Remington 1100 Shotgun Build

Amputee Marksman

NES Member
Jun 8, 2015
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I recently built a Remington 1100. This was my first shotgun build and I will admit part of my goal was to do this build on the cheap. I had the 1100 from my Dad and it has been sitting it the safe for years. Decided it was a candidate for the build because it was an automatic.

1100 Build
Basis of build:
1972 1100 complete and functioning
Wood furniture
28" Barrel, no rib, gold bead, modified cylinder

Build Parts:
21.5" Barrel, no rib, fixed gold bead, improved cylinder - Used. I did not pay for this barrel.
Mesa Tactical Urbino Tactical Stock System $105
Mesa Tactical Sureshell Shotshell Ammunition Carrier $31
Choate Composite Black Forend $36

There are two things I would consider doing a few things different if I was doing this build again. I would use the Mesa Tactical Sureshell Ammunition carry with the Picatinny rail. This would give me the option of mounting better sights or an optic. Use a barrel such as a Carlson's with a Breacher Ramped Front Sight. I would also consider using a shotgun that could handle a 3" or 3.5" shell instead of being limited to 2 3/4" shells.

I used the 1100 this past week when I was in SC at Delta Defense. I was pleased with the performance of the 1100 and had no real complaints other than in a few of the scenarios it would have been potentially easier to have a pump instead of an automatic. One such scenario was you are loaded with buckshot and you decided your next shot requires a slug. You have some slugs in your ammunition carrier. Quickly real time remove the round in the chamber and replace with a slug.

I'm thinking of doing another build using my 870. It is a Plain Jane Magnum Express with a some scratches and nicks in the stock. This time I think I would go with Magpul furniture and skip the pistol grip. Use the Carlson's barrel.

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nice build, the early 1100s were good guns. re your slug tac reload, do you do it like this?


can i ask why you put shells in the saddle brass up? i reload/tac load empty shotguns from underneath, you can more easily drop a shell when you hold from the top, and I also reload the tube with the gun upside down.
nice build, the early 1100s were good guns. re your slug tac reload, do you do it like this?


can i ask why you put shells in the saddle brass up? i reload/tac load empty shotguns from underneath, you can more easily drop a shell when you hold from the top, and I also reload the tube with the gun upside down.

I didn't actually take a shotgun class. I was there with a group and we took Dynamic 2 Man Room Clearing and Vehicle Defensive Tactics. I took the shotgun for use with the Vehicle Defense Tactics class. I spent a little bit of time at lunch on the 2 days with the instructor for their shotgun classes and he gave me a few drills to do and some tips.

The snap caps were in the holder that way because I was/am a complete shotgun noob. All I ever used a shotgun for was a little bit of trap when I was young and hunting. When I was hunting reloads weren't a big priority. By the time you needed a reload the birds were gone most of the time.
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