Run to Home Base Fundraising

Sep 27, 2009
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
Hey NES. I am raising money for veterans medical care by participating in the Run to Home Base.

Long story short, the VA Healthcare doesn’t provide all the necessary treatments, and Community Care Network is limited. The Home Base Program is the link to world class care we are lucky to have here in Boston.

Please consider supporting (queue the ASPCA arms of an angel song playing and sad puppy eyes)

Big thank you to TREX Arms who are donating Glock 17 Holsters to my donors. I’m going to give (2) of these to Northeast Shooters donors who donate $50 or more!

When you donate put NES username (@) in the comments (check the box to make visible only to me).

“These are also compatible with the Glock 26, 19, 19X, 45, and 47”

I only have (2) to give to NES so first come first serve, and yes all donations are tax deductible with Red Sox Foundation
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