Very happy on tax day- new AR-15

Jul 28, 2005
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I've been considering this purchase for a while and finally decided to go for it! Just picked up a new Bushmaster AR15- XM15 ES2 (A3 handle) with 2 preban 30 round mags from FS. [smile] I diassembled and cleaned it just now and can't wait to try it out! I have some reading to do wrt sighting it, etc. A few questions for you guys if I can.

1) It was well lubed from the factory- does it like to be 'wet'?
2) Is dry firing ok? Manual required this for function check

Any other advice?

Oh... and why I can't disassemble the factory 10 round mag is beyond my understanding....
1:) Keep a light coat of lube on the bolt and bolt carrier.

2:) Dry fire to your hearts content.

Congrats on the purchase. [wink]
Lugnut said:
Any other advice?

Buy more mags... lots of them.... and ammo, too!

Oh... and why I can't disassemble the factory 10 round mag is beyond my understanding....

Post-94 AWB and ban state crap...

"This Bushmaster manufactured magazine is a top quality piece - exactly what we ship with all our new rifles. After extensive testing and development, it was approved for production by the BATF and meets their strictest requirements for the 10 Round Capacity legal limitation. We guarantee this magazine will provide excellent fit and function in all AR15 type rifles. It features mil. spec. manufactured components including a hard anodized aluminum box with a baked Teflon finish; standard green AR follower, and the Bushmaster Snake Logo molded into the base. This heavy black plastic base takes wear and tear but absolutely limits capacity to 10 rounds for legal compliance. Note: Due to BATF's requirements, this magazine cannot be disassembled. Any attempt to do so will destroy the magazine. If the magazine gets excessively dirty, it can be cleaned with a strong detergent/hot water solution. Then blow dry with compressed air while depressing the follower and spring. Re-lubricate as soon as it is dry."

Actually though, I kind'a like the reduced capacity mags. They come in handy
for benchrest shooting or firing from the prone.
Good luck with the new rifle! I have the exact same model and I love shooting it. Does the upper on your Bushmaster seem more blue than black? Is this a Bushmaster thing? Just wondering. I got some of those pre-oiled wipes for a gift and I like them. After cleaning the rifle, I wipe the bolt and inner sections down with them and everything seems to work well.

10 rd mags, feh!

Never even opened the plastic zip-lock bags that my 10 rd mags came in. Just went out and bought old GI 20 and 30 rd mags and never looked back.
ChristosX said:
Good luck with the new rifle! I have the exact same model and I love shooting it. Does the upper on your Bushmaster seem more blue than black? Is this a Bushmaster thing? Just wondering. I got some of those pre-oiled wipes for a gift and I like them. After cleaning the rifle, I wipe the bolt and inner sections down with them and everything seems to work well.


I honestly think it looks pretty black to me.

What a fun gun to shoot! I only was able to shoot at 25 yards and it seems like it was sighted fine for now although I'd really like to see what an ideal sight picture looks like. These sights are quite a bit different from anything I'm used to.
LoginName- the only reason I bought some preban 30 round mags is because that's the way they SHOULD come. I'm fine with the 10 rounders too. I didn't realize how clean they stay... compared to my Sigs any way.
Even older school. I use grease to lube my M14 and M1.

I prefer CLP for lubing AR's and AK's, though, since grease is just wrong on them. I do think that CLP as a cleaner is BS. It can't be a solvent and a lubricant as well. Just doesn't work that way. It is a really good lube.

The reason you can't disassemble your mag is due to the fact that it's blocked internally to be 10 rounds, and sealed to be BATFE (now certain states) compliant. Don't screw with it.
My AR loves CLP. I was taught how to sight and shoot a rifle by dry firing on an AR(M16). From my experience the more firing that rifle gets,dry or live,the better it will perform. Make sure you get yourself a good quality sling. The one Bushmaster includes is in my opinion is cheesy.
Nickle said:
The reason you can't disassemble your mag is due to the fact that it's blocked internally to be 10 rounds, and sealed to be BATFE (now certain states) compliant. Don't screw with it.

I won't. Although I have several handgun 10 round magazines that I can disassemble for cleaning.. stupid damn laws make me crazy. [angry]
Martlet said:
You like it? I was thinking of picking up the exact same one to shoot until I can get my hands on a pre ban.

Martlet the answer is definitely yes. Here's some of my quick impressions after only having it a day. Please realize that the only rifle I've owned is my Marlin bolt action .22. I've shot a shot gun and a 30 06 a couple times.

1) I love the style. I considered a nice bolt action but the nice black AR was too much to resist. [smile]

2) I could see shooting this for long periods without any problems whatsoever. Recoil was insignificant.

3) The sights are quite different for me. I figured the basics out.. but they seem strange. I'm sure all ARs are like this and it's just me.

I really need to use it more and figure out the sight adjustments and all... Why do you want a preban? If it's just "because" I understand. But you can get legal 20 and 30 round preban mags. I don't care to have a bayonette lug and although I'd like a colapsible stock I'm fine with the MA version.

If you really want a preban why buy a the Bushmaster now? I think there are some local shops with preban ARs.

Good luck.. you'll enjoy them I'm sure!
Lugnut said:
Martlet the answer is definitely yes. Here's some of my quick impressions after only having it a day. Please realize that the only rifle I've owned is my Marlin bolt action .22. I've shot a shot gun and a 30 06 a couple times.

1) I love the style. I considered a nice bolt action but the nice black AR was too much to resist. [smile]

2) I could see shooting this for long periods without any problems whatsoever. Recoil was insignificant.

3) The sights are quite different for me. I figured the basics out.. but they seem strange. I'm sure all ARs are like this and it's just me.

I really need to use it more and figure out the sight adjustments and all... Why do you want a preban? If it's just "because" I understand. But you can get legal 20 and 30 round preban mags. I don't care to have a bayonette lug and although I'd like a colapsible stock I'm fine with the MA version.

If you really want a preban why buy a the Bushmaster now? I think there are some local shops with preban ARs.

Good luck.. you'll enjoy them I'm sure!

I'm used to the style, sighting, performance, etc due to my job. I've never fired a post ban, and I guess I'm just concerned that it will "feel" differently than what I'm used to.

And yes, I want a pre-ban "just because".

I've yet to find a reasonable pre-ban, and I have no problem owning two if and when I come across one.
Martlet said:
I'm used to the style, sighting, performance, etc due to my job. I've never fired a post ban, and I guess I'm just concerned that it will "feel" differently than what I'm used to.

And yes, I want a pre-ban "just because".

I've yet to find a reasonable pre-ban, and I have no problem owning two if and when I come across one.

I say go for it then! [smile]
Also get a couple of chamber brushes, fs has them to keep the chamber clean. And pipe cleaners or can air for gas tube.
kendall-op said:
Also get a couple of chamber brushes, fs has them to keep the chamber clean. And pipe cleaners or can air for gas tube.

Good point. I was wondering what the best way to clean the chamber was until I read the manual. [rofl]

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