There are various levels of SHTF. Look at venezuela or south africa right now...I would consider that the more likely SHTF scenario, and there is still power (sort of) and healthcare (if you have money). Kidnapping attempts, robbery, home invasion, carjackings etc. would be your main threat, along with dying from lack of medicine, proper healthcare and poor nutrition. Being armed, trained, armored, with some basic medical training and supplies and some food and water storage is key. On the other side of the spectrum is a massive counter value/counter force nuclear war, wherein you're on your own with no help for years and years. In that case having a PF=1000 fallout shelter (or blast, if you're within ~6 miles of a likely target), a few years of food storage, very good wilderness survival skills and gear, a large and well-organized survival group etc. are more important.