SHTF Vehicle of Choice?

Seriously? Two months and 13 pages into it and you have to go and piss on my Lucky Charms? [rolleyes]

If there is a secret NES dupe-calling contest, then I protest this dupe report on the grounds of timeliness and the amount of original material contributed to this thread.

Also, your avatar is freaking me out.
Seriously? Two months and 13 pages into it and you have to go and piss on my Lucky Charms? [rolleyes]

If there is a secret NES dupe-calling contest, then I protest this dupe report on the grounds of timeliness and the amount of original material contributed to this thread.

Also, your avatar is freaking me out.

Lighten up Francis. How would anyone know? I just saw the title and figured it was the same old thing. +1 for being a good sport.

Ain't no big deal. Have someone merge all 3, and it is better than ever!
One runs on gas, the other runs on grass and water. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.
One takes you and your stuff hundreds of miles in a day, the other needs rests. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.

One is enclosed, the other you get rained on. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.

One needs oil changes every 3000 miles, the other needs antibiotics and personal care. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.
One takes you and your stuff hundreds of miles in a day, the other needs rests. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.

One is enclosed, the other you get rained on. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.

One needs oil changes every 3000 miles, the other needs antibiotics and personal care. Which one would you choose? It's so simple.

Good luck with your internal combustion engine when there isn't gas available. Maybe you don't need roads where you're going. A few banana peels will suffice. As if gas stations would be fully stocked for your benefit if the sh** really hits the fan.

My truck has a range of about 450 miles, needs an oil change every 8k miles, but I don't depend on it. To me, that 450 miles is a one way trip IF it gets really bad.
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Good luck with your internal combustion engine when there isn't gas available. Maybe you don't need roads where you're going. A few banana peels will suffice. As if gas stations would be fully stocked for your benefit if the sh** really hits the fan.

My truck has a range of about 450 miles, needs an oil change every 8k miles, but I don't depend on it. To me, that 450 miles is a one way trip IF it gets really bad.

Wood gas Or learn to make bio fuel .
Jeep Cherokee XJ, not the Grand Cherokee although a Grand Cherokee will work too as a bug out vehicle but has a lot more electronics in them. Parts are cheap and plentiful and a lot of other Jeep parts fit on the Cherokee. I'm putting a 3.5" lift on it and will have lockers and recovery points as well. Good storage inside and easy enough to maneuver on the trail. the straight 6 4.0L is a bullet proof motor. My 98 Cherokee XJ is my daily driver and bug out vehicle.
Bicycle. Roads will be jammed and there will be no fuel. Can take it off road and it can run on rims if it gets a flat. Yes a bike..good enough for he Japanese army to conquer Malaya.
the problem with most SHTF vehicles is that they are obviously someone who is prepared and has goodies to steal. if you cant stay hidden on back paths by walking/horses or bikes (motorised or other) then best make it look like there is no point in anyone comeing after you...
If SHTF, who cares what you're driving. You'll be dead.

Why you gotta be hatin', bro? See, I know if I add a 3" lift/level kit and some Nitto Trail Grapplers to my truck I'll be good to go come bugout time.

You saying that we'll be dead ain't cool. You have no idea how much doomsday prepping has contributed to the economic recovery. If it weren't for this, I'd just be another guy driving around my truck covered in store-bought mud listening to LAC.
My SHTF vehicle will be whatever I happen to be driving that day, and I will drive it like I stole it. If it dies I will do anything in my power to get another by any means necessary. If the SHTF all rules are off and survival is the only thing of importance. I would prefer to "bug in" but if the worse happens it won't matter what the vehicle is as long as it runs, you'd be surprised what most vehicles will get through with the right driver.
I have friends.

I'm most likely taking a 1980's diesal Benz sedan , a newish Mini Cooper , an old ( 70's ) ford pickup , a new big cab pickup truck , a 99 Range Rover , a Ford econo-line van , a 4 door jeep XJ , a Kia SUV , a rebuilt Harley , and probably my 86 CJ7 as well.

Pretty sure we can put 2 at least riflemen per vehicle , with radios and a half assed plan. We can downsize the convoy as things go wrong.

Somewhere down the line is Plan F or G : Steal " Old Ironsides" & sail that bitch North to Old Orchard Beach and follow the Saco River on foot to my cabin.
when the shtf happens i'll be looking at bumper stickers before i choose what vehicle to take. after i take that vehicle i'm going ram all other cars with democrat stickers for fun.

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