Show us your .308's Semi-Autos

Looks great man,how does it shoot ?

Not good at all. I timed the barrel by eye to what I though was 12 o' clock but a bubble level tells a different story. I am off slightly which is causing the gas piston to bind inside the gas tube as it passes into the receiver. Even with the gas closed all the way it fails to cycle reliably. I need to get off my lazy ass and disassemble the upper and re-time the barrel.
Not good at all. I timed the barrel by eye to what I though was 12 o' clock but a bubble level tells a different story. I am off slightly which is causing the gas piston to bind inside the gas tube as it passes into the receiver. Even with the gas closed all the way it fails to cycle reliably. I need to get off my lazy ass and disassemble the upper and re-time the barrel.

Hope it all works out for you, that build is awesome
Not good at all. I timed the barrel by eye to what I though was 12 o' clock but a bubble level tells a different story. I am off slightly which is causing the gas piston to bind inside the gas tube as it passes into the receiver. Even with the gas closed all the way it fails to cycle reliably. I need to get off my lazy ass and disassemble the upper and re-time the barrel.


I have an Imbel/STG build at exactly the same point - assembled it and it worked fine, removed barrel to do something minor I can't even remember now, knew I was rushing the reassembly while I was doing it, and the barrel just isn't level anymore. FTE's all over the place.

There's a moral to this story somewhere, but I refuse to learn it....

Basic FAL Congo Style mutt I had built

South African Rhodesian marked lower, Imbel receiver with a new 17 3/8in Imbel Para barrel (barrel and gas tube chrome lined)

922r parts HTS, PG, Cocking handle, gas piston and Muzzle Brake. MB is a PWS DNTC made for the FAL

Still some finishing touches to go. Smaller butt pad for shorter LOP : Extended safety switch : Israeli type mag release, etc


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Here's my FN FAL just back from being parkerized.

Its an IMBEL kit built on a Coonan Type 1. Runs great so far, still needs to be sighted in.



Nice one.
Is that a Hensoldt scope on the Stanag mount ?

Yes. I was looking for a while and found the average price $400.00. Even some from German auction sights were $396.00 U.S. before shipping. I really lucked out. A company I do business with was had these stuck in customs for 7 years.
When they recieved them the caps were rotted and the cans damaged, but the scope and mount are perfect, not a scratch. $140.00 to me. If you come accross a can and caps, let me know. I also am looking for the illuminator also.

I WON SEVERAL .308's , but for my money a Standard Fal with lots of pre ban mags is the ticket. Sent it back to DSA for a trigger job and it shoots like a dream. Of course, you must have several Ar's as well!
I WON SEVERAL .308's , but for my money a Standard Fal with lots of pre ban mags is the ticket. Sent it back to DSA for a trigger job and it shoots like a dream. Of course, you must have several Ar's as well!

Won?!? Care to tell the story?
Yes. I was looking for a while and found the average price $400.00. Even some from German auction sights were $396.00 U.S. before shipping. I really lucked out. A company I do business with was had these stuck in customs for 7 years.
When they recieved them the caps were rotted and the cans damaged, but the scope and mount are perfect, not a scratch. $140.00 to me. If you come accross a can and caps, let me know. I also am looking for the illuminator also.

Here's your brand new can with tool pouch & light filter.
Also the after market illuminator. The dealer didn't have the caps with him, so
I need to go for those elsewhere.
Waiting for Lufthansa to arrive in BOS on 3/29[grin]

BTW, we lucked out on price



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Keep these pictures coming. They all look sweet.

why not.



Argentine FAL homebuild on a Coonan receiver.... nice but nothing like TYPEO1313's L1A1 on a Imbel. Holy sheeit.

btw, in case anyone wants to know, Coonan's require a lot of break in and finesse to get into running like a top.
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why not.



Argentine FAL homebuild on a Coonan receiver.... nice but nothing like TYPEO1313's L1A1 on a Imbel. Holy sheeit.

btw, in case anyone wants to know, Coonan's require a lot of break in and finesse to get into running like a top.

Does your wife know that you put guns on the couch? [laugh]

Nice looking rifle, btw.

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