The Truth About Gun Buy-Back Programs


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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This was in the Readers want to know column in the Aug 13, 2006 Springfield Sunday Republican:

Q. Not long ago, Springfield had a gun buy-back program to reduce violence. What do they do with the guns they collect?

A. According to Hampden District Attorney William M. Bennett, whose office has worked for more than a decade with various police departments in Hampden County on gun buy-back and amnesty programs, most of the weapons are destroyed.

The goal is to remove illegal guns from their potential role in violent criminal acts. In past programs, the illegal weapons literally have been purchased at specific locations for a set amount of money from their owners, who did not have to identify themselves. The owners, who had to voluntarily surrender the guns and meet certain program conditions, were not prosecuted by Bennett or police for illegal possession or carriage of a gun.

But don't expect to see such events often in Hampden County, where Bennett said there is no longer a formal program. "The people that turned in the guns were not the criminals, so I don't see much value in the program," he said. (bold print mine)

I hope people bookmark and remember this comment the next time a gun buy-back program is proposed.
There is a stupid monument down in Providence with what appears to be buy-back guns embedded all around it. Of course it's located in a nice part of downtown.
The people who believe in these programs are idiots. Criminals do not turn in their guns for a piss-ant amount of money. [rolleyes]
I am sure that this has been said before, but what if a gun that was used in a crime was turned in? What better way to destroy crucial evidence then have the government do it for you.
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