S 2265 (aka HB4285, 4278, 4121) out of Senate Ways and Means (FID Suitability)

Linda Dorcena Forry wants a Blue Ribbon Commission to report to the Governor (24)

a) This commission shall report to the governor and shall recommend model programs and interventions to reduce gun violence and promote peace in the Commonwealth. The commission shall make recommendations including, but not limited to, the following topics:

a. Promoting education in schools on gun violence and the social context of community violence, including but not limited to, poverty, race, socio-economic status, geographic location and gender.

b. Continuing research and education on gun trafficking and straw purchasing

c. Building relationships between law enforcement and community members

d. Improving services for homicide victims’ families and families of perpetrators, including trauma and rehabilitation services

e. Improving post-prison planning and rehabilitation services

f. Reducing inequities in gun violence and prevention programming

--Edit - She's nuts.
Ammendment 31:
Ms. Forry moved that the bill be amended moves that the bill be amended by inserting the following section:

Section xxxx The Department of Public Health shall make available not less than $100,000; and provided further that same amount of funding support be awarded to a community organization with proven educational programs and social service interventions to prevent women from being exploited and aimed at reducing the Straw Purchasing and Straw Trafficking of Guns by Women.
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#24, can you see any "advocates" missing from this board she wants to form?

(b) The commission shall consist of the following: 1 expert on public health and gun violence who will be appointed chair by the governor. The chair will make recommendations to the governor to appoint the following: 1 representative from DPH; 1 representative from DMH; 1 representative from the office of the attorney general; 1 additional expert on public health; 1 expert on mental health; 1 representative from the Department of Corrections; 1 representative from the Department of Public Safety; 1 representative from the Massachusetts Parole Board; 2 victim advocates; 1 prisoner advocate; 1 mental health advocate; the House and Senate co-chairs of the joint committee on public health; the House and Senate co-chairs of the joint committee on mental health and substance abuse; and 4 public members, including 1 youth seat, from communities that are affected by gun violence.
help me understand amendment 17 please

my first reading lead me to think it was STRIKING the exemption. am I wrong?

No, it's striking the purpose for the exemption. Basically cops and retired cops would then get a full pass on the AWB instead of the limited work related pass they get now. Remember, a few cops (or cop types like security/school cops/etc) have been charged under 131M and they are trying to circle the wagons and protect their own. The police union doesn't have the balls to defend out rights though...
So, all that was taken out, was put back in, and then some. I can't WAIT to talk to eldridge tomorrow, and tell him exactly what I feel about his addition. Funny, he was answering my tweets-until I called him out.
See my prior reply - I picked apart a few of hers.
She supports dealer-only transfers and enhanced reporting to include non-crime-guns if a person purchased a crime gun at the same time, or within a moving window of time...
So, if you report a gun stolen that is subsequently used in a crime, the State Police get to investigate your other purchases (purchased at the same time or within months of the purchase of the stolen gun.)

Even though she genuinely believes her own BS, she basically spammed the bill with all those amendments so that when the time comes when they're up for debate, she can 'withdraw' the less important ones, leaving the major ones (OGAM, etc), under the pretense of 'compromise'.
No, it's striking the purpose for the exemption. Basically cops and retired cops would then get a full pass on the AWB instead of the limited work related pass they get now. Remember, a few cops (or cop types like security/school cops/etc) have been charged under 131M and they are trying to circle the wagons and protect their own. The police union doesn't have the balls to defend out rights though...

thank you for the clarification, that one confused me, I will add it to my bitch list

some times there is justice, sometimes there is just us

**** exemptions
I know the legislative process. I don't need to watch some smartness video on it thanks. You're the best.

If you're discussing it now I want to know what where the conversations
Made between Wallace and the DeLeo camp. What was said? Who said it? How was certain elements of the bill lobbied?

I've been at work all day.

There has only been one discussion ever between Jim Wallace and the DeLeo "camp" when Deleo asked to meet with Jim when the shit hit the fan after the H4121 was first released, before the first rewrite.

It went something like this...

GOAL: "We want all this onerous crap removed along with full shall issue licensing."

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. GOAL offered no compromise - we simply let him know what was wrong with the bill. Everything that was wrong with it - including discretionary licensing.
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Yeah, I predict all the Senators will be able to read, digest, and form opinions on all the proposed amendments, before the voting deadline. I'm confident we have nothing to worry about.
29 and 56 are hugely important and likely to fly under your collective radar
ETA: #30 is also pretty good. I forgot to list that one.

these are the 3 I had pegged for approval as well, we need to make sure in addition to speaking out on the bad ones, we make note of ones we support
Sonia Chang-Diaz proposes striking protection language from theft/loss reporting requirements... Amendment 48 would remove the bolded language:

598 imprisonment, for a third or subsequent offense. Failure to so report shall be a cause for
599 suspension or permanent revocation of a person's firearm identification card or license to carry
600 firearms, or both; provided, however, that no person, who in good faith, reports the loss or theft
601 under this paragraph shall be subject to suspension, revocation or be considered unsuitable under
602 section 131 for the renewal of a lawfully held firearms identification card or license to carry
603 firearms.
my notes:

amendments to oppose:
#11, why must they take place at a dealer if the information transmitted is the same regardless?
maybe # 20, sounds similiar

#17, would remove the purpose exemption for police officers and retired officers, making the AWB not apply to them, why is this even in here?

#21, need to better understand, is this applying to all purchasers or just after a gun is used in a crime?

#24, could possibly be indifferent on, but why no gun owner advocate? who knows more about firearms than enthusiasts?
also, more unfunded commisions is a joke

#57 (creem again), one gun a month, unacceptable, unneccesary, do nothing proposition

#6, removes FID suitability language
#19, crossbow/bow clarification: to the best of my knowledge this is a gain over the way it is currently written
#29 de novo hearing
#30 collectors can buy relics, etc
#56, fixes the bullshit propsal to confisicate and sell firearms for profit with no recourse to the owner
#58, makes pepper spray more accessible, not treated as ammunition
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Richard T. Moore proposes possession and use firearms look-alikes in the commission of a crime be punished as if the look-alike were real: Such devices or items shall include, but are not limited to, common air guns, toy guns, or substances carved or fashioned to resemble a weapon.

Not sure how I feel about this one... The potential for prosecutorial abuse is high. "Guilty of a fingered hand in a pocket?" [rofl]
We obviously did pretty well in the House (considering where we live), what are the odds looking like in the senate? And this does get kicked back to a joint commission, correct?

my notes:

#29 de novo hearing
#30 collectors can buy relics, etc
#56, fixes the bullshit propsal to confisicate and sell firearms for profit with no recourse to the owner

Add #58 to the "must support" list This will fix the chemical spray foolishness.
Bruce Tarr wants to remove the BOLDED section from current MGL c140/s121

“Ammunition”, cartridges or cartridge cases, primers (igniter), bullets or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm, rifle or shotgun. The term “ammunition” shall also mean tear gas cartridges, chemical mace or any device or instrument which contains or emits a liquid, gas, powder or any other substance designed to incapacitate.
Add #58 to the "must support" list This will fix the chemical spray foolishness.
Bruce Tarr wants to remove the BOLDED section from current MGL c140/s121

“Ammunition”, cartridges or cartridge cases, primers (igniter), bullets or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm, rifle or shotgun. The term “ammunition” shall also mean tear gas cartridges, chemical mace or any device or instrument which contains or emits a liquid, gas, powder or any other substance designed to incapacitate.
missed #58, thank you!
Hey we should make sure we take note of Rosenthal's Stance on pepper spray which is grossly unpopular period. Next time he runs his mouth at some hearing we inevitably all attend we can throw it back in his face to undermine him. I know it kind of goes without saying... for some reason I hate that guy more than even the politicians who push their shit. Maybe it is because he truly is just a rich douchebag who uses money to push a personal agenda, gets to speak first, etc etc etc.

Hey we should make sure we take note of Rosenthal's Stance on pepper spray which is grossly unpopular period. Next time he runs his mouth at some hearing we inevitably all attend we can throw it back in his face to undermine him. I know it kind of goes without saying... for some reason I hate that guy more than even the politicians who push their shit. Maybe it is because he truly is just a rich douchebag who uses money to push a personal agenda, gets to speak first, etc etc etc.

But, he only needs two bullets for ducks. ..
Hey we should make sure we take note of Rosenthal's Stance on pepper spray which is grossly unpopular period. Next time he runs his mouth at some hearing we inevitably all attend we can throw it back in his face to undermine him. I know it kind of goes without saying... for some reason I hate that guy more than even the politicians who push their shit. Maybe it is because he truly is just a rich douchebag who uses money to push a personal agenda, gets to speak first, etc etc etc.


And always has a seat at the table where he can spew lies and BS.
Its funny we all claim our rights on here but if someone talks about goal we are asked to shut up SO ON THIS BOARD WE DONT HAVE FREE SPEECH? as for what are we doing emails (like you) calls (like you) went to the state house (like some did) oh and we asked Mr.Moore to dinner so we can talk about the bill also Mr.Moore met with my wife at her place of work and she talked to him about the bill

You don't have free speech on this board. You are Derek's guest and you have an extremely limited understanding of the legislative process in general and Massachusetts in particular. GOAL is not your enemy and if you can't see that you are a fool. Spend your anger and your energy on the real enemy which are the moonbats in the legislature, and read the sticky about posting too. You aren't protected by the 1st Amendment here
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