This just in from Baker, UPDATE #53

I finally got a response from Baker

Thank you for taking the time to send me your question.

I am not familiar with all of the components of this bill. I support the second amendment but I won’t support any legislation that weakens the state’s gun laws. I will work with the sportsmen and women to address some of the concerns they have over fairness for law abiding citizens.

I believe that Massachusetts needs to do a better job of enforcing the laws and treating the commission of a crime with a gun as the serious offense that it is. The state must spend more time prosecuting the criminals with guns and less time on the responsible gun owners.

I appreciate your taking the time to send me your thoughts on this issue and I encourage you to continue to send me your ideas in the months to come. Please continue to monitor my website for additional information about my policies. I would also like to invite you to join Team Baker online at if you have not done so already. I look forward to hearing from you again.


And my response back to him


If I may make a suggestion to you, make yourself familiar with the bill – H2259, an act relative to public safety. This bill addresses something more than just Massachusetts failed and convoluted gun laws, it addresses the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. You may be aware that the Supreme Court is currently reviewing and getting ready to rule on the McDonald vs. City of Chicago case. All indications are that the case will be decided in favor of McDonald and that the 2nd Amendment will be incorporated to the states. When that happens, it will make several of the existing Massachusetts gun laws in violation of the 2nd Amendment.

H2259 will not weaken criminal prosecution laws or laws that deal with criminals that use guns in the commission of a crime. What is does is repeal archaic laws that make average people, who are trying to be law-abiding, into criminals and felons, sometimes for a miss-understanding of what the law says. Laws, which even lawyers, police and judges have differing interpretations of. H2259 will also clearly define the types of people that will be disqualified from owning firearms, further enhancing the ability of police to make sure criminals do not have guns.

I will guarantee you that a waffling response or position on this issue by you will put my vote next to someone else’s name on the ballet on Election Day. Also, you did not answer the question as to weather or not you plan on responding to the G.O.A.L. candidate questioner.

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I finally got a response from Baker

IMHO, this is a reasonable response considering the political climate in this state. If most people thought like we do (rationally) in this state, we wouldn't have these problems to begin with. Pro-2A politicians are not going to get themselves elected in Mass if they start doing renditions of Charlton Heston on the stump.

However, he needs to get familiar with H2259.
IMHO, this is a reasonable response considering the political climate in this state. If most people thought like we do (rationally) in this state, we wouldn't have these problems to begin with. Pro-2A politicians are not going to get themselves elected in Mass if they start doing renditions of Charlton Heston on the stump.

I don't think anyone here is asking for an NRA stump speech, just something resembling a position on the issue. Spouting crap about supporting the 2nd amendment and then making noises about how "you wont support legislation that weakens the states gun laws" is a walking contradiction in terms. It leaves sundry gun owners confused (eg, the trap on sundays and fudd set) and then people like
us see such statements as severe waffling.... eg, something along the lines of.. "I've smelled that cologne before, and each time, I smelled a RAT." kind of thing.

Whoever he has advising him on gun control is, apparently, clueless- as numerous MA gun laws are obviously not "2nd amendment compliant" even under the tight, and likely to be tight, definitions under Heller and McDonald.

GOP Neocon types consistently have problems with this. Mitt Romney was a fun example.... I remember watching the footage from him visiting some type of Q+A or convention with the NRA in NH during the election cycle, and nobody there thought he was genuine- pulling the "I'm a hunter 2nd amendment fudd who grew up shooting squirrels" bit, and basically making a complete ass out of himself. Romney could have placed himself as a strong RKBA candidate with little effort, but the backstabbing of GOAL with the AWB "renewal" (which didn't even need to be signed) didn't help him much. How many votes do you think Romney got from antis? Doubt his "sellout" to them was really worth it. (Same issue certainly didn't help McCrap in this past election, either. )

I'm not sure what these GOP strategist types are thinking... do they really think that having their candidate waffle on gun control is going to pull antis over to their candidate? [laugh] They need to stop smoking the crack, seriously. Gun control isn't even on the radar of most voters, especially not in the districts that someone like Baker is likely to win a lot of votes in. Ironically I think the strategists are falling prey to the bradyite's propaganda- that gun control is some kind of "everyman" issue, and that a real number of people support restrictions, etc.... news flash- all that crap is a Goebbels-like lie of epic proportions.

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I don't think anyone here is asking for an NRA stump speech, just something resembling a position on the issue. Spouting crap about supporting the 2nd amendment and then making noises about how "you wont support legislation that weakens the states gun laws" is a walking contradiction in terms. It leaves sundry gun owners confused (eg, the trap on sundays and fudd set) and then people like
us see such statements as severe waffling.... eg, something along the lines of.. "I've smelled that cologne before, and each time, I smelled a RAT." kind of thing.

Whoever he has advising him on gun control is, apparently, clueless- as numerous MA gun laws are obviously not "2nd amendment compliant" even under the tight, and likely to be tight, definitions under Heller and McDonald.

GOP Neocon types consistently have problems with this. Mitt Romney was a fun example.... I remember watching the footage from him visiting some type of Q+A or convention with the NRA in NH during the election cycle, and nobody there thought he was genuine- pulling the "I'm a hunter 2nd amendment fudd who grew up shooting squirrels" bit, and basically making a complete ass out of himself. Romney could have placed himself as a strong RKBA candidate with little effort, but the backstabbing of GOAL with the AWB "renewal" (which didn't even need to be signed) didn't help him much. How many votes do you think Romney got from antis? Doubt his "sellout" to them was really worth it. (Same issue certainly didn't help McCrap in this past election, either. )

I'm not sure what these GOP strategist types are thinking... do they really think that having their candidate waffle on gun control is going to pull antis over to their candidate? [laugh] They need to stop smoking the crack, seriously. Gun control isn't even on the radar of most voters, especially not in the districts that someone like Baker is likely to win a lot of votes in. Ironically I think the strategists are falling prey to the bradyite's propaganda- that gun control is some kind of "everyman" issue, and that a real number of people support restrictions, etc.... news flash- all that crap is a Goebbels-like lie of epic proportions.


While I certainly agree whole-heartedly in principle, I think we need to be pragmatic, also. We should take a lesson from the liberals and infiltrate the schools, government, and media with our hidden freedom-loving agenda. Then, when it is to late for them to stop us, we can unleash our small-government is beautiful movement, and ram the Constitution down their throats, like they just did to us with health care. We should all read Rules for Radicals and start giving the libs a taste of their own medicine.

If you look at the town by town election results for Scott Brown, you really see what a tough go Republicans have here in Massachusetts. For example, Brown got creamed in Boston and the People's Republic of Cambridge for starters. If he did not do so well in the burbs, as well as attract some of the support from unions, he would have lost to Coakley.

I do have a more pessimistic view of voters in MA than you, I think. I believe more than 50% of Mass voters support gun control that most on this forum would find abhorrent. I hope I am wrong. I think if a Republican takes a strong 2nd Amendment stance during an election, they will be savaged by the media and the liberal loons as being in support of letting our children get their hands on guns and more than 50% of the voters in this state will vote against them. The best we can hope for a Charlton Heston incognito till after the election. I would love to see someone pull an Obama in reverse and run as a moderate, then pulll off the mask and expose themselves as a libertarian.

This is not to say that Charlie should not come out in support of H2259, but being tough on gun crimes would have to be the angle.

I would love to see a candidate prove me to be full of it on this one.
While I certainly agree whole-heartedly in principle, I think we need to be pragmatic, also. We should take a lesson from the liberals and infiltrate the schools, government, and media with our hidden freedom-loving agenda. Then, when it is to late for them to stop us, we can unleash our small-government is beautiful movement, and ram the Constitution down their throats, like they just did to us with health care. We should all read Rules for Radicals and start giving the libs a taste of their own medicine.

If you look at the town by town election results for Scott Brown, you really see what a tough go Republicans have here in Massachusetts. For example, Brown got creamed in Boston and the People's Republic of Cambridge for starters. If he did not do so well in the burbs, as well as attract some of the support from unions, he would have lost to Coakley.

I do have a more pessimistic view of voters in MA than you, I think. I believe more than 50% of Mass voters support gun control that most on this forum would find abhorrent. I hope I am wrong. I think if a Republican takes a strong 2nd Amendment stance during an election, they will be savaged by the media and the liberal loons as being in support of letting our children get their hands on guns and more than 50% of the voters in this state will vote against them. The best we can hope for a Charlton Heston incognito till after the election. I would love to see someone pull an Obama in reverse and run as a moderate, then pulll off the mask and expose themselves as a libertarian.

This is not to say that Charlie should not come out in support of H2259, but being tough on gun crimes would have to be the angle.

I would love to see a candidate prove me to be full of it on this one.

Scott Brown didn't get my vote by pretending to be 'almost a Democrat' and I won't vote for Baker just because he's the Republican candidate. He needs to show me at a basic level that he understands the difference between the rights of free individuals and the need to pander for votes.

These times call for courage and boldness, not timidity. Ignorance of the Constitution doesn't cut it any more.

I'm fed up with people who swear they'll uphold and defend the Constitution, when they don't have even a rudimentary understanding of our founding documents.
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I'm fed up with people who swear they'll uphold and defend the Constitution, when they don't have even a rudimentary understanding of our founding documents.

I agree, but given the choice, do you vote for the Moderate or the Socialist? Massachusetts is so tilted to the left it is basically beyond hope, IMO. I know people who are not afraid to admit they are socialists. Not liberals, not Democrats, socialists! Obviously they love Barry, and yes they vote in MA elections.

As a libertarian (best fit), I could have voted for Joe Kennedy. As a pragmatist, I voted for Scott Brown.
He needs to show me at a basic level that he understands the difference between the rights of free individuals and the need to pander for votes.

These times call for courage and boldness, not timidity.

I agree, but given the choice, do you vote for the Moderate or the Socialist?

All I can think about when I read this is the Kyrgyzstan thread
I agree, but given the choice, do you vote for the Moderate or the Socialist? Massachusetts is so tilted to the left it is basically beyond hope, IMO. I know people who are not afraid to admit they are socialists. Not liberals, not Democrats, socialists! Obviously they love Barry, and yes they vote in MA elections.

As a libertarian (best fit), I could have voted for Joe Kennedy. As a pragmatist, I voted for Scott Brown.

In these times I've decided to raise my expectations and demand more of each candidate. I'll communicate in the clearest possible terms what I expect in order for them to get my vote.

I simply will no longer vote for someone who's campaigning on the 'I'm-not-as-bad-as-the-other-guy' platform. I refuse to vote for a limp dick just do have to vote him out the next time around. There's no time to waste in this environment when Obama is demonstrating how much damage a missplaced vote can do to the country in a very small timeframe.
In these times I've decided to raise my expectations and demand more of each candidate. I'll communicate in the clearest possible terms what I expect in order for them to get my vote.

I simply will no longer vote for someone who's campaigning on the 'I'm-not-as-bad-as-the-other-guy' platform. I refuse to vote for a limp dick just do have to vote him out the next time around. There's no time to waste in this environment when Obama is demonstrating how much damage a missplaced vote can do to the country in a very small timeframe.

I admire your viewpoint. Who do you anticipate voting for for governor at this point?

I am extremely frustrated by the almost continual lack of a choice that meets the criteria you describe. I very rarely feel great about what I have to in the voting booth. Brown (I like him) was a rare exception.

If we do as you say (and don't vote for weak Repubs), don't we just get stuck with Democrats everywhere (like we have now)? Do you believe we can force Repubs to the Constitution in this state by not supporting the squishy ones?

Are you in favor of a third party (libertarian) or do we just split the vote and continue to elect the Deval Patricks of the world by splitting the conservative vote?

Maybe some NES members need to start running for office. I think the effort has to start at the town level to make real change that we can be happy with as supporters of the Constitution.

Some of my current negativity may be worsened by Barry asking the bullies of the world to not punch us in the nose, please....but if you do, I promise I won't knock you out. He obviously lived his childhood in a bubble.
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I admire your viewpoint. Who do you anticipate voting for for governor at this point?

I am extremely frustrated by the almost continual lack of a choice that meets the criteria you describe. I very rarely feel great about what I have to in the voting booth. Brown (I like him) was a rare exception.

If we do as you say (and don't vote for weak Repubs), don't we just get stuck with Democrats everywhere (like we have now). Do you believe we can force Repubs to the Constitution in this state by not supporting the squishy ones?

Are you in favor of a third party (libertarian) or do we just split the vote and continue to elect the Deval Patricks of the world by splitting the conservative vote?

Maybe some NES members need to start running for office. I think the effort has to start at the town level to make real change that we can be happy with as supporters of the Constitution.

Some of my current negatively may be worsened by Barry asking the bullies of the world to not punch us in the nose, please....but if you do, I promise I won't knock you out. He obviously lived his childhood in a bubble.

I've contacted Charlie Baker and explained my view. Either he evolves and gets on board or he loses a vote. If others contact him as well, perhaps he'll get the message.

I think Scott Brown's election shows that MA will elect principled candidates (at least I hope so).

What I know to be true is that voting for the lesser of two evils, doesn't get the bold leadership we need to stand against the Progressives.

I share the concern that a third party could end up putting Patrick back in the statehouse, but if we continue to hold candidates to a low standard, that's what we'll continue to get. For me to support a third party, it would have to be someone very dynamic who essentially conformed to Tea Party principles.
I've contacted Charlie Baker and explained my view. Either he evolves and gets on board or he loses a vote. If others contact him as well, perhaps he'll get the message.

I think Scott Brown's election shows that MA will elect principled candidates (at least I hope so).

What I know to be true is that voting for the lesser of two evils, doesn't get the bold leadership we need to stand against the Progressives.

I share the concern that a third party could end up putting Patrick back in the statehouse, but if we continue to hold candidates to a low standard, that's what we'll continue to get. For me to support a third party, it would have to be someone very dynamic who essentially conformed to Tea Party principles.

Well said.
I'm actually excited about the local races than I am the gubernatorial race... I will vote for Baker just because this is Mass and to send a message to the dems. It's more for symbolism than anything else.
Independents have to understand that they are independents. There is no party that supports us. There are no candidates nominated by us. BUT without us no democrat or republican can get elected. There are more unrolled (Independent) voters than registered democrat/republican voters in MA. Independents are the majority (by a few percent). We simply need to pick a candidate and financially support him, then go to the polls and vote for him/her. My vote is going to Cahill. My money is going to Cahill. Baker is a joke, he's soft on 2A and he has a nasty taint about him. Patrick's a Bloomberg gun grabbing idiot that has been a do nothing but feel good Gov. I've had enough of him. Now we need to get behind Cahill and start another Brown type revolution. We need to send the Dems and Repubs a real message.

From the last link.

What makes that unusual is that the Tea Party is at odds with the mainstream Republican Party on some issues, such as the proposed sales tax rollback. The Tea Party wants the tax reduced to 3 percent; the party, to 5 percent. And there are not many Tea Party members who are also delegates.

If the Republican party is against going to 3% then they need to call themselves Democrat-Lite.

It's sad, truly sad.
I've had it with the Republican party I want a Conservative party. Republicans are Democrat-Lite and it's time we knock their dicks in the dirt and straighten that bunch out or form a new Conservative party
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