Range Report


Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Today Brent and I made it out to the Braintree Gun Club to try out Brent's new Sig 226 in .40 cal.

A little back groud, Brent and I have known each other since we were five years old. We compete against each other at everything we do. Today we both had our Sig 226's, both in .40 cal. We both shot 165gr Winchester Target loads, we both fired at our targets from 33ft, and we both fired ten, 10 round strings for a maximum score of 1000. Keep in mind this was Brent's first time shooting a pistol. He has fired a rifle many times, but never a pistol. So naturally we both couldn't wait to get down there to trash talk each other.

The final Results:
Brent's Score 709-3X
Derek's Score 898-11X

Below is my best 10 round group.

And here is Brent's best 10 round group.

All in All it was a fun day at the Range. We met LenS down there with his wife and they also got some practice in.

But Brent just so you know, you got OWNED!! [twisted]
Hahah, ohh all in all, I had a great time and will improve as time goes on as I learn more. Soon to come, some pwnage back to you :)

It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife LenS.
It was great meeting you Brent, and seeing Derek again.

It takes tons of practice and concentration to be really good and BR&P is a great place to do that.

Keep up the good work and enjoy the fun and Sig.
Actually, I'm more impressed with Brent's target seeing as how he has never shot a pistol before than the target of a guy who's half distinquished. (No offense) [wink]
TonyD said:
Actually, I'm more impressed with Brent's target seeing as how he has never shot a pistol before than the target of a guy who's half distinquished. (No offense) [wink]

Brent did very good. His mental game needs some work, but for the most part knows the fundamentals. And like I said I'm rusty you bastard! :D
Just got back a few minutes ago from Braintree R&P. Great day to be on the outdoor range!! :D

After some commitments today, we headed to BR&P late this afternoon to pop a few caps on the outdoor range. Good news, the closest targets are 7-1/2 yds (22.5') is a lot easier to practice defensive tactics, train newbies, or break in a new gun.

Deena shot a box of .22LR then complained about the noise my P99 (.40) was making and headed back to the clubhouse to wait for me. We'll have to figure out why foam plugs and muffs aren't adequate! Electronic earmuffs are "in transit", hopefully in by next weekend. [Note for Brent & Derek, I have a meeting next Sunday morning on North Shore, so if the muffs are in, perhaps we can arrange to meet at BR&P on Sunday afternoon?]

I met a "silent member" of MAF at the outdoor range and chatted for a while.

Nice to be out, and not have to shovel/snowblow!

I also chatted with the CRO for a while about the circuit breaker problem on the Cascade booths that we've been encountering in the indoor range. Parts are on order and they will all be repaired to work as they should shortly.

Hope that those that celebrate Easter had a great day!
Next Sunday will work for me Len. I'm hoping Joe will have my trigger done, so I'll be able to pick it up on Sunday. I haven't heard anything from him yet though. I'll let you know when I hear from him.
I wish you guys weren't so far south of me... I'd love to go up against you with my .40. I came in
2nd place at the last large bore match I was in. Course...that was before the last surgery on my trigger finger and I haven't shot the .40 since then. The 9mm yes, but not the .40 (yet...all I have to do is get it back from my husband [lol] )
Lynne, you're always welcome to come down and pay us a visit!

I know it's a long way away. I'll probably be heading back up to Tyngsboro on Sundays shortly (after the snow melts and monsoon season is over [evil] ) and it is ~100 mile RT for me.
Maybe when the weather get's a bit nicer and the mud and quagmires have all dried up, I can talk y'all in to coming up to my neck of the woods and take you to my club. :D
Lynne said:
Maybe when the weather get's a bit nicer and the mud and quagmires have all dried up, I can talk y'all in to coming up to my neck of the woods and take you to my club. :D

Sounds like a plan to me.
Thanks Derek! [oops]

Lynne, sounds like a plan to me too!

We can do the same at Braintree R&P, just need a week "heads up time" to get the CRO's OK to get an exception to the rules (not a problem). Only problem there will be either arranging for all non-members to show up at a particular time so a member can use their badge to open the gate for all, or getting the OK to leave the gate up for a short window of time so that all could get access (very doable with a week or two's notice).
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