Smith M & P approval

I talked to a S&W rep at a tradeshow in Worcester. He said that the 9 and 40 M&Ps should be out by the end of the month in MA and that the .45s would be out in three months. I also thanked him for S&W making all their guns available here.

The M&P I handled had an excellent trigger, plenty of pretravel with a crisp 1911 like break with the reset being just a tad longer. Weight felt like 5 pounds or so. The grip was a bit rectangular but not square like the glock 21 and felt very small in circumference compared to a glock 17 or a beretta 92. The trigger was not the MA legal trigger. I am really looking forward to the .45 version.
Wow, by the end of the month. Funny heard that before.

That's what S&W has been saying for 6 months. Maybe they are just teasing us as I don't think it's ever going to be available!!!!!!!!

By the time it's Mass legal they will have discontinued the whole line of M&P's :)
If you look just a few posts up:
I talked to a S&W rep at a tradeshow in Worcester. He said that the 9 and 40 M&Ps should be out by the end of the month in MA
It's not the end of the month yet. Relax.
I was told by a Smith and Wesson rep that it was supposed to be out at the end of LAST month. This is rediculous as the gun has been on the market for over a year now and it is made here and we still can't buy the frigen thing. I hate this frigen state.
I was there when Carl opened the first box containing a .40 M&P. He said that the first batch had dibs on them, but I could have talked into selling me one. He had not put the prices on them, but figured they would be in the upper $400s. Nice feeling pistol. I will wait for the compact version.
I expect the MA triggers to be unusably heavy. But that's cheap to fix, so just budget in a trip to the gunsmith.
I expect the MA triggers to be unusably heavy. But that's cheap to fix, so just budget in a trip to the gunsmith.
Get a fiber optic front sight while you are there. I really like the Novak two dot rear and green fiber optic front combination. The M&P trigger can safely go as low as 2.5 to 3 pounds according to one gunsmith.
Get a fiber optic front sight while you are there. I really like the Novak two dot rear and green fiber optic front combination. The M&P trigger can safely go as low as 2.5 to 3 pounds according to one gunsmith.

Isn't MA just beautiful? So was start with a great gun from S&W that is crippled with a crappy trigger for under $500, then spend $100+ to get it usable. Damn this sucks.

FWIW I've shot the .40 at S&W- I really like the ergonomics and the trigger feel. I can't for the life of me imagine a 10lb trigger!
100 dollars on a 500 dollar gun to get something that shoots better than a 650 dollar used Sig? I would get the trigger job either way, and it can probably be fixed easily with a spring swap you can do yourself. Yeah it sucks that we have to even bother but it isn't insurmountable. The stock trigger is 6 pounds anyways which isn't all that impressive.
Isn't MA just beautiful? So was start with a great gun from S&W that is crippled with a crappy trigger for under $500, then spend $100+ to get it usable. Damn this sucks.
Lugnut, I generally budget that for most every gun I buy, and I would do that even if I wasn't in MA (unless I could do the job myself). Most every gun I've purchased required a trigger job. That's true of every 1911 I've bought, most S&W revolvers, and most Sigs. The exceptions were Glocks and HKs -- not much you can do to fix the HK trigger.
not much you can do to fix the HK trigger.

Actually, there is quite a bit, especially in terms of improving the DA, on
an HK USP. A little bit of polishing goes a long way.

I recently turned my USP .40 F from a scratchomatic DA pull to something a
lot smoother. I used some light polishing (on various
surfaces of different parts, except for the sear) plus a Wolff 12 lb
mainspring... makes a big difference overall in terms of DA
pull, which IMO is the worst part of an HK trigger.

The triggers on USPs also seem to get better with use, must be the
parts wearing in or something. My well-used USPc .40 is a lot smoother
than my USP 40 f, presumably because it was fired a lot more.

The M&P trigger is all dependent on what your used to. It takes a bit of time and pressure for the sear to start working, but with a little breakin in it will get better. However, a trigger job would be the best path and the path I will take. At least there is a NEW gun on the market.
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