Spanish Mauser


NES Member
Nov 11, 2009
Run to the hills
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I was getting an oil change last weekend and walked over to LGS.

I have been on rhe prowl since 16 years old for an unmolested Lee Enfield .303 because of childhood memories riding my 10 speed bike to NH sandpits without swat response.

Anyway there on the rack was a sporterized .303 and this Spanish Mauser. I ended up with the Spanish Mauser and can't wait to shoot. I paid $599 and plan to shoot all the time so do not care or considered collector etc.
I am sure there are Mauser forums but I am sure there are Mauser experts here. This rifle appears to be stamped in and the bolt and receiver #'s match. I know that the Mauser market is full of fakes and restamps but again this I bought with general condition in mind.

Any quick observations? Yes my bench is a nightmare 20220401_205925.jpg
Looks like a Model 1895 but it’s only a cursory look and I’m not an expert. What’s the caliber? I’m guessing 7x57?
I was getting an oil change last weekend and walked over to LGS.

I have been on rhe prowl since 16 years old for an unmolested Lee Enfield .303 because of childhood memories riding my 10 speed bike to NH sandpits without swat response.

Anyway there on the rack was a sporterized .303 and this Spanish Mauser. I ended up with the Spanish Mauser and can't wait to shoot. I paid $599 and plan to shoot all the time so do not care or considered collector etc.
I am sure there are Mauser forums but I am sure there are Mauser experts here. This rifle appears to be stamped in and the bolt and receiver #'s match. I know that the Mauser market is full of fakes and restamps but again this I bought with general condition in mind.

Any quick observations? Yes my bench is a nightmareView attachment 598067
That bench is no where near a nightmare, heck you at least where able to get to it.

Im no expert at mauser rifles , much like you I intend to shoot my “collection”
Looks like a nice clean rifle and I hipe the bore is as nice.
Years back I did notice there seemed to be a lot of nice mauser parts available dont have a clue is real or reproduction.
Suppose some of these spanish mauser could have seen nice easy living through out the last century?
Interested in how it shoots
That is a 1950's LA Coruna made M43 in 8mm, and it looks all original.
Just remember one thing,every time you shoot it you have to say "ole".
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