe." But someone stole it off my Jeep.
I was going to get a "Support our Troops" ribbon too. But I haven't found a single one that states anywhere on the package that a portion of the profit is actually for the troops. Seems that "Habib" at the local 7-11 is making more on them that the troops get.
I'll donate to the Legion or VFW when they do their care packages.
JonJ said:
I was going to get a "Support our Troops" ribbon too. But I haven't found a single one that states anywhere on the package that a portion of the profit is actually for the troops. Seems that "Habib" at the local 7-11 is making more on them that the troops get.
I'll donate to the Legion or VFW when they do their care packages.

That's one reason that I haven't replaced the one that was stolen off of my car. I will replace the Masonic red, white & blue one, because the brethren at Rufus Putnam Lodge are selling them as a fundraiser.

Think I'll ask them if they want to get some yellow ones printed up that they can use as a fundraiser... or maybe I'll ask the Master of Franklin Lodge if we can do it, instead.

I think our troops would more likely appreciate a donation of a good pistol holster, some high tech shooting glasses, or some gun cleaning tools more than they would have us spend our money on metallic signs for our cars and trucks.
Actually it is the little things. Food,and various things to make their lives a little easier. Our son has 6 duffle bags of equipment that they have been issued. Plus what his unit was already buying before they deployed.
Well, I know that the money that was spent for those magnets and such has helped out my family in an indirect way. The support meeting that they went to yesterday seemed to help my wife and her family. As well as Paul's wife. I think that with all them being together and talking helped them all know that they aren't alone. That every one that went over there, has people at home..and that even though it seems like they are alone now. There are other people in the same boat as they are.

But yea, as Mrs WW said, the little things that you send them make a difference in their attitude. But I didn't think about the people at home until one of my family members left.
C-pher,most wouldn't think about it until it directly involves them. At the begining of the war a friend of ours was there,then a friend of Alan's that had gone in the Marine Corp was there. We have known a few,now it's us,but we knew it was a matter of time.
Yes, it does help the family member left behind to know that they are not alone and others are going through the exact same thing as you. I am glad it helped them,and that is why it is there.
Right after Sept 11th I had a flag on my car,and right after the war started I have had my ribbon on the car. I also have a Support our troops sticker on my car. For me my ribbons make a statement for our guys and basically thumbing my nose at the anti's here. So whatever anyone else thinks about them, I know where my heart is,and that has ALWAYS been in support of our military,and will continue to be so.
Cross-X said:
I think our troops would more likely appreciate a donation of a good pistol holster, some high tech shooting glasses, or some gun cleaning tools more than they would have us spend our money on metallic signs for our cars and trucks.

They use the issued holsters, and they can get Wiley-X's issued to them, but, cleaning tools that are issued leave a LOT to be desired. When my son was overseas, I sent him a Hoppe's BoreSnake. They love those.

So, I'll agree with Darius here, buy cleaning equipment and ship it over to troops. I'm sure Mrs WW and C-pher can help us with addresses, once the guys from the Mass Guard get overseas.
Oh, another source for stuff, and they WILL direct mail to APO addresses is http://www.tapco.com/

ETA - They have Pro Mag mag's for the Beretta. I don't have a clue if they're worth buying, I do know if it was my butt on the line, I'd buy real Beretta mag's, regardless of the price.
Even the brand new mags they issued,we haven't heard good things. Will look at the rest though. I know once again picking your brain, but it is appreciated.
I may have a connection to a REAL Beretta dealer (per Beretta's website).

I'll see what he'll charge me for mag's. It's the Powderhorn Gun Shop, up my way.

Just called $37.95 each, real Beretta 15 round mag's.

They can't be shipped to either NJ or Mass. I can work something out to ship them after the guys get overseas, though.
Do you do paypal?

I would love to be send some of those to Paul. And I know that he would like them as well. He was telling me before he left that if I come across some at a show, to pick them up. He said that he would pay me back. I told him if he comes home, that's payment enough.
Another alternative is http://www.cdnninvestments.com/lemaforciuse.html

They have factory mags for $30 each, 20 rd 92F, LE/Mil marked.

Also MDS marked (??) Italian mfr "new factory" 15 rd mags at $20 each

They claim to charge $10/order for S/H.

CDNN won't ship to APOs, so I don't know if this causes a problem or not.

If you run into a real jam on Beretta mags, someone send me an Email. A good buddy of mine was the New England rep for Beretta before he went full time on the PD about 5 years ago. He may still have some contacts there that could provide info on where to get the mags at a fair price. No promises, but if needed for the guys in/heading to the Sandbox, I'll at least ask if requested.
Nickle and Len, that would be great. They really do need the real Baretta Mags for the 9mm. Right now while at Dix it's not an APO,so we could get them shipped to them. Once they hit the sand,well there is more than one way to skin a cat. [lol]

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