Plans for the 4th?

MrsWildweasel said:
I figure lots of icecream for him.
That would work for me! [lol]

Actually, I had all four pulled 20 some years ago. Two were impacted and dry sockets, so I had to go back to the doc's office 3 days a week for two weeks for him to repack them. The stuff he used tasted like cloves. All I could taste for two weeks, no matter what I ate or drank was cloves. I *STILL* can't stand the taste of cloves to this day because of that.
cdkayak said:
Damn, all 4 wisdom teeth at once. That does not sound like a fun time at all.

It wasn't too bad when I got mine pulled. I had them give me a general... Oral surgeon kept saying "but I don't have to knock you out - you can stay conscious!"

I finally explained to him that I studied JuJuitsu, was afraid of dentists, and he REALLY didn't want me to be seeing him coming at me with a pair of pliers in his hands that he was going to stick in my mouth.

I got my general anesthetic. :-)

Lynne said:
In fond rememberance of our founding fathers and the birth of this nation, hubby and I are going shooting.

Wish I could go shooting this weekend, but my mother is up - we're going to a friend's house Sunday to watch the Chelmsford parade and have a birthday parade. Sunday we're having dinner at the Wayside Inn, and Monday we're going to Old Sturbridge Village to hear them read the Declaration of Independence on the common.

Kudos to John Adams, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Richard Stockton, Lewis Morris, Roger Sherman and all their comrades who risked their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor".
Thankfully my mother lives 3000 miles away. [twisted] Don't have to worry about her coming out here at all. Loved Sturbridge Village. Hoping this fall we can do Plymouth Plantation. Salem is also on my list.
Oh we definately plan on Plymouth first. I only got to read about all these places in text books growing up. Salem just because of the witch burnings,but more so I can say been there done that. Tony, dear, you know of course we could easily get on our brooms if we are provoked enough... [twisted]
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh we definately plan on Plymouth first. I only got to read about all these places in text books growing up. Salem just because of the witch burnings,but more so I can say been there done that. Tony, dear, you know of course we could easily get on our brooms if we are provoked enough... [twisted]

Which is why I'm keeping my pie-hole shut!
MrsWildweasel said:
Really we're not that bad......Although I'm sure Glenn and Alan would both disagree there. [lol]

It's all about "potential". I've lived long enough to come to understand the full meaning of the word. [wink]
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh we definately plan on Plymouth first. I only got to read about all these places in text books growing up.

The Plantation is a real good take. Make sure you see the Mayflower II too. How all those people traveled so long in that little thing is beyond me. They were some lucky. The "Rock" is close to the Mayflower, not much I can say about that, it's a rock.
Watch out for the parking. Plan on parking behind what they call "Memorial Hall" next to Al's Pizza. I believe that they are 12hr meters as opossed to the 2hr jobs right on the waterfront.
Oh and don't forget the Pilgrim Hall museum. Neat artifacts there.
We're having a friendly competition shoot at the Wayland Rod & Gun Club, starting at 1 PM. We'll be shooting pistols at falling plates and tin cans. Our plates are Newbold plastic thingies, so bring round-nosed FMJ only. There will be a small fee. Y'all are welcome to join us.

This will be a friendly competition -- no prizes or trophies and the rule enforcement will be flexible. So if you're a real competitive, Type A sort, this might not be for you...
Thanks for the info Jon. We saw the rock years ago when Alan was little(about 9) At that time the line for the mayflower and plymouth plantation (read tourist time,around the 4th) was horrendous,so we went to Fall River and checked out the navy ships,etc. Alan liked that the best. We were down there for a pattern contest.(model airplane acrobatic competition)
Oh, and Tony you can keep that weather right on down there. :) Oh and in order for me to ride my broom.....You would really, really have to tee me off. [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
Thankfully my mother lives 3000 miles away.

Mine lives 200 miles away - close enough for visits, far enough away so she doesn't drive me crazy!

Anyway, if I had a lighter .22, I'd take her to the range and teach her to shoot. Unfortunately, a bull-barrel Ruger Mk 1 is a little too heavy for her, I think... and we're not even going to discuss the 6" barreled 686! (I mean, .38 is very light recoil...) All my guns are either too heavy for her to hold, or light enough that I think that the recoil would bother her. *sigh*


PS - Tony? No offense, but if you love 100+ temps and 100% humidity, you're a sick puppy! I love the people down in Georgia, and the food is great, but you can keep that weather... far away from me!
TonyD said:
Holy Cripes! It's pushing 100 on my back porch in the shade. And, the humidity is somewhere above that! God, I love this weather!

My husband would love it. He says his feet begin to freeze the middle of September and don't thaw out until the beginning of June. :D
I personally would do dry heat,Idaho,Utah,Arizona,New Mexico,but no humidity. Makes me feel ill. Loved it when I lived in Idaho. 110-120,cool down enough at night you'd still need a light blanket.
MrsWildweasel said:
I personally would do dry heat,Idaho,Utah,Arizona,New Mexico,but no humidity. Makes me feel ill. Loved it when I lived in Idaho. 110-120,cool down enough at night you'd still need a light blanket.

I'm not overly fond of humidity either and on the bad days I feel a bit unwell myself, but the older I get, the more I can't take the snow and cold.
Yup,Glenn and I agree on the snow and cold part too. When we went to Texas and you guys had that aweful Nor'easter,we were enjoying warm weather wearing t-shirts and jeans. It was nice. It was also hard to come back to the cold.
Well, it was a long hard day cleaning carpets for tomorrow's get-together. I just hope I don't have to clean them again on Monday!

For our Liberal friends, I rearranged the papers stuck to our refrigerator! A large flier from SAS announcing their monthly shoot for women is front and center on the fridge. My confirmation for the 4 day defensive handgun course is also highly visible on the fridge. That ought to drive them wild! [twisted] [twisted] [twisted]
I just printed out 6 pictures from the Randy Cain class, so I can post them prominently in my office. All those evil guns in plain view and even a cute blond woman shooting . . . oh the horror!! [twisted] [twisted]

Some psychologists may be working overtime next week! [roll] [twisted] [twisted]
Hell, I might as well go for broke!

I just "rearranged" 4 of the pictures to the etagé in the Family Room, 2 to either side of the mortarboards from an Israeli Deputy Police Superintendent (he gave them to me when we did an Israeli tour with LE/IDF back in 1989).

We'll see if my Wife gets unglued over them or if she doesn't notice them today. [twisted] [twisted] [mrgreen] [mrgreen]
Yesterday my brother in law went to the range and did a little plinking at the 100 yard range with the ARs. Then moved over and went to the 50 yd range for some pistol practice.

He had a squib. So when he was breaking it down to get the barrel out, the end cap went flying when moved the barrel bushing. So, now it's in parts and I have to order a new cap for the guide rod and spring.

That's ok. I had three other pistols there for him to shoot. So we did that, then hung out with the guys shooting black powder.

And they spent another hour talking old war stories from when they were in Vietnam, and thier son that just got back to where he's going. So they had a good time.

Then, we drove out to Gloucester, RI to see fireworks.

Today, we went to a friends house in Whitman and hung around the pool. We got back and we're about to grill out and head over to Franklin to see the fireworks.

Can't seem to get enough of things that go bang and light up the sky.
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