We got to the range this morning to sight in the guns. Once re-sighted both guns shot well. First off, man they are quiet. One of the guys shooting came over and wanted to know what guns and cans we were using. He couldn't believe how quiet they were.
I'd say accuracy is improved, meaning my pencil thin barrels weren't throwing fliers nearly as soon as it usually does.
But the best thing is the recoil, or lack of it. So easy to stay on your target for that second shot.
I was not thrilled about adding any more weight to my gun. I'm over it. Every additional ounce was worth it.
Weather permitting, we will take it out to 300 yards or so tomorrow.
100 yard result, after taking a few shots to re-sight the gun. No real attempt to let my barrel cool. I usually can't get away with more than three shots before I get more drift than what you see here. Reloads are shooting fairly well. We are certainly not sharp shooters, but these guns will hunt.