Practical Implications of H4885 for Purchasing and Possessing

Is the general consensus that we can leave preban mags loaded and use for self defense on private property post 10/23?

Not all private property. Just two specific cases:

From §131M(c)

(i) on private property owned or legally controlled by the person in possession of the large capacity feeding device;
(ii) on private property that is not open to the public with the express permission of the property owner or the property owner’s authorized agent;

This is excludes private property like a Home Despot, because it's open to the public. Even with permission it'll be a felony to have a normal capacity magazine there unless it's unloaded and in a locked container *AND* you're on your way to and from either of the above or a licensed gun range.

It's unclear what "express permission" means. "Permission to be there", or "permission to possess a loaded normal capacity magazine"

It's also unclear what "to and from" means. Can you stop to get gas? Eat a meal? Visit your mother? Pick up the dry cleaning?

For any future reference:

I, Milktree, expressly give permission to anyone who I have invited on my property or any property I have control over, for any reason, to possess and carry a loaded normal/full/large capacity feeding device.
I, Milktree, expressly give permission to anyone who I have invited on my property or any property I have control over, for any reason, to possess and carry a loaded normal/full/large capacity feeding device.
Even Al Kyder and Anne Teefa, or others who mean you harm?
Even Al Kyder and Anne Teefa, or others who mean you harm?

If I have a reason to invite them into my property, yes.


And to be more clear: It's an idiotic law, and I won't be a part of playing along with it. Anyone who's there to harm me isn't going to give a crap about my invitation.
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Its frustrating. Every time someone asks me about the process or shows any interest in guns, the first thing i tell them is START RIGHT F*CKING NOW because its a time consuming process, they put a good amount of hurdles in your path and it will NEVER be easier or cheaper than it is RIGHT NOW.

Even if they have the mildest of interest, I tell them "Look, its a process to get this thing. It takes a while. Theres always some BS right around the corner that only makes it worse, whether its legislation, a mass shooting somewhere, whatever. If you started 6 months ago, you wouldve been done now. If God forbid something happens and you decide you want or need a gun to protect yourself, you can go get one that day instead of have to begin a months long process."

And then a year later, two years later, five years later, etc they STILL still dont have their LTC's.
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In talking to people I've come across so many who have no clue this bill is even a thing. A few of them are FID holders, one of them didn't believe me when I told him he would no longer be allowed to own semi's.
Unfortunately, I’ve had the same experience.
Likewise. The everyday 2A non-enthusiast in MA seems to have no idea about what is happening... and they are eyes-wide-open shocked when you tell them. :oops:
Its frustrating. Every time someone asks me about the process or shows any interest in guns, the first thing i tell them is START RIGHT F*CKING NOW because its a time consuming process, they put a good amount of hurdles in your path and it will NEVER be easier or cheaper than it is RIGHT NOW.

Even if they have the mildest of interest, I tell them "Look, its a process to get this thing. It takes a while. There's always some BS right around the corner that only makes it worse, whether its legislation, a mass shooting somewhere, whatever. If you started 6 months ago, you would've been done now. If God forbid something happens and you decide you want or need a gun to protect yourself, you can go get one that day instead of have to begin a months long process."

And then a year later, two years later, five years later, etc they STILL still don't have their LTC's.
Yep. It's sad. Life always seems to get in the way of getting their LTC for some people. Ran into another example of that just this past week. I told him hurry up or your process to get your LTC may be a whole lot longer and uglier. :(
Yep. It's sad. Life always seems to get in the way of getting their LTC for some people. Ran into another example of that just this past week. I told him hurry up or your process to get your LTC may be a whole lot longer and uglier. :(
There is one guy in particular that is always telling me he doesnt have time, which anyone knows is bs. I try to tell him to look at it as an appointment. If you have a dentist appointment, you always get there. Same with a doctor's appointment or a meeting for work. Write it down so it becomes real and get it done.

Bit of a sidetrack, but I learned that from the agent I used to buy my house. Her phone was always ringing and she seemed to be making appointments with clients for odd hours, assumably to accommodate their schedules. I mentioned that she must have no time for herself. She told me how she has plenty of time to do what she wants to do because she makes appointments for herself. If she wants to go skiing, she makes an appointment. If a client wanted to meet with her that day, she would tell them she was booked and suggest another time. She wouldnt tell them she was skiing that day of course, but she would stick to her guns as if she had a work-related appointment scheduled.
In talking to people I've come across so many who have no clue this bill is even a thing. A few of them are FID holders, one of them didn't believe me when I told him he would no longer be allowed to own semi's.
I want to put together a very high level, "100,000 feet high", review of what is going on and how to deal with it, and the urgency with which to deal with it, to send out to club members. It would be nice if different people with different points could pitch in and contribute; and then have this as a template to go out to ALL the sportsman's clubs and all the gun shop email lists in the state.

Its frustrating. Every time someone asks me about the process or shows any interest in guns, the first thing i tell them is START RIGHT F*CKING NOW because its a time consuming process, they put a good amount of hurdles in your path and it will NEVER be easier or cheaper than it is RIGHT NOW.

Even if they have the mildest of interest, I tell them "Look, its a process to get this thing. It takes a while. Theres always some BS right around the corner that only makes it worse, whether its legislation, a mass shooting somewhere, whatever. If you started 6 months ago, you wouldve been done now. If God forbid something happens and you decide you want or need a gun to protect yourself, you can go get one that day instead of have to begin a months long process."

And then a year later, two years later, five years later, etc they STILL still dont have their LTC's.
Likewise. The everyday 2A non-enthusiast in MA seems to have no idea about what is happening... and they are eyes-wide-open shocked when you tell them. :oops:
Yep. It's sad. Life always seems to get in the way of getting their LTC for some people. Ran into another example of that just this past week. I told him hurry up or your process to get your LTC may be a whole lot longer and uglier. :(
Yup. I just told my neighbor Friday afternoon. He was like "Really? Why is that?". No clue.

I told my daughter, who just turned 21 in July. She took a class last Tuesday and had her application in on Wednesday, before heading back up to Amherst that same day. My son is over 18, but under 20, and is not eligible for this right at this point in time.
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I want to put together a very high level, "100,000 feet high", review of what is going on and how to deal with it, and the urgency with which to deal with it, to send out to club members. It would be nice if different people with different points could pitch in and contribute; and then have this as a template to go out to ALL the sportsman's clubs and all the gun shop email lists in the state.

APFSDS has a great start here in response to my question in the main H4885 thread regarding a more straightforward explanation to get the message out that what we are being told by the media and the government is not the full story.
Well my ltc expire in december,and worcester pd gave me an appointment to renew in Jan 20 2025 May be they too busy taking care of all the new ltc people. Dang it, I was told by the cop to lock up all my guns in the safe when my ltc expire in december.
I was told by some redneck that I can renew by mail,not sure if this is true or not.
I want to put together a very high level, "100,000 feet high", review of what is going on and how to deal with it, and the urgency with which to deal with it, to send out to club members. It would be nice if different people with different points could pitch in and contribute; and then have this as a template to go out to ALL the sportsman's clubs and all the gun shop email lists in the state.

Yup. I just told my neighbor Friday afternoon. He was like "Really? Why is that?". No clue.

I told my daughter, who just turned 21 in July. She took a class last Tuesday and had her application in on Wednesday, before heading back up to Amherst that same day. My son is over 18, but under 20, and is not eligible for this right at this point in time.

Be sure to also nclude a tube to pin to the club boards. They’re going to need it.

Links to the Goal pages on H4885 and bullets on the states subterfuge efforts on the ballot petition for the people to remove this underhanded unconstitutional shit. More Dem BS to bypass court decisions to “Fix Bruen” etc

Well my ltc expire in december,and worcester pd gave me an appointment to renew in Jan 20 2025 May be they too busy taking care of all the new ltc people. Dang it, I was told by the cop to lock up all my guns in the safe when my ltc expire in december.
I was told by some redneck that I can renew by mail,not sure if this is true or not.

I'm pretty sure that there is a 90 day grace period on your old LTC even if the PO just sits on it til after expiration without actually processing it and providing you with a MIRCs receipt. If they do actually provide you with a receipt you're GTG for as long as it take to receive. All that said you might have some dealers who won't sell to you and definitely the big box stores, but other than that, you're fine. Go shoot and be happy.
They are supposed to have a judiciary committee review but they simply rubber stamp anything antigun.

This is why some of us are so convinced nobody will ever do anything to enforce this (or several other) infringing laws: because the standing would be immediate and incontrovertible.

It benefits TPTB to have this law in place. They understand it is not going to withstand court scrutiny. The best way for them to keep this law in place is to prevent it from going to the courts.

APFSDS has a great start here in response to my question in the main H4885 thread regarding a more straightforward explanation to get the message out that what we are being told by the media and the government is not the full story.
I will check it out. Is all (or most, since never all) of NES in agreement on whatever this says? It would be nice to have some consensus.

Well my ltc expire in december,and worcester pd gave me an appointment to renew in Jan 20 2025 May be they too busy taking care of all the new ltc people. Dang it, I was told by the cop to lock up all my guns in the safe when my ltc expire in december.
I was told by some redneck that I can renew by mail,not sure if this is true or not.
Can't you just print out the application, then go to the station and turn it in and ask for a receipt?

Be sure to also nclude a tube to pin to the club boards. They’re going to need it.
I had no what this meant, ... then I scrolled down. [rofl]

Really, though, some solid points to share and links to guide them to would be very helpful.
Can't you just print out the application, then go to the station and turn it in and ask for a receipt?
Nope, they process ltc by appointment only,there a lock on the pd door, can not just walk in there.
Wut really got me mad is that I did call then back in late july,was told that am too early to schedule my ltc renew appointment with them. Soo I went on a nice vacation, come back and called em few days ago and got my ltc renew appointment in Jan 20🤯
These sound fishy, or even illegal. I'm surprised ACLU isn't all over that.

I would guess that most process by appointment. Mine does.

Appointments are one day a week and you’d have to call on a particular day to make your appointment. Appointments are usually gone by 8:05 so you gotta be quick.
Likewise. The everyday 2A non-enthusiast in MA seems to have no idea about what is happening... and they are eyes-wide-open shocked when you tell them. :oops:

Yep. It's sad. Life always seems to get in the way of getting their LTC for some people. Ran into another example of that just this past week. I told him hurry up or your process to get your LTC may be a whole lot longer and uglier. :(
Good example, I was at the range the other day, there's a member who is there all the time, an older guy and all I really ever see him shoot is bolts, 1911's and revolvers and thats cool, in fact he has some really nice older smiths. We get to talking about stuff and even though he had a vague idea that the new law had passed most of what he did know was wrong and I got the feeling he just didn't care because a lot of it won't really effect him. I suspect there are a lot of people just like this guy in MA.
Good example, I was at the range the other day, there's a member who is there all the time, an older guy and all I really ever see him shoot is bolts, 1911's and revolvers and thats cool, in fact he has some really nice older smiths. We get to talking about stuff and even though he had a vague idea that the new law had passed most of what he did know was wrong and I got the feeling he just didn't care because a lot of it won't really effect him. I suspect there are a lot of people just like this guy in MA.
Unfortunately people believe this but this law affects every single license holder in the state.
Good example, I was at the range the other day, there's a member who is there all the time, an older guy and all I really ever see him shoot is bolts, 1911's and revolvers and thats cool, in fact he has some really nice older smiths. We get to talking about stuff and even though he had a vague idea that the new law had passed most of what he did know was wrong and I got the feeling he just didn't care because a lot of it won't really effect him. I suspect there are a lot of people just like this guy in MA.
It is a fact that the older you get and the longer you've had your LTC, the less you are likely to be directly or severely impacted by the new law. The big exception to that is the "red flag" BS which is an equal and dangerous threat to all gunowners regardless of age. :(
There is one guy in particular that is always telling me he doesnt have time, which anyone knows is bs. I try to tell him to look at it as an appointment. If you have a dentist appointment, you always get there. Same with a doctor's appointment or a meeting for work. Write it down so it becomes real and get it done.
My wife was similar....0 interest in spending 2 days in a class, and I pointed out MFS was just 4 hours (and included live fire), and I would sit through it with her...she couldn't argue with just 4 hours and took the course with her mom.
she couldn't argue with just 4 hours and took the course with her mom.
Once you get them in the class they change their mind. My wife and I took the same 4hr class. She listened and learned. The guy had a demo gun that would malfunction every time. My wife figured out how to clear it with zero hints.
My wife was similar....0 interest in spending 2 days in a class, and I pointed out MFS was just 4 hours (and included live fire), and I would sit through it with her...she couldn't argue with just 4 hours and took the course with her mom.
... which, of course, is exactly why the state wants to make it as long, complicated and discouraging as possible. :confused:
I'm pretty sure that there is a 90 day grace period on your old LTC even if the PO just sits on it til after expiration without actually processing it and providing you with a MIRCs receipt. If they do actually provide you with a receipt you're GTG for as long as it take to receive. All that said you might have some dealers who won't sell to you and definitely the big box stores, but other than that, you're fine. Go shoot and be happy.
There is no grace period if the pd doesn't enter your paperwork to start the process.
A receipt for payment IS NOT acceptable. Your application must be entered into MIRCS for your license to be extended.
Unfortunately people believe this but this law affects every single license holder in the state.
This is important. Even for those of us that can or will basically ignore most of it, it's still devastating. It makes it immeasurably more difficult to encourage others to get into gun ownership, regardless of their motives. It's very easy for one to say "ehh screw it im not bothering".
There is no grace period if the pd doesn't enter your paperwork to start the process.
A receipt for payment IS NOT acceptable. Your application must be entered into MIRCS for your license to be extended.

What does §121F(s)(iii) mean then?

MGL C. 140 §121F in H4885 said:

(s) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, an expired license to carry
firearms issued under section 131 or an expired firearm identification card issued
under section 129B shall remain valid for all lawful purposes if:
(i) already applied for renewal​
(ii) in the military and away​
(iii) the expiration period has not yet exceeded 90 days beyond the stated date of​
expiration, unless such license to carry or firearm identification card has been​
revoked or suspended​
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