Service List

US Army '92-'96.
31M/31R (Commo) E4(p)
Boot-Ft Jackson, SC. Honor Grad-Marksmanship (Hawkeye qual)
'93-95 6/43 ADA (PATRIOT), Ansbach, Germany. Multi-Chan Patriot Missile Comms
'93 Operation Desert Falcon, Dharan/KKMC, Saudi Arabia
'95-96 313th Signal Co, 3rd Signal Bde. Ft Hood, TX (Tac-Sat & Troposcatter comms)
'95 TDY w/ 2/43 ADA to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

USAF Heavy Equipment Mechanic 1993-2000

93-94 Lackland AFB, TX
94-98 Hanscom AFB, MA (66th Logistics) with a DTY to Al Kharj Saudi Arabia (4404th Trans)
98-00 Malmstrom AFB, MT (819th RED HORSE)

I was a little guy back then working on big equipment :)
Were you at PSAB and/or Eskan Villiage in Saudi? I was there with the Army's Patriot Battalions in '95.


Yup, I was at PSAB but worked outside of the main base at the "West Ammo" munitions storage area. If I remember correctly it was about a 15-20 minute drive from the main gate.
My Dad was a Marine, my Stepdad was a squid, I was Army and my brother was a Marine. It's in the blood, I guess.

My dad was a squid, my brother was Air Force, and I was Army. Hubby was Army, his Dad a Marine, and so wasn't his uncles. His family goes way back as far as military service goes. Lol
We just call it the family business.
+1 from me for having the P at the end of your MOS........AIRBORNE!

My Mom used to work with a guy that was one of the original Black Hats for the Airborne school. I never even knew until he asked to meet me after I graduated. Needless to say, even though the Army now officially "Discourages" blood wings, I got mine from a true American Patriot. [wink]

Also, it's good to know there are a few more "Dirt Darts" trucking around New England.
U.S. Army
Basic - Fort Sill, OK 1995
AIT - Fort Bliss, TX 1995-1996
Active - 82nd Airborne Division, 3/4 ADAR Fort Bragg, NC 1996-2002 (14J3P Air Defense Early Warning Scout)
Reserve - 328th CSH, Fort Douglas, UT 2002-2008 (91B3P Medic, 91WM63PH LPN)
U.S. Army
Basic - Fort Sill, OK 1995
AIT - Fort Bliss, TX 1995-1996
Active - 82nd Airborne Division, 3/4 ADAR Fort Bragg, NC 1996-2002 (14J3P Air Defense Early Warning Scout)
Reserve - 328th CSH, Fort Douglas, UT 2002-2008 (91B3P Medic, 91WM63PH LPN)

Outstanding!......another Airborne Member![smile]
United States Marine Corps
Active Duty- Sergeant

2006-2010 Camp Pendleton, CA
2010-Present Devens, MA

Operation Iraqi Freedom 2007-08 (MWSS 372)
Operation Enduring Freedom 2009-10 (MEB-Afghanistan)

Semper Fi
United States Marine Corps
2009 - present 6th MTBN Providence RI. Reservist
March 2010-Oct 2010 OEF 10.1

Still have a little less then three years on my contract. So I am sure there will be at least one more deployment.
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