MA Liberals on Reddit Need Firearms and 2A To Defend Against Mean Tweets

Dude, this country was RED AF since the 1800s.

Most of the West was hardcore red, the Sheriff would take guns away from people when going into town. Sh*t like that.

You can Google all this.

Some of you here seem to think the country was some sort of utopia for gun owners up until the 80s or 90s. LOL ...

We are greener now than we have been in about 100 years.

Side note: Reagan was sh*t.

They see the 1950s ads for $30 M1 Garands and assume this was the wild west up until shortly before they were born in the 80s...

Although I am still PISSED that my dad did not have the foresight to buy a Lahti L39... He could have gotten it so cheap back then...
Dude, this country was RED AF since the 1800s.

Most of the West was hardcore red, the Sheriff would take guns away from people when going into town. Sh*t like that.

You can Google all this.

Some of you here seem to think the country was some sort of utopia for gun owners up until the 80s or 90s. LOL ...

We are greener now than we have been in about 100 years.

Side note: Reagan was sh*t.

My dude, all I was doing was sarcastically making fun of the dope in GAY4HK's screengrab saying Reagan passed the country's first gun laws.

I will say though that our current hyper-surveillance state sort of takes the benefit out of how legislatively green things are (in most of the country anyway).
I would love to see transgenders or those going through the process declared as having a mental health disorder and not be allowed to own guns.

The years of frustration and humiliation from growing up gay, not fitting in, and having pent up anger eventually comes to the surface when the chemicals kick in. Substance abuse is not uncommon. The irreversible mutilations to their bodies is a perverse delussion and rejection of reality, that cause even more anger when realized it is still an illusion. The sex change chemicals and hormone therapy significantly alters their personalities and f*** up their brains completely trying to go against nature. These people are not stable at all. If you’re gay, great be gay, but going full trans is a mental illness.

I’m speaking from sad experience having watched a wonderful, sweet, caring gay niece who moved out to Cali eventually get caught up in that world and ultimately convinced to go through the physical change. Now completely unhinged and unrecognizable with an aggressive, resentful, hate-filled personality Incredibly sad. “Their” friends are very similar and despise anyone not with them. They and not stable people and should not own guns.

The problem with this approach to civil rights is it becomes a slippery slope. And we're talking about the DSM manual used by by therapists, psychiatrists, etc. They need a medical diagnosis for the insurance company, so the therapist picks something.

The issue I see is you have just opened the door for blue state politicians. "Oh you had a hard time in the army? No guns for people with PTSD" "You just went through a divorce? No guns, you're suffering from separation anxiety". The left will cram everything in the DSM into gun rights. They'll gladly invent new mental health care codes to compensate.

So now you have a group of far left psychologists determining who is stable enough to own a gun. Guess who isn't going to be stable? A white guy.
When has that ever happened? Maybe in fairytale land where communism worked but not in really life. Go far enough left you end up with a bullet in the back of the head.
When has it Happened? Let’s see every communist armed revolt maybe?

When has it WORKED?
This thread and all the idiots in it are why we have the most restrictive guns laws in the country. Instead of seeing this as a chance to get people on board with 2A, you guys circle jerk yourselves. Then in 2026 you’ll sit there crying because the ballot petition to overturn h4885 fails because instead of getting people who are starting to look at firearms to realize our side, you ridicule them. Rejecting new leftist gun owners from a majority leftist state is a fantastic way to ensure the ballot petition fails. Keep up the good work guys!
This thread and all the idiots in it are why we have the most restrictive guns laws in the country. Instead of seeing this as a chance to get people on board with 2A, you guys circle jerk yourselves. Then in 2026 you’ll sit there crying because the ballot petition to overturn h4885 fails because instead of getting people who are starting to look at firearms to realize our side, you ridicule them. Rejecting new leftist gun owners from a majority leftist state is a fantastic way to ensure the ballot petition fails. Keep up the good work guys!

You're saying that making these fair (foul) weather gun lovers/socialists feel more welcome in the 2A community will convert them over to become pro-2A voters and MA in sufficient numbers to flip MA to having way more reasonable gun laws. Which is ridiculous. This thread isn't going to be moving the needle on the ballot petition, and those liberals who only now want guns because Trump's in office are not allies.
You're implying that making these fair (foul) weather gun lovers/socialists feel more welcome in the 2A community will convert them over to become pro-2A voters and MA in sufficient numbers to flip MA to having way more reasonable gun laws. Which is ridiculous.
If you left your bubble and actually talked to people you’d realize it’s not. This is a leftist state. There are plenty of leftist gun owners. And unlike getting them to completely switch their political beliefs and vote right, gun rights are going to be a direct popular vote in 2026. They can vote D and still vote to repeal H4885.

Welcome them, teach them the process. Make them understand how horrible the new laws make things. Show them all the extra bs that comes with trying to get a license. Make them understand how the new ASF are written to be as ambiguous as possible. Help them realize how easily the red flag laws can be used against them.

But yea, instead of educating people who don’t know about these things, I’m sure screaming at them will absolutely work to get them to vote to repeal H4885 :rolleyes:
If you left your bubble and actually talked to people you’d realize it’s not. This is a leftist state. There are plenty of leftist gun owners. And unlike getting them to completely switch their political beliefs and vote right, gun rights are going to be a direct popular vote in 2026. They can vote D and still vote to repeal H4885.

Welcome them, teach them the process. Make them understand how horrible the new laws make things. Show them all the extra bs that comes with trying to get a license. Make them understand how the new ASF are written to be as ambiguous as possible. Help them realize how easily the red flag laws can be used against them.

But yea, instead of educating people who don’t know about these things, I’m sure screaming at them will absolutely work to get them to vote to repeal H4885 :rolleyes:

There are certainly a few of you guys out there, but I don't think there are as many leftist gun owners in MA as you think there are. And getting those relative few to vote against their (progressive) religious beliefs/team - even if it's on this one issue - isn't going to hinge on this thread, or NES ridiculing these ignorant twats on reddit.
This thread and all the idiots in it are why we have the most restrictive guns laws in the country. Instead of seeing this as a chance to get people on board with 2A, you guys circle jerk yourselves. Then in 2026 you’ll sit there crying because the ballot petition to overturn h4885 fails because instead of getting people who are starting to look at firearms to realize our side, you ridicule them. Rejecting new leftist gun owners from a majority leftist state is a fantastic way to ensure the ballot petition fails. Keep up the good work guys!
I reject all things leftist at this point. I’ve seen the violence they are capable of, and really don’t wish to arm a potential future foe. And that’s second to their absolute blindness to their hypocrisy.

You think leftists want/will embrace fair gun laws ? Their ideology pushed them far enough to seek out arming themselves cause they didn’t get their way.
my, and many here’s ideology is to be armed to AVOID conflict.
There are certainly a few of you guys out there, but I don't think there are as many leftist gun owners in MA as you think there are. And getting those relative few to vote against their (progressive) religious beliefs/team - even if it's on this one issue - isn't going to hinge on this thread, or NES ridiculing these ignorant twats on reddit.
It’s a direct vote in 2026. They don’t have to vote against their beliefs. They just have to vote for their gun rights.

It will hinge on how the 2A community welcomes them. The attitude needs to change. Get them to come around on this one issue.
I reject all things leftist at this point. I’ve seen the violence they are capable of, and really don’t wish to arm a potential future foe. And that’s second to their absolute blindness to their hypocrisy.

You think leftists want/will embrace fair gun laws ? Their ideology pushed them far enough to seek out arming themselves cause they didn’t get their way.
my, and many here’s ideology is to be armed to AVOID conflict.
So you aren’t a supporter of 2A. Gotcha.
2nd amendment is not a leftist/liberal voting point. Most people cannot separate their emotions enough to not vote against their own team even if it's for one isolated issue, which I don't think the 2nd is. This is why Mass is a leftist shithole and not a leftist shithole with fair gun laws...
This thread and all the idiots in it are why we have the most restrictive guns laws in the country. Instead of seeing this as a chance to get people on board with 2A, you guys circle jerk yourselves. Then in 2026 you’ll sit there crying because the ballot petition to overturn h4885 fails because instead of getting people who are starting to look at firearms to realize our side, you ridicule them. Rejecting new leftist gun owners from a majority leftist state is a fantastic way to ensure the ballot petition fails. Keep up the good work guys!

You are part of the problem
2nd amendment is not a leftist/liberal voting point. Most people cannot separate their emotions enough to not vote against their own team even if it's for one isolated issue, which I don't think the 2nd is. This is why Mass is a leftist shithole and not a leftist shithole with fair gun laws...
So what’s your plan if not convincing them to vote for gun rights?

Wait for SCOTUS to keep kicking the can down the road on Snope and Ocean State?

Pray Trump actually does something for gun rights? An issue he did nothing on in his first term, even with a republican senate and house. Well, he did try to ban bump stocks so there is that.

Seriously, if you’re not moving out of MA, and you don’t want to welcome the majority of the MA population into the firearms world, what’s the plan?
The problem with this approach to civil rights is it becomes a slippery slope. And we're talking about the DSM manual used by by therapists, psychiatrists, etc. They need a medical diagnosis for the insurance company, so the therapist picks something.

The issue I see is you have just opened the door for blue state politicians. "Oh you had a hard time in the army? No guns for people with PTSD" "You just went through a divorce? No guns, you're suffering from separation anxiety". The left will cram everything in the DSM into gun rights. They'll gladly invent new mental health care codes to compensate.

So now you have a group of far left psychologists determining who is stable enough to own a gun. Guess who isn't going to be stable? A white guy.
Yeah, I do agree with you. I’ve made the same argument myself and ultimately would not want to see Rights limited based on a potentially (likely in Blue States) politically motivated diagnosis'.
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So what’s your plan if not convincing them to vote for gun rights?

Wait for SCOTUS to keep kicking the can down the road on Snope and Ocean State?

Pray Trump actually does something for gun rights? An issue he did nothing on in his first term, even with a republican senate and house. Well, he did try to ban bump stocks so there is that.

Seriously, if you’re not moving out of MA, and you don’t want to welcome the majority of the MA population into the firearms world, what’s the plan?
No plan, just stating my opinion.
I don't know about anyone else but I saw the absolute displays of stupidity during covid when liberals were running into gun stores thinking that guns were easier to buy than toothpaste. I can still remember like it was yesterday being in the shop at Pioneer Valley Arms to pick up a Ruger revolver I had on order and there was at least 4 or 5 people in the store who honestly felt like they could buy a gun and bring it home that day. That's the way it should be, but, they were too stupid to realize they voted their civil rights away. At least I went home with a gun that day and they got a loser sandwich.
During that same time, I was working in MA. At my workplace, there were (surprisingly) many “gun guys”. I was however, the only BFS Instructor and I had several co-workers come up to me and ask how they could procure a firearm. Many thought I was the issuing authority. I explained the process and told them that many PD’s weren’t even accepting LTC/FID applications at that time, adding that by the time their LTC was issued, the current crisis would most likely be over. They stared at me in disbelief. They then stated that scenario was unacceptable and they wanted to know how to navigate the “gun show loophole”. I replied, “Nah bruh…that ain’t a real thing.” You could see their mental gears grinding to a halt as they struggled to reconcile their belief system with reality. 😄
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