Twitter: Woman Removes full auto M4 from Texas National guard vehicle

Possession of a full auto firearm regardless of the reason. Is illegal is it not?

Plus she knew it was a government vehicle and assumed it was a government firearm and she took it.

Still think she should have called the popo.
Interesting scenario. This took place in Texas? And it’s her property? Define side of road? Right off the bat I’m liking her chances as far as criminality is concerned. It was for the children!! Legit argument by the way, potentially. I would also like to know the circumstances of the abandoned vehicle. Hot pursuit? Exigent circumstances? Or a couple of idiots run out of gas and just decide to walk back to the base?
Interesting scenario. This took place in Texas? And it’s her property? Right off the bat I’m liking her chances as far as criminality is concerned. It was for the children!! Legit argument by the way potentially. I would also like to know the circumstances of the abandoned vehicle. Hot pursuit? Exigent circumstances? Or a couple of idiots run out of gas and just decide to walk back to the base?
Looking at how the seats are reclined. I was thinking the border patrol officer could have possibly been waiting for illegals to walk through the big hole she probably cut in the border fence on her property when the urge to piss came over them, and they high tailed it to an out of sight position to piss.

Context is important and I feel as though she’s omitted the truth. Because that’s what the left does.
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Interesting scenario. This took place in Texas? And it’s her property? Define side of road? Right off the bat I’m liking her chances as far as criminality is concerned. It was for the children!! Legit argument by the way, potentially. I would also like to know the circumstances of the abandoned vehicle. Hot pursuit? Exigent circumstances? Or a couple of idiots run out of gas and just decide to walk back to the base?
She claims vehicle was runnin, unattended. Said she coulda owned that too.🤣
As I said, posting on Twitter aside.

It’s very possible if not likely she had an agenda. It still doesn’t mean she was wrong.

Let’s say she has a beef with them because they are trespassing on her property and don’t care. Nothing she’s tried has got them to stop. Well showing they are irresponsible and garnering public attention seems like an absolutely appropriate course of action.

I know we have a lot of betas from MA here who’d be more likely to thank the government trespassers than confront them, but if people were trespassing on my property, I don’t care if it’s the National Guard, or some crackhead thief, I would not be okay with it.

True, she can be right and also have an agenda. Just potentially disguising one with the other isn't being all that forthcoming, and making this a gun issue when it might just be more of a beef with the National Guard and Border Patrol over property rights is not a good look for anyone.

Not sure what you mean by beta (fish?), but this property abuts the Rio Grande and the southern part of the reserve was planned for a border wall that is caught up in litigation right now. I understand she must be pissed with the constant intrusions, but this seems like buying a house next to the airport and complaining about the noise. She's right on the border.
I don’t get the responses here. The not great idea of posting it on Twitter aside…
I think the reason for these responses it that responsible gun owners around here are tired of getting beat up for following the laws and minding their own business.

The fact of the matter is she took possession of a full auto government issued rifle from a vehicle that does not belong to her (and the vehicle looks like it was government owned).

If anyone of us here in this neck of the woods did what she did (on or own property just like her), we would be in jail with no more LTC EVER. Not only is she not in jail, looks like she can still conceal carry.

That is the reason for most of these responses.

I understand your angle of “she did act in good faith and was far more responsible than whoever left the rifle”, your right………. The meathead that left the rifle unattended bears the brunt of the blame.
I think the problem is that this may have been agenda driven and not truly altruistic. At least, that's how I view it. Why post this on social media if not to publicly shame? She could have accomplished the same public safety mission without social media.
I'd have installed a gun lock on the weapon, posted the picture of it unsecured, then locked, with a cc to the local Nat Guard commander. If I had altruistic intentions, that is. Now, if I were dead certain there were no witnesses...
Why do you people rope me into these threads?

What's the question? Do I have to scroll all the way up and read about the TX Guard?
Whether the third hole on an elementary school teacher is best.

I'm far too innocent to know the answer 😂

And I've also had a couple. I found this 99 proof banana schnapps and it has a sneaky ass sucker punch
Abandoned property from trespassers
I say fair game.
Depends. Why was the truck there, did they have permission or was it a 'right of way' type issue.

I doubt it ends up well for her.

Related story, my old station left 4 M4's at the range on a qual day. Was before my time, but the story is probably still told 20 years later. At the station, they noticed the guns missing and hauled ass back to the range. There was an old timer sitting next to the guns. All he said was, "I figured you guys would be back for them", finished his shooting and went home. He got a couple free rounds at the local bar.
I wonder what her definition of “abandoned and unlocked” is… something tells me it might be different than what’s generally accepted
Not buying the story. However it appears the vehicle was unsecured allowing her access.

thankfully she didn't let off a burst of thirty rounds.
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