Police Torture Prisoner in MAINE

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those that say this isn't torture lets put you strapped down in a chairs with 4 guys in full assault gear holding you down and pepper spray you in the face and see if you think that is torture or not
those that say this isn't torture lets put you strapped down in a chairs with 4 guys in full assault gear holding you down and pepper spray you in the face and see if you think that is torture or not

"but he deserved it"

you know, the US law system is apparently partially based off of emotional revenge on criminals.
"but he deserved it"

you know, the US law system is apparently partially based off of emotional revenge on criminals.

Always amazes me when people so vehement that their rights be upheld are the same people saying "**** 'em, it ain't me/he's a criminal" It's sort of an all-or-nothing deal with human rights.....
Does anyone here have any other information, other than the brief snapshot given by this video? No, you don't. But everyone has an opinion. That's all they are, opinions. Maybe it looked like "torture" , maybe it looked excessive, or maybe it looks like nothing. With out facts and perspective, very little can be learned from this video alone.
Always amazes me when people so vehement that their rights be upheld are the same people saying "**** 'em, it ain't me/he's a criminal" It's sort of an all-or-nothing deal with human rights.....

I find it interesting that people justify use of force in official capacities based off of revenge. That's ****ed up.
Always amazes me when people so vehement that their rights be upheld are the same people saying "**** 'em, it ain't me/he's a criminal" It's sort of an all-or-nothing deal with human rights.....

It's a cliche mindless "conservative" reaction that is 100% predicable. Be tough on crime. Beat people up when there is "justification." Assault people when its "deserved."

I think its easy to guess that all the people who are ok with the video: Support Mitt Romney, identify as Republican, and support the death penalty. Those people are what I would call "statists."

As an MP in the Army, if i had done what was in that video I would of ended up in the jail cell next to the guy in the chair. suck on that mindless Republicans. Oh, and don't forget to "support the troops" ****ing statists.
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A real "tough" guy would challenge the prisoner in a one-on-one (mano el mano) duel in a locked room.

But anybody can be tough with 4 to 6 of their friends holding down their opponent.
Does anyone here have any other information, other than the brief snapshot given by this video? No, you don't. But everyone has an opinion. That's all they are, opinions. Maybe it looked like "torture" , maybe it looked excessive, or maybe it looks like nothing. With out facts and perspective, very little can be learned from this video alone.

The fact of the matter is that once the guy is restrained to the chair any threat is neutralized. At that point all of the actions by the officers are deliberate and thought out, there is no "heat of the moment" defensive action. Everything they do once he is restrained is offensive, and there is no need for it. They are not paid to doll out punishment.
Does anyone here have any other information, other than the brief snapshot given by this video? No, you don't. But everyone has an opinion. That's all they are, opinions. Maybe it looked like "torture" , maybe it looked excessive, or maybe it looks like nothing. With out facts and perspective, very little can be learned from this video alone.

what could he have done that the sentence would be pepper spraying a restrained person. I have yet to see a judge deliver a sentence of pepper spray at point blank to a restrained person
What if you found out that he was a big time rapist, how would that impact your comment? I rest my case, I don't have a dog in this fight but so much ****ing hate for anyone wearing a uniform is beyond me.

Jesus Christ once again, I'm banging my head against the wall here. Am I still on NES or did something change around here in the past few days?

Can you enlighten all of us as to what the F he did and how much of a criminal he is? You seem to know! I'm sure he is probably a scumbag but I don't know that for sure. He could be in on some BS charge just as easily. Either way, thats beside the point, the actions of the PD are not proper in this case and not proportionate to the level of threat they faced.

SERE was not even that bad, maybe they should have the cops start running it up there in N. Maine!
He chose his actions, he can deal with the consequences. I'm supposed to feel bad for criminals now?

yea and with one fresh passed law and we too become just some "criminal". Did it state his crime? Was it a real crime or is this another person we locked up for weed in the name of war against drugs. We might want to look differently at SOME of these "criminals" as our current government wishes to make us just like them.
He was screaming about not being able to breathe when the cop restrained his head... he complained of his eyes being covered, he then carried on when they put the hood on him.

It wasn't about the pepper spray, it was about the head restraint. CLASSIC claustrophobic response of "I CAN'T BREATHE, I CAN'T BREATHE! CAPTAIN, TELL THEM TO TAKE HIS HANDS OFF MY HEAD SO I CAN BREATHE" (Really? You're yelling really loudly for someone who can't breathe....)

WHAT do you do with a guy who is non-cooperative, restrain him until he cries about claustrophobia? Do you not lock up claustrophobics at all?

I'm not apologizing for the officers at all. I'm uncomfortable watching it too. I'm explaining the guy's reactions were not to the pepper spray, the reactions were to being restrained. Go watch it again.... and let me know if I missed something?!?
What if you found out that he was a big time rapist, how would that impact your comment? I rest my case, I don't have a dog in this fight but so much ****ing hate for anyone wearing a uniform is beyond me.

if I found out he was a rapist he deserves the prion sentence he gets hell I would support a castration if he was convicted beyond a reasonable doubt but the pepper spray was not because he was a rapist or a murderer his crime was he disrespected authority by spitting on the CO so at that point the CO became judge juror and executioner
Why would they let a guy video tape this? Unless he was using midge camera but I don't think so.
What if you found out that he was a big time rapist, how would that impact your comment? I rest my case, I don't have a dog in this fight but so much ****ing hate for anyone wearing a uniform is beyond me.

If he was a big time rapist, he still gets treatment in accordance with law, especially by LEO's. Are especially sick criminals somehow not offered the same protection against abuse as other criminals? I'd enjoy killing the shit out of a rapist. But guess what that makes me. A murder, like any other. Emotion has no place in law, only revenge and cowardly acts.
What if you found out that he was a big time rapist, how would that impact your comment? I rest my case, I don't have a dog in this fight but so much ****ing hate for anyone wearing a uniform is beyond me.

Doesn't matter what he did, even if he ass raped a cop he doesn't get pepper sprayed while restrained in a chair.
Well said....

He was screaming about not being able to breathe when the cop restrained his head... he complained of his eyes being covered, he then carried on when they put the hood on him.

It wasn't about the pepper spray, it was about the head restraint. CLASSIC claustrophobic response of "I CAN'T BREATHE, I CAN'T BREATHE! CAPTAIN, TELL THEM TO TAKE HIS HANDS OFF MY HEAD SO I CAN BREATHE" (Really? You're yelling really loudly for someone who can't breathe....)

WHAT do you do with a guy who is non-cooperative, restrain him until he cries about claustrophobia? Do you not lock up claustrophobics at all?

I'm not apologizing for the officers at all. I'm uncomfortable watching it too. I'm explaining the guy's reactions were not to the pepper spray, the reactions were to being restrained. Go watch it again.... and let me know if I missed something?!?
Wow, it's truly amazing how many bleeding heart liberals are in this thread. The inmate clearly resisted in an aggressive fashion screaming "don't touch my ****ing arm" and then spit. If he's at the point where he's in a smock and a chair, he's a repeat offender of this type. You don't just walk out of your cell into a smock and chair for a trip to the shower. You either assault an officer, start a fire, cut up or do something equally as bed and then resist being cuffed up. Forcing a move team (the guys in riot gear) to come in and get you. He most likely already assaulted one or multiple officers and as soon as he started to resist again they sprayed him and controlled his head.

Have any of the posters here claiming the officers used an aggressive offense ever had someone with HIV try to bite or spit on them? Not a ****ing chance you have. He's lucky when he spit that no one broke his jaw. You'll also be happy to know that he most likely after this incident received better medical care than you or I could ever hope to have... for free, and because the video has been released and will touch upon the "feelings" of some shithead jury. He will also become filthy rich by the time of his release.

Prison is not like OZ or some FOX tv show, this is prison life everyday. Assaulting officers and working the system.
Does anyone here have any other information, other than the brief snapshot given by this video? No, you don't. But everyone has an opinion. That's all they are, opinions. Maybe it looked like "torture" , maybe it looked excessive, or maybe it looks like nothing. With out facts and perspective, very little can be learned from this video alone.

Well here is a link to the article about it in the ACLU. Shocking Video from Maine Prison Shows a Restrained Prisoner Being Tortured with Pepper Spray | American Civil Liberties Union

A former military medic, Paul Schlosser has received treatment in prison for both bipolar disorder and depression. After being held in solitary confinement for two months, he began to cut himself – a common response to such long-term isolation. On June 7, 2012, Schlosser pulled off his bandages and refused to be treated. He was then strapped to a restraint chair and confronted by Captain Welch.

IIRC you do have the right to refuse medical treatment in prison. It can cause disciplinary action but I'm sure this wasn't what they had in mind when they wrote the prison manual. And if it was, more is the shame..
I'm having a panic attack watching it. If you work in the correctional system, you need to learn the word 'restraint' and I don't mean a physical restraint. This is abuse whether he attacked the officer or not.
I *AM* claustrophobic, so I fully understand his panic attack. I have screamed "I CAN'T BREATHE" from my brother sitting on me or tickling me when I was a kid.
Would I have a right to shoot someone for sitting on me causing my panic attack?
Should that guy have the right to have killed one of those guards for "torturing" him?

So if a dog bit your child, would you be okay with me tying it up, then spraying it in the eyes with pepper spray?

The dog, or the kid? ;-)

Seriously though, dogs aren't sentient human beings so the question is unfair on its face. But if you want me to answer I'd say something like "The dog would be either euthanized for biting, sentenced to permanent restraint by muzzle, or re-trained to be obedient and if he bit again, he's be put down for sure. Surely you're not advocating the death penalty for spitters?"
Yeah point blank pepper spray was over the top but the riot gear was because obviously he was an immature repeat brat. Removing his wound dressing for attention then spitting on cops multiple times... kid's a ****ing punk who needed years of neglected negative reinforcement condensed into 15 minutes by cops.
Have any of the posters here claiming the officers used an aggressive offense ever had someone with HIV try to bite or spit on them? Not a ****ing chance you have. He's lucky when he spit that no one broke his jaw.

"You don't know how it feels until someone shoots your kid" says the cliche anti gun talking point.

You sound like an anti supporting revenge attacks.

If the guy was spitting put a ****ing spit hood on him. they make those for that very reason.
He's mentally ill. Strapped to a chair and those pussies had to spray OC in to his mouth.


The day is coming you cowards.
So lets take a guy on the edge and push him over the edge and then torture him "for his own good". We're not bleeding heart liberals, we're Libertarians who don't think a tin badge grants you extra rights which would make inmates out of the rest of us.
Wow, it's truly amazing how many bleeding heart liberals are in this thread. The inmate clearly resisted in an aggressive fashion screaming "don't touch my ****ing arm" and then spit. If he's at the point where he's in a smock and a chair, he's a repeat offender of this type. You don't just walk out of your cell into a smock and chair for a trip to the shower. You either assault an officer, start a fire, cut up or do something equally as bed and then resist being cuffed up. Forcing a move team (the guys in riot gear) to come in and get you. He most likely already assaulted one or multiple officers and as soon as he started to resist again they sprayed him and controlled his head.

Have any of the posters here claiming the officers used an aggressive offense ever had someone with HIV try to bite or spit on them? Not a ****ing chance you have. He's lucky when he spit that no one broke his jaw. You'll also be happy to know that he most likely after this incident received better medical care than you or I could ever hope to have... for free, and because the video has been released and will touch upon the "feelings" of some shithead jury. He will also become filthy rich by the time of his release.

Prison is not like OZ or some FOX tv show, this is prison life everyday. Assaulting officers and working the system.

Not a ****ing chance? I'll take you up on that one. I've had all manner of stupid shit done to me, and others in my presence, by criminals and managed to restrain myself. Ever seen a grown man rape a child? What I did was far from what I would have liked to do in that case. If you are going to be an LEO, you have to have the self restraint to not react emotionally. That's what libs do, emotional reactions to logical problems.
Yeah point blank pepper spray was over the top but the riot gear was because obviously he was an immature repeat brat. Removing his wound dressing for attention then spitting on cops multiple times... kid's a ****ing punk who needed years of neglected negative reinforcement condensed into 15 minutes by cops.
You are right I am now convinced that a 15 minute cop beat down cured this misguided young veteran of his bipolar and depression. If all of us unruly peasants got routine 15 minute cop beat downs we also would be cured of our bad ways and love of freedom, guns, and large sodas. Where do I sign up for my mental health cop beat down? Hope the copay isn't too high. There have been randomized double blind studies proving the mental health curative effects of cop beat downs correct? There must have been or you wouldn't suggest that treatment for some bipolar, depressed former Army medic.
All of you that said what if he was a rapist....

What if he was arrested for having an illegal 30 round magazine? Would everything be okay then? A former military medic (I'll cut him some slack). If you don't like the risks of your job (LEO or CO) maybe you should find a different carreer? I expect more from those that hold control over my life/rights!
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