Service List

Exactly! Most people never got close enough to actually see how huge the hangers are. I have a few pics of the Goodyear blimp being stored inside. Looks like a small toy compared to the hanger.


I used to work across the street from them and looked out to see them from my office. i took some pics once and you right, tough to tell how large they are until you see a truck or something in front of them to give them scale.
Parris Island, then stationed in Pendleton.
2003 - Camp Commando, Kuwait, and Al Hillah, Iraq.
2004 - Pendleton Area 14 guard and machine gunner's course, which was a hoot.
2005 - Camp Fallujah with...I think it was 8th Marines. Brain is a mess these days, can't remember.
2006 - Camp Fallujah, detached to RCT 5.

16 years later, I'm still finding sand in my damn gear...
Parris Island, then stationed in Pendleton.
2003 - Camp Commando, Kuwait, and Al Hillah, Iraq.
2004 - Pendleton Area 14 guard and machine gunner's course, which was a hoot.
2005 - Camp Fallujah with...I think it was 8th Marines. Brain is a mess these days, can't remember.
2006 - Camp Fallujah, detached to RCT 5.

16 years later, I'm still finding sand in my damn gear...
What unit were you with at Pendleton?
Infantry OSUT and 11B @ Ft Benning, 1981
OCS (Ft Benning) April July '82
Jump School August '82
Armor Officers' Basic Course (Cavalry) Sep 82-January '83
Ranger Class 5-83 February 83 - April 83
May 83 through 1985 - Platoon Leader, staff officer, A Troop, 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry, 3rd Infantry Division, FRG.

"Sir, we're the Cav - we're supposed to be surrounded!

My son's middle name is Gavin after General James Gavin.
Ledward Barracks?
1990 - 1994: US Army 98D - Morse Code Emitter / Identifier
1994 - 2016: Mass Air National Guard - 1N071 Operations Intelligence, 1C0X2 Aviation Resource Management, 1CCX1 Command Post

Faithful member of E4 Mafia: 1992 - 2016

I must be missing something. You were an E-4 in 1992 and left the Guard in 2016 as an E-4? How is that even possible? You should have been at least and E-6 or E-7 by that point.
I must be missing something. You were an E-4 in 1992 and left the Guard in 2016 as an E-4? How is that even possible? You should have been at least and E-6 or E-7 by that point.

I left the Guard as an E7, but I always considered myself an E4, good and bad. Even better, I was always accepted by the lower enlisted, especially when they needed someone to go to bat for them. Might be why my career sucked, but I've got good stories. lol
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