The Price Gouging/Everything Shortage Megathread

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I went to Zero Hour today to get a WASR and they wanted $1250. Oh well I still have $700 in my wallet

Yup...a lot of people live in a fantasy world where they think a gun shop is your freind.......No they're not! They are a buisness and they want to make money..period!
Could we get a posted list of "ethical" price limits? I would hate to offer an item for sale at a price that offends anyone. Outdated notions such as capitalism might claim that a buyer is self-evidently better off (otherwise they would have not purchased). But as people here suggest, we need to protect these buyers from their own bad decision making, and the first step is limiting sale prices to the "ethical" and non-"gouging" levels (or not selling at all). Perhaps we could form a committee on price controls to set limits for various items. I don't know how to do this, but defer to the experts here on gouging to get that started.

I think what is bothering people, is that we know the prices will flutter back down to earth, at least reasonably, regardless of what is going to happen, and because of this it pisses people off to see them just cashing in on panic. For me, personally, I feel like gun owners have some sort of un official code to band together and stand in solidarity. Sounds cheesy, I know, but as one we could fight off this political crap, but alas, we separate and bicker amongst each other, and will undoubtedly bend over and take in the coming months. Like I said previous, politicans love the fact that we have priced a lot of people out of the market, even if temporarily, as they had wanted to do this through taxation.

Atilla makes a good point though, a lot of people pontificate about how NES is like a family, blah blah blah, we have numerous threads about how great each other, and then.....when it comes down to it the panic is induced through a witty thread and before you know it people are selling stuff for 3 times its value. I get economics, and how they work, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it. I haven't read anyone calling for action, or law making, banning of users or the like, but people are entitled to disagree. Personally, it's getting tiring to hear capitalists and libertarians bashing other people who merely just voice an opinion of distaste for something. We're not moonbats or anti capitalism or any other tired cliche, merely someone who doesn't like a certain aspect of something.
NHM-91 NIB on GB bwahahaha $2400.00

Talk about tossing an empty hook into the pond and hoping something hooks itself lol.
I don't get what all this gouging talk is about MA peeps been selling Glocks for 800 and no one bats an eye.

People trying to use whatever situation presented to cash in is par for the course, here, and everywhere. Don't like, don't buy. What sucks is I can't afford an AK now, see, it's all about me.
I think it is crazy what people are paying, but, they are paying it.

I do think it is a little tasteless to do it to such a great community as NES, but what are they selling for on here vs. what is it selling for on the open market today? If they are in the ballpark of local gun shops, good for them; maybe with any luck they are going to finance the rest of their build.
not looking to make a ton like people in gb absurd to pay what people are over there. At this point i have most of my ammo stored i just need to replenish the stuff i shoot, which is going to be hard. Guess ill have to shoot .22 for awhile
For us freestaters, SKDTactical has PMAGs in stock. Price is $39 each, but that's their A-hole proof price... and nice knowing that they are donating to a worthy cause. This is from their site:

TO OUR LOYAL SKD CUSTOMERS: These mags will not be made available at our normal price so they can be flipped to take advantage of the current buying frenzy. Nor will we be profiteering off of this current panic like some vendors in our community. In order to make these mags "A$$HOLE-PROOF", we will sell them at or near current market pricing, and donate the difference from our normal price to either the National Rifle Association or the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. If you take issue with this move on our part, please do not write, email, or call to complain- we will not respond. Just take a deep breath, do a little yoga, and channel your energy into doing something productive.

List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $39.20

Now that's pretty cool! Good for them

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So what you are telling me is I could retire with the 5.56mm I have on hand - and my son could pay for college?

XM-193 #3900 boxed on strippers
XM-193 #1000 loose
M-855 #1200 boxed
XM-856 #600 boxed


I found my self at Rileys several times over the past 3 years, during the week, and with no wait I figured, sure, I'll buy a case. I had no idea things would go this crazy.

I'm not telling my buddy in NH that has 20 brand new, unused 30rd PMAGs (10Blk/10Tan) anything either. He might be able to buy 1/2 the northern territory of the state.
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So what you are telling me is I could retire with the 5.56mm I have on hand - and my son could pay for college?

XM-193 #3900 boxed on strippers
XM-193 #1000 loose
M-855 #1200 boxed
XM-856 #600 boxed


I found my self at Rileys several times over the past 3 years, during the week, and with no wait I figured, sure, I'll buy a case. I had no idea things would go this crazy.
PM sent!

Just kidding [smile]
Before you spout off the "price gouging" thing,you should look up the definition and educate yourself.

Or are you one of those "capitalism is great until you are on the wrong end of it" type of folks ?

Why so upset?

Is it their right to sell their property for whatever they want? Yes.

Does it bother me that people are taking advantage of newer gun owners who don't know any better? Yes.

Do I have the right to my own opinion? Yes.

And I know the definition. Thank you.

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Hey Midway USA, thanks for ruining my Christmas!

Not really, I just wanted to sensationalize this post and tell a story of why I won't be ordering from Midway.

Girlfriend orders me a muzzleloader off of Midway I wanted in November....they wait until today saying state law prohibits them from shipping it. Even if that was the case, why would you wait a month to tell us?

Oh well, won't be getting my business again.
I finally counted my box o Pmags and came to 35 plus 5 lancer 20s. (my favorite range mag)

So I thought, what the hell, and put 4 up on ebay. They were bid up to $250. I figure everything I net over $150, is going to the NRA.

Yup...a lot of people live in a fantasy world where they think a gun shop is your freind.......No they're not! They are a buisness and they want to make money..period!

Huh? The gun shop IS your friend. YOU want a gun. THEY want money. YOU give them money and THEY give you a gun. If you were not better off for doing the transaction, then you wouldn't do it.

All this talk of getting "taken advantage" and "gouging" and "fairness" is jargon that's usually reserved for anti use. Free markets work.
It's really not a big deal, we cancelled the order, so I'm going to go to Bass Pro today, and pick something out. At least this way I won't have to go to the post office to pick it up for adult signature.
Was it a back order item that they just tried ti bill for and ship now? A company like that doesn't make money by keeping items on the shelves, so it seems odd to wait that long to send it to you.
i too got a muzzleloader from my lady. we ordered it from cabelas and they shipped it to my house i received it three days later. I live in RI for the time being so i think thats got a lot to do with it.
Physical address, and yes back ordered. It doesn't matter either way, they a) can ship a muzzleloader to MA because state and Feds say they aren't a firearm b) should have put a warning somewhere, or prevented it during checkout via a prompt saying "We won't ship there" instead of waiting until it was in stock. I don't even think its in stock anyways.
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