Practical Implications of H4885 for Purchasing and Possessing

FCU is the serialized part and therefore a firearm per the new law
I wasn’t aware we were originally talking about Sigs. Yes, the fire control unit is the actual “firearm” under the new law since it is the serialized part. I have a P250 fcu with 9mm and 45 barrels, frames, and mags.
Any new ideas or insights about the pre 8/2 ASFs or possible configurations one can build up since we’ve started on this mental flossing last month?
Any new ideas or insights about the pre 8/2 ASFs or possible configurations one can build up since we’ve started on this mental flossing last month?

It’s a nit, but I’m going to pick it:

It’s not “pre 8/2” it’s just “8/1” or “ON 8/1”

7/31 is meaningless. 1993 is meaningless.

The only date that matters is 8/1. Period.

The fact that there’s nearly 100% overlap between “on 8/1” and “before 8/2” is a coincidence.

But to your question: after 10/22, you can do anything you want to anything that was lawfully possessed ON 8/1.
Yea that’s been hashed out since early August but I’m wondering about anything more nuanced.
What nuance is needed?
If you are worried about post 7/20/16 copies and duplicates not being exempt then it doesn't matter if you have zero or all the features.
If it's not a copy or duplicate, or it's pre 7/20/16 then it's exempt so features don't matter.
No matter what position you take on the exact language of the law, it the firearm was lawfully possessed on 8/1/24 then it is exempt regardless of features.
What nuance is needed?
If you are worried about post 7/20/16 copies and duplicates not being exempt then it doesn't matter if you have zero or all the features.
If it's not a copy or duplicate, or it's pre 7/20/16 then it's exempt so features don't matter.
No matter what position you take on the exact language of the law, it the firearm was lawfully possessed on 8/1/24 then it is exempt regardless of features.
Wut, me worry? That is all very clear as we’ve discussed this quite a bit since the beginning of this thread. It’s all good 😊
It’s a nit, but I’m going to pick it:

It’s not “pre 8/2” it’s just “8/1” or “ON 8/1”

7/31 is meaningless. 1993 is meaningless.

The only date that matters is 8/1. Period.

The fact that there’s nearly 100% overlap between “on 8/1” and “before 8/2” is a coincidence.

But to your question: after 10/22, you can do anything you want to anything that was lawfully possessed ON 8/1.
Ok 👌🏻
So is there an issue to purchase something now from a dealer? On the dealers books pre 8/1 but purchase post 8/1
As long as “now” means “before 10/23, AND it was in the dealer’s inventory on 8/1", it’s fine.

Dealers will not be able to transfer any rifles or shotguns of any type after 10/22, regardless of when they put it in inventory.
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“Petition signing to DEFEAT h4885
here at BG Sporting in Westfield on Sunday September 22nd 10-3. Their signatures mattered so does yours. Representative from civil rights group will be here to collect your signatures.”
“Petition signing to DEFEAT h4885
here at BG Sporting in Westfield on Sunday September 22nd 10-3. Their signatures mattered so does yours. Representative from civil rights group will be here to collect your signatures.”
Please leave this misguided shit out of this thread.
So is there an issue to purchase something now from a dealer? On the dealers books pre 8/1 but purchase post 8/1

My interest is an MP5 specifically that will be SBR'd through a trust
No, the firearm need only have been legally possessed by a license holder, either dealer or LTC, on 8/1 for exemption.
Is anyone 100% sure? :) @CrackPot @nstassel
It’s not relevant anytime soon. Compliance with 121B, registration, is likely over two years away. They have a year to implement and we have a year to register guns to get into compliance. Ask again in two years. Registration is in direct violation of federal law so by that point they might have lost in federal court.
It’s not relevant anytime soon. Compliance with 121B, registration, is likely over two years away.

The actual question was about the registration requirement on non residents bringing their guns in when they’re here for more than seven days.

Registration is in direct violation of federal law

I have read that many times before, but I can’t find a source for it. I found something that says the feds can’t implement or require registration (other than NFA items), but nothing saying the states are prohibited from doing so.

Don’t several state require registration? DC? NY? (At least for handguns), HI? NJ? Why haven’t those states’ requirement been challenged and thrown out?
The actual question was about the registration requirement on non residents bringing their guns in when they’re here for more than seven days.

I have read that many times before, but I can’t find a source for it. I found something that says the feds can’t implement or require registration (other than NFA items), but nothing saying the states are prohibited from doing so.

Don’t several state require registration? DC? NY? (At least for handguns), HI? NJ? Why haven’t those states’ requirement been challenged and thrown out?

The Brady bill is one. There is another but I don’t recall it off hand.
The actual question was about the registration requirement on non residents bringing their guns in when they’re here for more than seven days.

I have read that many times before, but I can’t find a source for it. I found something that says the feds can’t implement or require registration (other than NFA items), but nothing saying the states are prohibited from doing so.

Don’t several state require registration? DC? NY? (At least for handguns), HI? NJ? Why haven’t those states’ requirement been challenged and thrown out?

Federal Law 18 U.S.C. 926
No such rule or regulation prescribed [by the Attorney General] after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter or any portion of the contents of such records, be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof, nor that any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or disposition be established. Nothing in this section expands or restricts the Secretary's authority to inquire into the disposition of any firearm in the course of a criminal investigation.
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