THE NEW LOOK MEGA THREAD - all comments about the new version go here !

the text seems to not be weighted well to the background, and while it is black, it appears more gray as it is also diffused by the light gray background. The color behind your text is not in fact white, it is just off. If you look outside your post text box, you will see a real white background. Not that white is needed, it could also be fixed by using an alternate font that has a little more weight to it so as to not diffuse quite so much.

And though my newb opinion may not matter much, I agree that the contrast is not as good with the new layout.
I would have preferred a more black and evil look personally; but the look of it is not so important to me.
Can someone help? I still don't understand the blue/orange envelopes on the left hanf column. What does the color signify?

The colors denote whether or not you have read the most current post in that particular thread. Red means there is a new post at the end of the thread. Blue means nothing new has been posted since you last checked. Also, the little green arrow that points left on those boxes indicate a thread you've responded to.
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Yep, I am going to work on changing the colors a bit for contrast to make it easier for everyone to read. [wink]

I personally like the new set up it. It seems a little more polished less like an old school BBS. With this being said and with the quote above . . . that is the only thing that i find unappealing as the light colors make it WAY to bright here in my i don't wanna have to wear my sun glasses to read about stupid mass gun laws... :)
The colors denote whether or not you have read the most current post in that particular thread. Red means there is a new post at the end of the thread. Blue means nothing new has been posted since you last checked.

Muchas grassy ass!! I'm a slow learner.
noticed a bug. When I hit reply under a post (not big box at bottom) it moves the box all the way off to the right side of the screen and scrunches the table to very small width. could be due to browser, i'm using firefox 2.0

Folks around here strongly beleive that once things are created they should never be changed or updated in any way. What were you thinking this is New England for god sakes, no one here can handle change. I think the site has already been burned to the ground by protesters protesting change, or they are marching on you now. For all I know you are on fire right now.

Its a good thing I grew up in New York where change is embraced. So in summary, I love the new format but completely don't understand it but will pretend that I so completely do you will swear I created it......which is what all good New Yorkers do.

Folks around here strongly beleive that once things are created they should never be changed or updated in any way. What were you thinking this is New England for god sakes, no one here can handle change. I think the site has already been burned to the ground by protesters protesting change, or they are marching on you now. For all I know you are on fire right now.

Its a good thing I grew up in New York where change is embraced. So in summary, I love the new format but completely don't understand it but will pretend that I so completely do you will swear I created it......which is what all good New Yorkers do.

I have thick skin no worries. [wink]

The default color scheme is killing my eyes, I am working on modifying it.
Thanks for keeping us modern, Derek! I kinda like the new layout. But definitely look forward to the "normal" colors once you get those settled. And I'm sure it'll take a day or so to tweak/optimize everything. Everyone chill the F out [smile]
I have thick skin no worries. [wink]

The default color scheme is killing my eyes, I am working on modifying it.

derek thanks for the hard work of keeping the forum software current. like others said im sure when you finish, no one will even care/remember how the old forum was!
Everything looks out of place...but when I look closely, things aren't really out of place. I think I need some time to get used to this.
Must be something funky with my monitor and how it displays color, because there is nothing in that blue bar on my screen except the post number in white at the far right. What color is the lettering? Is it right, left, or centered?

Maybe it will be better when you fix the contrast, but I am having a hard time discerning when a users signature starts. The light blue line disappears into the ether and the signature becomes one with the rest of the post.

Also, 500th post. [cheers][party]
Alright stupid question - I bookmark "<forum>/usercp.php" on forums so I can get back to see if any of my subscribed threads have been updated...

Other than typing it in cold, I don't see a link to it... Did I miss it?
Well, I can't figure out how to upload my file, but a screen cap of my monitor shows no date/time in that location. In fact, on my screen, the darker blue bar stops before the light blue "Poster" box. IE6, FWIW.

ETA: HA! Got it.



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