Supreme Judicial Court rules possessing a switchblade knife is no longer a crime under the 2nd Amendment

Have you ever tried skinning a deer with a HiPoint Yeet Cannon? It is not much fun.
I can’t cut a steak with a HiPoint either, but a quality set of four steak knives only costs $229: MANNKITCHEN Double Point Steak Knives (Set of 4)

I know labor costs quickly rise for knives if forging by hand or Damascus steel etc., but for industrial scale production, you should be able to get quality knife below 200 a piece. Just my opinion.
This is correct.
1957 this law was passed.
List of movies with switch blades in them:


Bad Day At Black Rock (1955) Italian stiletto
Blackboard Jungle (1955) Italian-style stiletto
Dimentia (Daughter of Horror) (1955) Italian style stiletto
Kiss Me Deadly (1955) Italian style stiletto
THE Ladykillers (1955) kriss-blade stiletto
THE Night of the Hunter (1955) Italian-style stiletto
Oklahoma (1955) prop kaleidescope side-opener
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Italian-style stilettos

Around The World In 80 Days (1956) Italian-style stiletto
Boy With a Knife (1956) Schrade? swinguard
While The City Sleeps 1956 unknown swinguard

12 Angry Men (1957) 2 identical Italian-style stilettos
THE Delicate Delinquent (1957) Italian-style stilettos
Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957) a bunch of Italian-style stilettos
THE Joker Is Wild (1957) American side-opener
THE Wild Town (1957)

I bet if you look up which year Mass outlawed suppressors, there would be a similar slate of movies with assasins quietly dispatching people with "silencers"

What the heck was happening in the '50s that made everyone such a complete dumbass?

I bought the DVD with the first season of the Lone Ranger (1949) at Cracker Barrel a few years ago, and he's talking about shooting to wound and let the law handle things, try to shoot the gun out of the bad guys hand, blah blah blah - all the BS that we're just starting to open our eyes to.

This was probably the period when we started telling boys "don't throw the first punch", too.

It was the start of the war on self defense, switchblades and common sense. I'm calling it, the 1950's was the beginning of the War on the American Male.
I kind of hope they do go for requiring an LTC to carry a knife.
This mindset is why NH is free and MA is not. The answer to any arms control measure should be "No *'ing way, not now, not ever!"

By agreeing to LTC's for everything, the public learns to accept that the government should tell people what to do. Study the UK if you think this is a good idea.
This mindset is why NH is free and MA is not. The answer to any arms control measure should be "No *'ing way, not now, not ever!"

By agreeing to LTC's for everything, the public learns to accept that the government should tell people what to do. Study the UK if you think this is a good idea.
Thats why MA's slogan "The Spirit of America" works though, because you get to just enjoy freedom, we get that feeling of rebellion
It was a knee-jerk, racist reaction to the movie West Side Story..

Nah - there was more to it than just a couple movies. It was that whole laundry list of movies that Cap'n Mike listed, as well as the simpering cowboys who'd never draw first and the rest of the BS. Was everyone just relaxing after WW2 while Hollywood and the rest of the commies took over or what?
Shocking given that they once upheld the ban on stun guns claiming the constitution only protects technology that existed in 1791.

It's a refreshing spritz of integrity from the SJC.

Think of all of the justices on courts in many states in the 70's that ruled that state law ran afoul of RvW despite their personal opinion to the contrary. It's just expected.

But today? If a liberal judge doesn't agree, they've been in the "protected" class so long they think that it's not about integrity but about THEM being right ALL the time and, therefore, they just rule the way they want regardless of precedent.

To see the Mass (not mASS today) SJC rule based on a US-SC ruling they they likely DON'T agree with is, well, it warm the cockles of my heart. Maybe even the sub-cockle region. ROFL!
Still can't order knives to be shipped into MA on Amazon. I feel so safe.
yep, but keep in mind who and when exactly made it happen.
every little thing in life has an author with a name and an address it lives at, it`s just a way it is. nothing happens just by itself. it is called 'history'.

I bought a microtech ultratech a while back with a d/e because I assumed this would NEVER happen.
Wish I’d have gotten a single edge.
Guess I need to get another microtech 🤷
Just in time for those Labor Day sales!
This mindset is why NH is free and MA is not. The answer to any arms control measure should be "No *'ing way, not now, not ever!"

By agreeing to LTC's for everything, the public learns to accept that the government should tell people what to do. Study the UK if you think this is a good idea.

Freedom-loving Ma**h***s are now in perpetual revolt against a government that does not believe they have rights. They have learned that the state requires court action to act as it should, and their mindset therefore prioritizes that court action.

The "no f***ing way, not now, not ever" mindset is not effective here. It just isn't. It presupposes a legislature that will be moved by those kinds of sentiments. This one will not. And if the NH legislature ever goes that same way? The NH mindset will start to prioritize the courts, too.

So, do you guys think the double sided blade knives are legal too? What about the length restrictions?

I wouldn't know. I've never bothered following any of that bullshit.
It's a refreshing spritz of integrity from the SJC.

Think of all of the justices on courts in many states in the 70's that ruled that state law ran afoul of RvW despite their personal opinion to the contrary. It's just expected.

But today? If a liberal judge doesn't agree, they've been in the "protected" class so long they think that it's not about integrity but about THEM being right ALL the time and, therefore, they just rule the way they want regardless of precedent.

To see the Mass (not mASS today) SJC rule based on a US-SC ruling they they likely DON'T agree with is, well, it warm the cockles of my heart. Maybe even the sub-cockle region. ROFL!
Given the recent 4th circuit taking a dump on Bruen, I thought MASJC would be likely to do the same.
beats me why to pay $350 for a stupid knife when there is a million of options in $20-$30 range that does same and looks same.
More expensive knives are better than cheap knives. Of course, like anything, there is the law of diminishing returns. Where that sweet spot lies is up to you. Personally, I’ve started buying knives with better steels like Magnacut and most of those are north of $100.

For EDC knives you want good edge retention. My favorite EDC's for the money are any of the popular Spyderco's with FRN grips and VG10 steel. VG10 is the perfect steel for the everyman to EDC. As you get into some of the more exotic steels it can be difficult to sharpen without hobbyist grade tools.

There's a real sweet spot around $100 for good EDC knives. I have a couple more expensive knives but they aren't that much better than a $99 Spyderco.
A lot of vendors on Amazon won’t ship a standard Buck 110 to MA.
My understanding is that the MA AG threatened (ok it probably didnt take much) Amazon and got them to stop selling folding knives to MA as a site wide policy?

Similar strategy to how they stopped gun companies from shipping here, except for knives its pretty much only Amazon that is effected.
My understanding is that the MA AG threatened (ok it probably didnt take much) Amazon and got them to stop selling folding knives to MA as a site wide policy?

Similar strategy to how they stopped gun companies from shipping here, except for knives its pretty much only Amazon that is effected.
It’s truly not worth Amazon doing it, but you can still buy gun parts on Amazon. They’ll mail it to your house in Massachusetts so the knife things just stupid….

I’d say it’s a private company and they can do whatever they want but it kind of sounds just like the Twitter files thing that Zuckerberg is trying to walk back. It’s a government influences your company that’s a crime in itself.

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