S 2265 (aka HB4285, 4278, 4121) out of Senate Ways and Means (FID Suitability)

What are the chances that Linsky amendments get tacked on and approved? Will this threaten the entire thing when it goes back to the House? Hope so.
Just emailed my State Senator (Mike Moore), Vice Chair on HLS and PS Committee. Will see how he responds. Been positive thus far, but will be interesting to see how he comes back on this one.
Chapter 269, Section 10 has been on the books for years.


Yup. It fits the definition.
What are the chances that Linsky amendments get tacked on and approved? Will this threaten the entire thing when it goes back to the House? Hope so.

Uhhh I'm gonna go with Zero Chance since Linsky is a Rep., already proposed a bunch of amendments and then mysteriously withdrew them before the bill passed the House.
Just emailed my State Senator (Mike Moore), Vice Chair on HLS and PS Committee. Will see how he responds. Been positive thus far, but will be interesting to see how he comes back on this one.

Mike Moore is usually great on these bills. Saw a couple years back the NRA gave him an A rating. That is a lot for a guy in MA.
This is SO true. There is tremendous pressure on the legislature to do something, and the will do something. If they don't, gun control will be on the legislative agenda next term and we'll have to do through all of this again. It's best to focus on the specific aspects of the bill that you think need to be improved.

crazymjb is also correct in that there is net good for us here. A lot of it. Getting this bill killed over FID suitability (or any other minor shortcoming) will be very damaging. We'll be cutting off our proverbial noses.

This, plus a billion.

There are things I don't like about this bill but going FR and getting it derailed at this point (over something like FID suitability) is not seeing the forest through the trees.

This, plus a billion.

There are things I don't like about this bill but going FR and getting it derailed at this point (over something like FID suitability) is not seeing the forest through the trees.


But "gun control" WILL be on the docket again next year or even later this year as Walsh is a Bloomberg crony as the new Governor will be. If anyone thinks "if we just get this bill thru we are done" is fact , they're unfortunately mistaken.

Sent from the blind
But "gun control" WILL be on the docket again next year or even later this year as Walsh is a Bloomberg crony as the new Governor will be. If anyone thinks "if we just get this bill thru we are done" is fact , they're unfortunately mistaken.
Yep. Let's face it: It's an endless battle here in the PRM and elsewhere. The loony moonbat gun-grabbers will never give up. Eternal vigilance is the only answer.

And let's not forget the upcoming AG election. If you think Evil Marsha is bad, just wait until super-nutcase Tolman takes over the office.
Boston Herald - Gun-rights crowd didn't object to the new gun bill!


The Boston Herald editorial says that we didn't object to the DeLeo bill and by inference to the Senate version. The Reps and Senators haven't heard from us.

They are wondering if a bill that awe have no problem with and are very quiet about has a "chance in he11 of making a difference"

Talk about outright "miss-statement" I know my Senator and Reps wouldn't think that we said nothing!
But "gun control" WILL be on the docket again next year or even later this year as Walsh is a Bloomberg crony as the new Governor will be. If anyone thinks "if we just get this bill thru we are done" is fact , they're unfortunately mistaken.

Sent from the blind

Yep. Let's face it: It's an endless battle here in the PRM and elsewhere. The loony moonbat gun-grabbers will never give up. Eternal vigilance is the only answer.

And let's not forget the upcoming AG election. If you think Evil Marsha is bad, just wait until super-nutcase Tolman takes over the office.

So what does this have to do with H.4285? We need to deal now with what is currently before the legislature. What may or may not happen in the future with a new Governor, new AG, etc. isn't actionable today. What I do know is that if DeLeo can't claim credit for doing something, gun control WILL be on the legislative agenda next term. In it's current form, H.4285 has a number of important, but subtle changes which will benefit every gun owner in Massachusetts and no major shortcomings that can't be address elsewhere. We won't get another chance like this to come out on top.
the state’s already strict gun safety policy will be even stricter and there is some reasonable justification for that.
This is riddled with problems and is so off the mark it raised in my mind a proposal for some new legislation:

Editorial staff working with high capacity printing presses ought to be required to take a competency examination prior to receiving a license to conceal their intelligence. They must score at least "smarter than a fifth grader" to qualify.


The Boston Herald editorial says that we didn't object to the DeLeo bill and by inference to the Senate version. The Reps and Senators haven't heard from us.

They are wondering if a bill that awe have no problem with and are very quiet about has a "chance in he11 of making a difference"

Talk about outright "miss-statement" I know my Senator and Reps wouldn't think that we said nothing!
This is riddled with problems and is so off the mark it raised in my mind a proposal for some new legislation:

Editorial staff working with high capacity printing presses ought to be required to take a competency examination prior to receiving a license to conceal their intelligence. They must score at least "smarter than a fifth grader" to qualify.

This has the added advantage that some may actually BE smarter than a 5th grader, instead of just appearing smarter.


The Boston Herald editorial says that we didn't object to the DeLeo bill and by inference to the Senate version. The Reps and Senators haven't heard from us.

They are wondering if a bill that awe have no problem with and are very quiet about has a "chance in he11 of making a difference"

Talk about outright "miss-statement" I know my Senator and Reps wouldn't think that we said nothing!

This is somewhat baffling to me, as the Herald has been mostly pro 2A. I wonder who got to them, and who the coward is, that penned the column, and signed it "The Herald Staff"?
But "gun control" WILL be on the docket again next year or even later this year as Walsh is a Bloomberg crony as the new Governor will be. If anyone thinks "if we just get this bill thru we are done" is fact , they're unfortunately mistaken.

Sent from the blind

Maybe, but what are you basing this in? Because Massachusetts? Yes, Walsh is obviously a member of MAIG but Menino was a founder and only jumped on the band wagon when everyone else was also pushing for a bill.

However, there is good evidence to suggest that if this one gets passed, all the politicians get to say "look what we got done" and they move on. I'm with Knuckle Dragger and drgrant on the wider dynamic here.

Obviously, we're never safe in MA though.
But "gun control" WILL be on the docket again next year or even later this year as Walsh is a Bloomberg crony as the new Governor will be. If anyone thinks "if we just get this bill thru we are done" is fact , they're unfortunately mistaken.

Sent from the blind

Gun control bills get filed EVERY session! Nothing anyone can do to stop this under our present form of government. However, they usually don't get much traction.

There is a determination that they MUST do something in response to Sandy Hook and this is our best shot as we are about to lose 2 legislators who had seniority and clout (usually to help prevent bad things from becoming law) and they worked hard to re-write a disastrous bill. If it fails now, there will be a bigger push next year and we won't have anyone there to help kill it or re-write it. That's the situation that we are currently in now.

So what does this have to do with H.4285? We need to deal now with what is currently before the legislature. What may or may not happen in the future with a new Governor, new AG, etc. isn't actionable today. What I do know is that if DeLeo can't claim credit for doing something, gun control WILL be on the legislative agenda next term. In it's current form, H.4285 has a number of important, but subtle changes which will benefit every gun owner in Massachusetts and no major shortcomings that can't be address elsewhere. We won't get another chance like this to come out on top.

Well said and it would be smart to absorb this.
Update: GOAL has just received a brand new, 105 section version of H.4278 written by Senate Ways & Means. We are reading it now and will release analysis ASAP. (the bill is not public yet)

from GOAL's Facebook
Gun control bills get filed EVERY session! Nothing anyone can do to stop this under our present form of government. However, they usually don't get much traction.

There is a determination that they MUST do something in response to Sandy Hook and this is our best shot as we are about to lose 2 legislators who had seniority and clout (usually to help prevent bad things from becoming law) and they worked hard to re-write a disastrous bill. If it fails now, there will be a bigger push next year and we won't have anyone there to help kill it or re-write it. That's the situation that we are currently in now.

Well said and it would be smart to absorb this.

My point is, anyone who thinks you can relax once this pule of crap is passed is fooling themselves. With Money being pushed into antis political election coffers my prediction is it will get worse. A member of Bloomies gang over the week of the 4th stated that "this legislation while far from satisfactory in our opinion, is merely one small step. We have the momentum and funding to keep this topic in the puic eyes until such time we have real common sense gun safety legislation"

Sent from the blind
My point is, anyone who thinks you can relax once this pule of crap is passed is fooling themselves. With Money being pushed into antis political election coffers my prediction is it will get worse. A member of Bloomies gang over the week of the 4th stated that "this legislation while far from satisfactory in our opinion, is merely one small step. We have the momentum and funding to keep this topic in the puic eyes until such time we have real common sense gun safety legislation"

i don't think many of us believe we are "out of the woods" WRT the anti-agenda.

For me H.4121 has been along the lines of a painful bowel movement. it feels good to know its (almost) over but no reason to expect painful BMs won't be happening again in the future.
i don't think many of us believe we are "out of the woods" WRT the anti-agenda.

For me H.4121 has been along the lines of a painful bowel movement. it feels good to know its (almost) over but no reason to expect painful BMs won't be happening again in the future.

Oh, I thought you were going to talk about how much stuff got crammed in there, or the health benefits of leaving the fan exhaust fan off but that's a different thread.

Eternal vigilance. We stopped fighting for a while and this is where we got to.

As my dad oft reminded me as a child: "Our system of government is the worst there is besides all the others."
I emailed mine, Jen Flanagan and told her I was very concerned about the new rules for person to person firearm sales. I stated our LTC's already constitute a "background check" so what is this fictitious website going to do? Who will design and implement it? Who will pay for it? What type of info will be stored on it and who will have access to that info?
My Senator replied to my email and she said she would be reading the bill in it's entirety over the weekend and would get back to me.
This is what I got back from Donnelly when I wrote to him about 4121. I don't know if it's just a waste of time to write again, since his previous response sounded like the usual I listen to both sides, now excuse me while I vote for the bill.
Dear TinRobotBoy,

Thank you for your email regarding H4121, An Act Relative to the Reduction of Gun Violence.

This bill was a compromise between those who wish to have no restrictions on guns and those who wish to see all guns banned in the commonwealth and across the nation. The initial response I take from the constituents who have written in is there are at least some provisions that everyone feels okay about and some things that are concerning to some people. Some people write to me that it goes too far and some that it does not go far enough.

I understand that you feel passionate about this issue and I hear from many constituents on the other side who are deeply concerned that this bill does not do enough to restrict guns in Massachusetts. Both sides have data to back up their position and both sides raise some valid points. I don’t agree with you that the measures in the bill were designed to discourage law abiding citizens from exercising their second amendment rights. I don’t agree with those that write in saying we caved to the NRA and anything short of a total ban on guns is not worth the effort.

This bill will go through the house before it comes to the senate. At that time I will review what is before us and take my constituents’ thoughts and concerns in mind. There are many opinions on gun ownership and how we address gun violence. I will strive to find the best way to support lawful gun ownership and effectively reduce gun violence.

Thank you again for your email sharing your thoughts with me. I value hearing from constituents on this important issue.

Best regards,
Ken Donnelly
Here is the latest:

GUN VIOLENCE BILL: Question came on H 4285 relative to the reduction of gun violence. The Senate Ways and Means Committee offered an amendment substituting new text (S 2265), with Sen. Pacheco dissenting. The bill was placed in the orders of the day for Thursday, July 17, with the amendment pending.

GUN VIOLENCE BILL – AMENDMENT ORDER: The Senate adopted an order setting a deadline of 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, for amendments to the Ways and Means recommended text (S 2265) relative to the reduction of gun violence.
Here is the latest:

GUN VIOLENCE BILL: Question came on H 4285 relative to the reduction of gun violence. The Senate Ways and Means Committee offered an amendment substituting new text (S 2265), with Sen. Pacheco dissenting. The bill was placed in the orders of the day for Thursday, July 17, with the amendment pending.

GUN VIOLENCE BILL – AMENDMENT ORDER: The Senate adopted an order setting a deadline of 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, for amendments to the Ways and Means recommended text (S 2265) relative to the reduction of gun violence.

Shades of Ch. 180 of the Acts of 1998!!

Thanks. Printed and will read it later.
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