Smle #4 Mk 2 ??

Jan 14, 2006
Bradford Mass
Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
Does anyone know what modifacation on this rifle that makes this rifle a
MK-2 rather than a MK-1 i ran into one at K.T.P. today that was virtually in
UN-Issued condition, mint mint mint!! anybody have any ideas?? is this the
one that had a trigger hinged on the trigger guard? or somthing like that?

Sheriff Dudley
SMLE #4 Mk 2

thanks Pilgrim i had heard somthing about that trigger thing but never paid
much attention before, i put that Mint one on hold yesterday afternoon
and yesterday morning i had been in contact with a vendor that i had placed an order with for a SMLE #4 MK 1 and thay sent me a letter stating that thay were out of stock, BUT for an extra $55.00 i could get a U.S. Savage with
Savage marked Bayonet, so i said what everyone with this illness would
say ( YUP ) and low and behold up pops the MK-2 within 3 hours of the
first one, anyway my buddy was with me and he was looking at High-End
Single shots, and not knowing how to apreciate Milsurps kinda mentiond
that i should be incarcerated somewhare ware there are padded room,s
i call him the ( Rolex kinda guy) and i am the ( Timex kinda guy) but i
tell him im haveing more fun for a lot less $$ and i dont worry about
bumping my stocks, and if i do, i just steam them back " can you do that"
with your china-cabinet-stocks!!! Huh can-ya-Dude??? NO-Reply!!
thanks again Dennis! Take Care Sheriff Dudley
The trigger of the Mk. I is hinged on the trigger guard.

The Mk. 2 was a new design introduced in 1949 with a trigger that was hinged about a pin located in a bracket forged integrally with the body.
Sounds like a very nice rifle.
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Lynne said:
Now Al, you're much classier than a Timex. [laugh] [wink]

Excuse ME!!

And what is so bad about wearing a Timex?

I wear a Timex Radio Controlled watch (picks up time signal from WWV-Colorado and syncs every day at 2AM) by choice.

I've owned a Rolex Perpetual Oyster for ~20 years but never wore it and never intend to do so. Someday I'll probably sell it like I did the Bulova Accutron I once bought.
LenS said:
Excuse ME!!

And what is so bad about wearing a Timex?

I wear a Timex Radio Controlled watch (picks up time signal from WWV-Colorado and syncs every day at 2AM) by choice.

I've owned a Rolex Perpetual Oyster for ~20 years but never wore it and never intend to do so. Someday I'll probably sell it like I did the Bulova Accutron I once bought.

Nothing dear...just wanted to let al know he was a classy guy and I used HIS terminology. [smile] And I have a Timex myself. It was my grandmothers. Years old and as long as the batteries are replaced, it keeps right on ticking. [smile]
I hope y'all will excuse me for drifting back on to topic, but I picked up a No4 Mk2 at Marlboro today.

The S/N is PF323, which might be an importer's number, or maybe from rearsenalling, but it matches on the receiver and bolt. Bluing is very good 90+ on a guess. Action is smooth and clean. The wood is VG, I'd say. Again all of this is based on my novice level as a collector. Much, much, better than the "Collector's Grade" piece I received a week ago. Which is going back, but I digress.

Back to the rifle. It has the adjustable rear sights, not just the two position peep site. I did Milsurps 4 Me's "bullet test" and the bore seems tight. I haven't been able to shine a light down the barrel, because that would only get the light greasy. However, based on the amount of Cosmoline, I'd guess there is NO rust down there. In fact, the only rust I noticed was a bit of surface rust on the magazine.

Not only is it covered with Cosmoline, but it's been in storage long enough that dust has stuck onto it. Kind of makes it look like it's been tarred and feathered. <G>

This will be another several night cleaning project, but I expect the result to be satisfactory.

I haven't been able to get through to him. Busy signals and he took Friday off. It's at the top of my to do list for Monday. Definitely going back, though. This Mk2 is several orders of magnitude better for much less money.

Lots of Enfields there today I saw, I didn't bother to check any of them out since the only one i'll be getting now will be a 22 cal trainer, or Jungle Carbine if I can ever find either for a fair price. Sounds like you got a nice rifle. Break out the rags and get ready to get greasy.[laugh]
Milsurps 4 Me said:
Lots of Enfields there today I saw, I didn't bother to check any of them out since the only one i'll be getting now will be a 22 cal trainer, or Jungle Carbine if I can ever find either for a fair price. Sounds like you got a nice rifle. Break out the rags and get ready to get greasy.[laugh]

There did seem to be a lot of Enfields, including several No4 Mk2's, but the one I bought was the nicest! <G> I wasn't even looking to buy, but this one seemed so clean and I thought the price was reasonable.

I saw two Jungle Carbines. One was pretty original looking, the other had been "Ishyed" and converted to .308. That one had a stock that looked suspiciously
like the one on my fake No4. I saw several Mk1 NoIIIs in various conditions. There was even one Lee-Metford for $750.00.

Lot's of Yogo SKSs as well, but the prices seemed high. Then again, they weren't priced for the C&R holder but for those not clued in to that deal.

I wanted to get a sling for my Enfield today and didn't see one whereas in January, I saw a ton of them there.
JonJ said:
Gary, how did you make out with your "collector's grade"?
Sorry I missed you today in M-boro.

I got through today and he couldn't have been nicer. I was going to recite my list of complaints and he told me I could if I wanted to, but he was only interested in keeping me happy and if I didn't like it he'd take it back with no restocking fee and reimburse me for shipping. I just have to box it up and get it back to UPS, which I'll do Wednesday.

If this all goes as smoothly as I think it will, I'll keep him on the list for future purchases.

Good news Gary. They say he's good to deal with and if you have a good reason for the return, he won't do the re-stock fee.
I'll definitely buy from him again.
JonJ said:
Good news Gary. They say he's good to deal with and if you have a good reason for the return, he won't do the re-stock fee.
I'll definitely buy from him again.

So will I if I find something I want.

Back to the Marlboro rifle. It's a CAI import, but I don't think it's recent. Rather, I think it's been in storage somewhere. It's well preserved, if anything it has MORE Cosmoline than the Savage I got a few weeks ago.

I've started stripping the rifle and it seems to be in good, almost new, condition. I have the hand guards off and both are stamped (inside) with F 54. There are some other numbers or letters, but I can't make them out yet. Once I get the gunk off, maybe those will be possible to read. On the barrel right near the receiver is the British Royal Crest (I think that's what they call it) with the letters G R on either side. Which should mean that the barrel was made during the reign of King George VI. That puts it before February 1952 for the barrel at least.

Once I have it completely stripped and cleaned I'll see if there are any more identifyers.

Garys said:
Once I have it completely stripped and cleaned I'll see if there are any more identifyers.

That's the best part, ripping them down, cleaning and checking all the marks.
JonJ said:
That's the best part, ripping them down, cleaning and checking all the marks.

It's certainly the best way to get to know how a particular weapon functions. I have the strip down just about complete. Overall it was pretty easy. I did bung up the little pin that holds the rear site pin in place. I'll have to figure out a replacement for that. I also bunged up one of my bolt tools. Not for the usual reason, a firmly stuck striker pin. No, pure stupidity on my part. That screw on the cocking piece is called a "locking screw" for a reason. :(

Other than that, stripping was pretty easy. Even the pins holding the sear and trigger to the receiver came out fairly easily. A combination of Simple Green and Break Free loosened them up in about 30 minutes.

It's interesting to see the differences between a MK1 and a Mk2.

I have most of the rifle cleaned up, but won't get back to it until Wednesday or maybe Friday.

Hopefully it will be back together and ready for pictures by the weekend.


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