Stocking up.

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First, I only did a grand total because I was asked. My worksheet is normally never structured to display a grand total, secondly i'm a tradesman CNC machinist who knows very little about Excel.

Lastly, look at another portion of the spreadsheet and let the verbal beatings commence... ;)

View attachment 611012
LOL. Just giving you sh*t.

But you might want to remove the spaces, makes filtering easier.

Let's say you want to see how many Hornady bullets you have, it is easy to filter for Hornady. Or you want to see how many .4 (I hate you) you have, and how many are XYZ Product, it is easier to filter.
Maybe in retard speak which I am not fluent in. Please translate
Yeah, no problem, Einstein.

Now, I know you choose it because it also means rifle in Russian, but that is what the Finns call pubic hair. Which really doesn't surprise me, considering what you find in pubic hair. A Dick.
But what do I know? I'm a retard.
Yeah, no problem, Einstein.

Now, I know you choose it because it also means rifle in Russian, but that is what the Finns call pubic hair. Which really doesn't surprise me, considering what you find in pubic hair. A Dick.
But what do I know? I'm a retard.
You are the weirdo google my name and stuff. At least use the right letters before you try and insult me. IDK how grammar rules work in Retard Speak but usually different letters and different pronunciations ... mean different words 🤣

come on dude this is such an obvious BS and troll thread Dont take it so serious
That spreadsheet gives me a headache.

Bring the columns closer together (make them smaller).

Why add "total" after each number in the "total" column and then add another "total" column so you can add up the quantities? ... that is so inneficient.

The spaces ... makes filtering a nightmare.

Big positive - no .40 bullets. There is hope for you. [laugh]
Very inefficient
I use the box method
Box , heavy = good
Box not so heavy = start getting order together
Box , to f***ing light——order now
I ran into David Linsky as he was leaving a virtual NAMBLA convention. He was in the Natick public library so I was able to hear his keynote address.

I asked him about his passion to ban all semiautomatic rifles and pistols. The conversation pivoted to ammunition control. He convinced me that shooting blanks provides all the fun and excitement as real ammo but with a much safer risk profile.

Well today I am proud to announce I traded my semi auto weapons and am now the proud owner of an antique starter pistol. I feel soooo good.
Maybe in retard speak which I am not fluent in. Please translate
Пушка(I think that's the right spelling) is a slang term for crappy handguns. The term was originally used for military cannons. In the 20th century, the word was appropriated by the criminal world in the form of a nickname for old Russian-made Nagant Revolvers. They were plentiful in USSR so the criminals could get their hands on one quite easily. It shot an anemic 32 caliber bullet and precision was, let's say, subpar. Hitting anything twice beyond 10 yards was a game of lottery. As a result, in criminal circles, the gun became known as a crappy gun to give low-level goons.
Since then, the term "пушка" evolved to include any bad handgun or handguns obtained illegally. In 1990s, in the former USSR, the term "pushka" was adopted to common use became the criminal underground became the ruling class.

P.S. I do not want to disparage the Belgian version of the M1895 Nagants. Those were high-quality revolvers. It was the Tzarist Russian version that was an absolute crapola. There is a good reason why USSR standardized on something else as soon as it could afford to.
Пушка(I think that's the right spelling) is a slang term for crappy handguns. The term was originally used for military cannons. In the 20th century, the word was appropriated by the criminal world in the form of a nickname for old Russian-made Nagant Revolvers. They were plentiful in USSR so the criminals could get their hands on one quite easily. It shot an anemic 32 caliber bullet and precision was, let's say, subpar. Hitting anything twice beyond 10 yards was a game of lottery. As a result, in criminal circles, the gun became known as a crappy gun to give low-level goons.
Since then, the term "пушка" evolved to include any bad handgun or handguns obtained illegally. In 1990s, in the former USSR, the term "pushka" was adopted to common use became the criminal underground became the ruling class.

P.S. I do not want to disparage the Belgian version of the M1895 Nagants. Those were high-quality revolvers. It was the Tzarist Russian version that was an absolute crapola. There is a good reason why USSR standardized on something else as soon as it could afford to.
sucsess in total derailment of thread started by Fed boi OP
You are the weirdo google my name and stuff. At least use the right letters before you try and insult me. IDK how grammar rules work in Retard Speak but usually different letters and different pronunciations ... mean different words 🤣

come on dude this is such an obvious BS and troll thread Dont take it so serious
Sure. Whatever you say Bushmaster.
Everyone better make up their minds what to do , Ammo is starting to go up again not down

The wholesale price of 9mm went up literally over the weekend , the stuff I purchased on Friday through distribution was a buck more a box today , and that’s up $2 from last week
Everyone better make up their minds what to do , Ammo is starting to go up again not down

The wholesale price of 9mm went up literally over the weekend , the stuff I purchased on Friday through distribution was a buck more a box today , and that’s up $2 from last week
I buy ammo everytime @enbloc posts
Yeah, a little. I got like 100 or so shotgun shells for my pump action. Don’t need much, all I’ve got to is rack it and they will know not to play games. If that fails I can just blast off a round it will make them re think their choices.
Price REAL NOT NULL CHECK(Price >= 0.00),
I just made that clearer in my sources.

(And no, I'm not unaware that it's fundamentally bad numerical analysis
to use floating point to hold currency values.
For the operations I perform, it works out fine
as long as I round to two places during rendering
I just made that clearer in my sources.

(And no, I'm not unaware that it's fundamentally bad numerical analysis
to use floating point to hold currency values.
For the operations I perform, it works out fine
as long as I round to two places during rendering
The way inflation is going, we won't care for fractions of a dollar anymore.
<geek mode=on>
That said, your blasphemy won't matter when 2038 rolls around, and 99% of systems will have an "Epoch" conniption. Epoch = epic. hehe. giggle. giggle.
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