Honestly the only way to cure the reset on a Sig was to send it to Bruce Gray for years. Now with the SRT package that is solved, but that is quite recent. Even the ten pound MA M&P will have a better reset than a stock Sig. It's the nature of the beast.
Depends on what you're looking for in a trigger... since I don't/can't fully
"game the reset" on most of my guns, it's patently irrelevant for me, to a
point. About the only gun I can do it on is my 1911s; and that is because
the reset really isn't much different from full letoff.
I think a bigger difference between something like a Sig and an M+P is
the way the trigger breaks. A striker type gun like a Glock or an M+P is
going to have more of a "rolling break". A Sig (in SA) is (often)
going to have that damned "5 pound wall" you have to push through,
which many people can't seem to master. I've felt some sig SA triggers
which were downright terrible, mostly the breaking weight is way too high.
On the other hand I have a couple of sigs which are incredible... and both the SA
triggers break at less than 3.5 pounds or so. Either these guns were worked
over or the german factory just did a better job with its fire control
parts. (P220 and P228 proof marked guns) And then there is the X-Five,
which has none of those issues. Every sig's SA should be like the X-Five