Service List

Army guy here. 11 series from 1991-Present. Been pretty much all over the world over the years and looking forward to retirement in about about a year.
US Navy 1985 - 1989
USS Hawkbill SSN666
Submarine Base Pearl Harbor
Firearms training at Schofield barracks by the meanest Marine DI to ever walk the earth
Colt 45 ACP, Shotgun, M14,
Good times......
US NAVY 1999-2007
Electronics Technician, 2nd Class

IL - Great Lakes: Boot Camp, Tech Core, "A" School - 2/99 - 3/00
VA - Norfolk: "C" School(s), CE Divison (CE01, CE02, CE03) USS Mitscher (DDG-57) 3/00 - 4/05
ME - Brunswick: AIROPS / Ground Electronics Maintenance Division (GEMD) 4/05 - 10/07

Specialized in SPS-64 Radar, SPS-67 Radar, SPA-25 Indicators, NAVMACS(II), 2M Miniature Repair, 2M Micro-miniature Repair, AN/USM-674 Test station, Motorola CM-200 VHF/UHF Radios, Various VHF/UHF/HF Radios, WICS, and Certified Class 2 Xerox Copier Tech.

I am proud to have served, even if my feet never touched the sand, I did my part to make sure a few Tomahawks made their way to Baghdad in 2003.
U.S. Army '82-'86 95B Military Police
Basic and AIT Fort McClelland Alabama
Senaca Army Depot Geneva NY
Fort Clayton Panama
Patrol Dog Handler trained at Lackland AFB Texas
USA Tactical Sniper trained at Fort Meade Maryland
U.S. Army '82-'86 95B Military Police
Basic and AIT Fort McClelland Alabama
Senaca Army Depot Geneva NY
Fort Clayton Panama
Patrol Dog Handler trained at Lackland AFB Texas
USA Tactical Sniper trained at Fort Meade Maryland

What Sniper School?
What Sniper School?

At the time the Army was running a Anti sniper/shooter school that was attended by both Military police and civilian dept's. My class had officers from Fairfax county VA., US Navy, F.B.I and USA Military Police. I attended this school and served as the sniper/ designated marksman on an SRT team at Seneca Army Depot. We were issued M21 sniper rifles. This was in 1984. Any other questions.
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