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So we decided to find a place with "greener pastures" and are moving to Texas. He's been there since the beginning of May and has been getting lots of interviews the last 2 weeks. Hopefully "something" will happen soon!
Yep, sometimes, you need to take a chance on yourself.
Huge part of surviving job loss: keeping things in perspective - life could always be worse. seriously. big chunks of your life could be much, much worse. yes, no income is a pretty damn BIG thing in this day and age but there are so many more things much more important - health, family, love.
Stress/worry - keep in mind that both partners (and perhaps the children) will be concerned but only 1 of you should freak out at a time. So when your spouse/partner/significant other starts telling you of their concerns, it's your turn to be supportive and reassure them that a job will come, they need not worry - you will survive, things will get better, etc. AND MEAN IT.
I just "lost" a job last week. I was an IT Project Manager contractor at a large biotech in Cambridge. I've had friction with management ever since the new CIO fired the 3 layers of management above me and put in her own people, none of whom have ever worked in life sciences. (I don't care if its a validated system, can't you do the upgrade faster? And why do we need to do all this testing? And why are these quality people making us do so much documentation?? - I"m sure some of you will laugh at that)
One other thing. 5 years ago I was unemployed for almost a year. Thats partly what motivated the move from SE CT to Boston. There are SOOOO many jobs up here. But once I was off, I pulled the kids out of pre-school and day care and spent the year having fun with them. It was awesome. I' convinced that we will be closer for the rest of our lives because of the time I had with them.
About 15 years ago I was fired from two high level corporate jobs in a three year time span, in both cases for what amounts to political reasons (isn't it always). That was it for me and Encorpera. I started a business working in my basement that has thankfully done well enough to pay the bills. My son was seven when I began and every day when he got home from school the first thing he did was visit me in the basement, collapse into my arms and let out a big sigh of relief. This is a far better memory than anything I ever did in the workplace. And my son and I are still very close.
Thats awesome. I wish I had the balls to start something up. I've known a bunch of entrepreneurs in my life. Enough so that I unfortunately recognize that it isn't me. At least not now.
Shaping my kids development is the most satisfying thing I do.
Penny, you are correct . . . except about relaxing with a verbal offer.
Very many years ago I had some interviews at the Foxboro Company. The hiring manager called me in with the HR guy and atated to both of us that he was going to make me an offer so HR should give me the packet of info on benefits, etc. No written offer ever arrived. I called HR and he was perplexed too. Finally got ahold of the hiring manager and someone above him had killed the requisition.
When I worked for DEC, I had an internal interview with a great group and it was a perfect match. They started the hiring paperwork and a VP killed it as they had created a hiring freeze and even though I was already on the inside, he wouldn't approve the job. I have to admit that it was a huge let-down.
So it isn't real until you get it in writing.
Best of luck to both of you.
I am sharing these stories with my husband because he thinks I'm nuts when I say things like this happen! So, NO. No relaxing even with a verbal offer. (hell, with all we have been through we don't *really* relax even when employed!)
He did get a call back for a 3rd interview (phone, 4 person panel and now the last step before a decision is made). So that's on Monday. -Holding my breath-