So, if you want want to have the argument and make me pull up the laws I will. But you should just go read them. The whole reason. The ENTIRE reason that everything as of 8/1 is preban on 10/23 is because it is all an assault style firearm. This isn’t based off what the manufacturer stated when they sold it to you. If you legally possessed an FCU on 8/1. And can state “I bought this with the intent of turning this into an assault style firearm. Therefore this was a receiver of an assault style firearm on 8/1”. Then it’s preban. Now, if you want to run to the AG or DA or Police and state on record “ I bought this with the pure intent of making it a single stack 45 ACP pistol that weighed 24 ounces” I mean.. have at it. But why would you..
Ok, not going to get into an argument that has useless replies tacked on. Just simply. Cite with quotes, the section of the new law to support this wild argument.
Section 131M:
"Subsection (a) shall not apply to an
assault-style firearm lawfully possessed within the commonwealth
on August 1, 2024, by an owner in possession of a license to carry issued under section 131 or by a holder of a license to sell under section 122; provided, that the assault-style firearm shall be registered in accordance with section 121B and serialized in accordance with section 121C."
It does not say "shall not apply to a
firearm lawfully possessed on 8/1". Any competent prosecutor could argue you don't qualify for the exemption in front of any anti 2A judge in this state based on that language. It just would be incredibly difficult for the state to prove it.
Section 121 Defintions
Assault-Style Firearm:
These are all the ways for the law to recognize a FCU as an assault style firearm:
(b) a semiautomatic pistol with the capacity to accept a detachable feeding device and includes at least 2 of the following features: (i) the capacity to accept a feeding device that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip; (ii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand; (iii) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip or silencer; or (iv) a shroud that encircles either all or part of the barrel designed to shield the bearer’s hand from heat, excluding a slide that encloses the barrel.
A FCU on 8/1 does not fail the features test
Any of the following firearms, or copies or duplicates of these firearms, of any caliber, identified as: (i) Avtomat Kalashnikov, or AK, all models; (ii) Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil; (iii) Beretta AR70 (SC-70); (iv) Colt AR-15; (v) Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR and FNC; (vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9 and M-12; (vii) Steyr AUG; (viii) INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9 and TEC-22; and (ix) revolving cylinder shotguns including, but not limited to, the Street Sweeper and Striker 12;
A FCU on 8/1 is not an enumerated weapon
a copy or duplicate of any firearm meeting the standards of or enumerated in clauses (d) and (e); provided, that for the purposes of this subsection, “copy or duplicate” shall mean a firearm: (A) that was manufactured or subsequently configured with an ability to accept a detachable magazine; and (B)(i) that has internal functional components that are substantially similar in construction and configuration to those of an enumerated firearm in clauses (d) and (e); or (ii) that has a receiver that is the same as or interchangeable with the receiver of an enumerated firearm in said clauses
A FCU is neither substantially similar in construction and configuration nor is it interchangeable with an upper of an enumerated firearm
Any firearm listed on the assault-style firearm roster pursuant to section 128A.
This is the one chance an FCU has to be an ASF - if something with a FCU gets listed on this roster, then all its copies and duplicates are ASF and if you owned it prior to 8/1 you're golden. If nothing with an FCU or nothing that is substantially similar in construction and configuration ends up on the list you can't fail this test.
For clarity - you want the FCU owned prior to 8/1 to FAIL one of these new tests. That makes it an ASF and gives it grandfathering.