SHTF tube

The shotgun is nice - but where do I get one of those tubes? I can think of a few other uses for those nice waterproof tubes.
Valley Sports Center in Easthampton has the tube. I saw it when I was filling out my paperwork for my SKS.[grin] Didn't see what the price was though.
Ever shoot a pistol grip shotgun?

I shoot the scandium S&W 329 (.44 Mag), and don’t find the recoil excessive. A 12 gauge shotgun with a pistol grip is a USELESS weapon. Without using the most feeble of low brass target loads the gun is uncontrollable. Muzzle rise is insane, and the recoil in more than punishing. If you expect to shoot 2 ounce turkey loads or slugs, make plans with a surgeon for your carpal tunnel surgery. After shooting about 20 rounds from my Mossberg 500 (and not hitting anything other than the ceiling tiles at my local indoor range), I threw away the pistol grip and installed the stock.
I got the Knoxx recoil reducing stock for the Remington, and shooting full power slugs is now tolerable. Without it, it was torture.
The 500 Cruiser's pistol grip makes for a short and easily handled weapon in tight areas. They do take practice to use but I can blast the hell out of milk jugs at 20 feet with mine using low recoil 00 Buck. Defending a home in the event of a bad situation, its ideal IMO.
I think you could make a much better, and less "HEY LOOK AT THIS BIG BRIGHT ORANGE TUBE" by using PVC pipe easily attainable at Home Depot. If you made it yourself, you can make it any length you please, to fit the best weapon you see fit.
I've had a 500 for years and installed the Speedfeed pistol grip stock. Much better ergonomics than the standard pistol grip.

Still alot of recoil, but no more so than my old stake-out SxS. [smile]
guys and gals, if your interested in tubes, let me know. I have, quite literally, a mountain of cut pipe sizes from 1" to 14" Sch 40, some sch 80 ( in case your going to bury under your driveway) SDR21, sdr 35 you name it. Considering these products have increased in price in the last year by about 75-100 percent, youd get hosed buying a full length, vs by the foot buying it from me, at a discounted NES rate, fo sure. Not to mention, trying to get a 13 foot piece of 8" Sch 40 attached to the roof of LenS' medium sized car :)

PM me if you want a tube.
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