Sub 2000 legal

Aug 11, 2010
Southcoast, ma
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I have looked around from mass gov sites to here and i have not got any answers. I was wondering if the Kel-tec Sub 2000 is mass legal. I know they sell the gun in a ten round mag set up for states like ours but that does not answer if it falls under a being legal in Mass. Thanks guys Cameron
I have looked around from mass gov sites to here and i have not got any answers. I was wondering if the Kel-tec Sub 2000 is mass legal. I know they sell the gun in a ten round mag set up for states like ours but that does not answer if it falls under a being legal in Mass. Thanks guys Cameron

I bought one @ Four Seasons last year. I've also seen them for sale @ Bobs Original. I would assume if these shops have them out for display, they're legal. Why would they take the chance of getting in trouble with the BATFE
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i have a hard time getting my head behind the sights on my buddy's. but, i've got a large squash.

-shoots nice. I've heard they're pretty good ~50 yds but, i can't confirm.
I saw one at the last gun show I was at, they look super cool but I have a high point 9mm carbine and I cant justify two when there's so many other fun things I need in my life.
The sub 2000 is a great gun. Especially for the price. Super accurate out to about 50 yards. It feels kind of cheap but works flawlessly - though I don't like that the breach doesn't stay open after the last round in a mag goes through it. One of the most fun guns I have shot. You can't beat it for a bug out bag either since it folds in half. I just have to find some glock 22 preban mags for it (I got the 40 S&W) and buy a TLR-2 and I'll be good to go.
I have looked around from mass gov sites

Don't rely on the legal info put out by the state. There are some serious glaring errors being published by them.

Yup. The minimum requirement for possession of a "large capacity" rifle is a LTC-B, so you're GTG.

The Sub2000 is not on the large capacity roster. They use handgun mags, and are only shipped with 10 round mags. I still think it's up for debate, and I wouldn't risk one without an LTC-B, but I'm throwing the info out there.

thanks guys, it a little off subject but what do you guys think, is it a fun little gun?

Seems like it. A 9mm performs like a .357 when fired out of a barrel that long.

Is the sub2k ok in Boston too?

Yes. Just make sure you get an LTC-A and that any mags that hold more than 10 rounds are pre-ban.
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