Swedish Mauser


NES Member
Jun 9, 2006
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Does anyone else shoot an 1896 Swedish Mauser? They're very smooth and accurate rifles. I was hitting the steel at 300 yards at Harvard with one of mine. Even with open sights and old eyes it still works fine. I'm amazed that a cartridge developed in 1891 is so close to the 6.5 Creedmoor. One of my rifles has a sling and thread protector on the muzzle. The other has neither. Does anyone know where I might find those items? I'd get bayonets also if I could find them even though I'm a bit old for a bayonet charge. I don't think I could run that far anymore.
Ahhh, finally someone with some class. The Swedish Mausers are probably the most accurate surplus rifles you can buy. The 6.5 doesn't give up anything to the Creedmoor or the 6.5-08. I've been dumping deer with mine for quite a few years now. I use my CG63 at 600 yards with very good results.
So mad for not snagging a swede when samco had them cheap. Even the snipers 41bs where cheap....I was busy getting U.S. Surplus . Friend picked one up and it is slick looks like new. Shoots like a dream. Someday
Been on my radar. I let a nice tiger striped one slip away a month or two ago. Shouldve pulled the trigger.
I have six, including a rather rare model, a 1900 made by Mauser Obendorf in Berlin for the Swedes , one of a special run of 5000. Mine has a two digit serial number and had at some point ben arsenal converted to the short rifle

As much as I like them in my limited experience they are not the most accurate. I have a M 96/11, that's an 1896 Swiss Schmidt Rubin converted to 1911 standards that will shoot rings around the most accurate of my Swedes. I have shot my best target at 100 yards ever with that rifle, for open sights, 12 shots about 1 1/4 inches. The later Swiss K 31 rifles are also very, very accurate. I was using the Swiss GP 11 military ammo which is literally match grade, and I know that it makes a big difference. The big reason for my preference for the Swedes is the much milder recoil, they are just more fun to shoot.
Don't know how I missed this post.
I shoot one regularly, but I only have access to 100 meters onsite. I do find the irons to be minimal, so I tend to leave the stock 1908 m96b in the corner and shoot the sporterized 1911 m96. since it has a 2x EER scope on it; I can see the target at least! I know you're tired of my repeat pics, but it's to the point...



I forget where I purchased it, but I did find an after-market muzzle thread cap for the m96b. The sporterized m96 doesn't have the threaded muzzle.
I have 2 96's. One with a scope. Best accuracy of any military rifle I've had, including Mosin ex sniper and Schmidt Rubin.
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