NES Member
My Uncle Howie G. USN pictured circa 1945 photograph by Bill Woods, 'Duck driver' North Africa '43', invasion Sicily, invasion of Nettuno, Italy '44' and the disastrous Anzio operation where he was put in for the DSC by his Captain who was killed a few days later. I met him in Long Beach,Ca 20 years ago. He told me about jumping in to a bomb crater at the Anzio beachhead and finding he was the only one amongst the living. I laughed like idiot and he understood. I told him he needed to file a claim and he did. He was awarded 100% within six months. I kept in touch and he would always end the conversation by "son you're getting on my nerves"...lol Hell my dad never ever called me son. God I miss him. My daughter this is a few months ago and said to me, dad are you a member of the Nazi party? She found his picture down in the basement by my reloading bench....lol No honey, I'm not a member of the Nazi party....lol
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